Merkel's plan was to wake the German Spirit all along

She's doing this to uncuck germoney. Trigger them enough so they go full Nazi again.

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she's the hero Germany deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt her. Because she can take it...

>uncucking germoney
>not the opposite

Average German is like over 40 years old.Most of the youth are Kebab-loving Cucks

too bad she's failing

Germany is going to fall before the political pendulum swings back hard enough to go full nazi

most young germans are anti fascist. they believe in freedom and progress
they all hate church
so no

>During World War II, Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants, thereby breed "war strains" out of them.

When have Germans ever went full nazi? It was a facist regime. You didn't have a choice

Then she failed again

So you are saying even back then they were cucks?
Hitler just forced to them act nazis?

Today's germans are a bunch of self-loathing wannabe cucks that wish to die immediately.

Sounds great. Fully deserved.

uh they voted for it?

>my plan is to shoot you in the leg
>until you build up bullet resistance

I doubt it, she's not that clever to have foreseen the current developments. But there still is hope, the old enemies (at least Russia and the US) are now on the nationalist side, if we manage to cooperate instead of bashing each others' heads in like half of Sup Forums constantly does, we might be able to bring in a new era of "global nationalism". Sadly the right tends to fight each other, we need to unite in a movement of patriots if we want to save the West.


why can't a world vs jews war happen? do you see that possible?

>entire world conspires against the Jews in a massive, lengthy war
>jews win

calling it now

t. jew

>yfw you ruined an entire continent by trying to awake the German Spirit but instead the Germans do nothing but ask for more refugees

lol, i wonder how the world can start a war against the jews, USA is their headquarters and they are everywhere in europe

there is no need
war is what the want
what they do not want is you not giving them money
move to country with low taxes
use cash only
never use banks
never take loans
do not use any form of retirement fund, save money on your own

bankers are jewish soldiers and banks are their forts, and loans are their bombs and guns

>implying women ever have a plan that doesn't end in them getting more shoes