Lena Dunham: 'I wish I'd had an abortion, the bravery of those women make me proud'

>Dunham said there is a “cultural stigma” surrounding abortion, namely because it’s just so “hard to put an abortion on network TV” these days. (Salon would disagree with its publishing of its top 10 “abortion moments” on television for 2016.)

>It was her pride over the “bravery” and “self-knowledge” from her mother and best friends who’ve all had “abortions for all kinds of reasons” that left her to conclude that she “had internalized some of what society was throwing at us and I had to put it in the garbage.”

>“Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had,” Dunham said.


Fuck outta here with this sick kike.

Just kill all babies born out of wedlock.

I wish her mother would have had one

I wish her mother had had an abortion

>british faggot obsessed with american celebrities and abortion laws in a country that isn't his own

Keep On Truckin Dipshit

Nice lads

>Be leftist / feminist
>Want to save the live of the migrants
>Want to kill unborn babie
It's mental illiness

t. Lena

It's more widely a story about the normalisation of abortion in the West, if you really think about it (and you will have to use your brain, sadly).

having muslims come to your nation must be a godsend for people who love to take creepshots. just look at all those butts pointed to the skies. if you pretended to be one of them and furtively used a recording device you could get some nice shots daily

God do I despise this female. She gives me a sick feeling, like she has body odor and Hep C or something. It's visceral.

>social stigmas
>caring what other people think
That's why women suck.

Everything about her is sickening.

why is she so thicc

she's a repulsive cunt

L e n a

Killing pregnant women takes more bravery


Wait, this bitch is a mom?

Is she honestly saying she wishes she had an abortion and killed her child? Or is she wishing she could get knocked up to HAVE an abortion?


Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.


Lena (((Dunham)))



>Lena Dunham
>not reproducing

And this is bad why?


It's not brave....it's just sad for all involved it had to come to that because in the majority of cases somebody was too stupid for contraception.



Abortion is murder.

>wish her mother would have been more brave

Those are all men. Faggot. Only men are allowed to pray openly like that because muslims are faggots

Abortion = modern day Moloch sacrifice

I think it should be allowed but there should be a fine.

her dumps probably look like abortions

Alright, I'm getting tired of this shit. Who the FUCK is Lena Dunham? I've never heard of her until this past year, and suddenly I see this fat bitch's goblin face plastered all over the place now. But I still have no idea why this cunt is famous. Is she like Paris Hilton - someone famous for being famous - except uglier fatter and more jewish?

I think I approve
But it's still murder
But I'm not opposed to murder

I wish her mother would have had an abortion


Unfortunately no man would fuck her

literally an episode of Bojack

>having an abortion
There's nothing brave about it. It's the complete abandonment of any personal responsibility that involves the ending of a human life for the sake of one's own convenience. It's an extreme act of cowardice practiced by selfish and irresponsible people.

>What she is REALLY saying is: I wish someone would actually find me attractive, so I would have a reason to have an abortion...


'Strayan user gets it. Now I wish the degenerate fucks at my uni would.

is the 'had had' really wrong or is 'would have had' simply a better form?

>never had an abortion because nobody will fuck her

What do you expect from someone who's own mom is connected to the dirty pedos?

Very nice. Me too.

I imagine Lena was sexualised at an early age. That doesn't make me hate her, it makes me sorry for her. How dare you make me feel bad for Lena fucking Dunham.


Prat prat pew pew


Came here to post this, nice.

There'd have to be someone who would want to fuck her before that could happen.

>very well-sourced article
>defending Lena with a 't-this is fake news!!' argument
Off you fuck, leaf. Learn how to trip while you're gone.


