Why a wall Sup Forums? Doesn't he realize that it is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration

Why a wall Sup Forums? Doesn't he realize that it is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration.

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10 feet higher gringo

its a nice symbol of fuck you we're full-ness

something we all feel

The wall just keeps getting bigger

You're right, the voting and immigration laws he will pass will make the biggest dent in halting illegal aliens.

Waste of US tax money in my opinion. You guys already have border patrol and barbed wire fences.

The wall is idiotic

Nice quads.

Also, the wall in your pic, I'm pretty sure I've seen it before. Think it's in Mongolia or Turkmenistan or something. Architecture is definitely Asian.

I really don't know. Now his supporters are saying, "Don't take him literally. It's a metaphor" or other mental gymnastics.

We could solve it quite easily, though: enact and sternly enfoce e-Verify to make it a criminal offense to HIRE illegals. They enact a guest worker program with a lottery, and a parallel temporary work permit H1B for those on a citizenship track, again on a lottery.

You're going to pay for it, Pedro.

Even if it does, people will remember Trump just for it 100 years after.

Tangible legacy unlike Obama

Grand place, Bangkok

>why build a wall when some aliens will come in through the water
>why wear a bulletproof vest when some bullets will hit your hands and feet
Any protection is better than no protection.

Obama who?

The wall/fence is a symbol and a small barrier. It's ICE and our new immigration laws that are going to deal with you and your kind.

Taxpayer money? You're footing the bill, big guy.

Cuz it's cool

Just bought 1k acres by the border, I'm ready to go hunting.

why a wall it wont stop anything.

better not do what made china great back in the way when that'd be heresy and make it harder for you to detect us goy.


>it is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration.
>Waste of US tax money in my opinion
you are paying for it

>when the beaners realize they're fucked

Look at the history of border walls. They're completely useless when you dig under, climb over, or break through.

Its 2016 guys cmon not the 19th century

god your fucking stupid


"""By concentrating on the field armies, the strongholds had to wait. Of course, smaller fortresses, or ones easily surprised, were taken as they came along. This had two effects. First, it cut off the principal city from communicating with other cities where they might expect aid. Secondly, refugees from these smaller cities would flee to the last stronghold. The reports from these cities and the streaming hordes of refugees not only reduced the morale of the inhabitants and garrison of the principal city, it also strained their resources. Food and water reserves were taxed by the sudden influx of refugees"""

Well CIA. You should want the wall. It will make the drugs you sell to