> tfw its going to be "cool" to get pregnant to just get an abortion and then parade your murdered fetus across twitter and tumblr, and they would compete who's fetus was more developed

Checked those digits. And yep she and her sister were. Their parents are elite NY jew "artists". Both girls are victims. Both lend credence to anon5's notion that celebrities are raised for their roles Truman show style. Here's Lena dolled up by her own father.

this is what I don't get about Sup Forums

if you disagree with abortion why not just allow pro-choicers to select themselves out of existence with abortion

well said, screen capped.

I wish Lena Dunhams mom had an abortion.

Christ, the thought of her getting pregnant.
If she was my girlfriend, I'd probably train my dog to service her.

I don't think she's a mother, but she is *very* involved with young children.

Why does Lena Dunham want to kill Jews? Is she an anti-Semite?

Animal cruelty.

This. Strong post and so true. user it makes me sick desu. Baphomet, Molek and the Dragon feeding so much daily.

We must feed Kek our memes with heroic vigour if we are to stand any chance.

>I want to kill an unborn fetus to show how progressive I am

Sup Forums goes full mad retard about abortion. abortion is fine, you fuck retards

if anyone wants

Why would you want those retards to reproduce? I mean if people like Lena were aborted, wouldn't that benefit everyone?

Having to need an abortion would require a man to touch you, Lena.
Regretting a man hasn't impregnated you is internalized misogyny.

Every human should be given the chance to live a life and make choices. The babies did nothing wrong. They don't deserve death.

a society can die out in only a couple generations because there's a cascade of social problems it creates like mental illness and destructive attitudes toward sex.

they then spread this psychosis like the plague to non-infected people. so no, this isn't some kind of natural selection process you sperg.

I'm happy I have no clue who this person is. I must be doing a good job at avoiding filth.

>implying any man would want to knock this bitch up

t. Roastie with no idea about the damages abortion causes to the woman. Cells can remain and cause inflammation hurting you. Further pregnancies may suffer damages to the child / difficulties. DNA from the child can remain in the woman and travel all the way up into the brain.
Plus the emotional pain they feel over it - regardless of their social media posturing BS.

In the current stupid world it seems needed. But it should not be and it should be illegal.

Just ignore her.

Girls has one season left, after that her career will be dead

Thanks user

>we live in a culture where murder of the weak and defenseless is something people are "proud" of

Hitler couldn't have dreamed this big

>wants to kill babies to further her agenda

doesn't she realize someone lost an election because of this kind of bullshit?

genuinely disturbing at this point

she's obviously mentally ill, she's like the chronic masturbating chick on american horror story asylum

except ugly as fuck

This bitch is crazy. She's gonna get knocked up just so she can have a fashionable abortion. What the fuck.

This is why Hillary lost.

Hitler actually murdered millions of innocent people.

Abortion isn't even murder.

Human garbage.

She should go back in time and abort herself.

How is this unfortunate?

people who don't exist yet are neither weak nor defenseless you fucking homo

Like they pay a toll?

You know what you have to do leaf.

I thought she was leaving for canada? Bye bye LD....don't let the door hit you in the thighs on the way out.

Leftist celebrities should be shot.


Abortion isn't a game. It's ending a life and should be treated with due gravity. The fact that she's trying to trivialize it and turn it into something akin to an Xbox achievement for her life is abhorrent.

But Lena, it's easy to have an abortion. All you need to do is get a guy to fu-- Oh.

> meninist says > i wish i was an alcoholic

She has got to be in my 10 least favourite living human beings.

She's just utterly vile.

I'll respect women's freedom to have them but using them as some symbol of bravery is fucking bread dead. They're simply a way to reduce the impact of poor decisions and irresponsibility. Such irresponsible human beings can't be trusted to not fuck up future children.

When will her career fucking die so we don't need to hear from her ever again?

Why is she sort of celebrity in USA in the first place?!

1/10 in Ukraine literally.

She's a feminist they've been pushing down everyone's throat. Kind of like Amy Schumer except even uglier.

Now I can see why she thinks what she did with her sister is normal.

Of course, the child murder has to be a serial killer.

When is she moving to Canada?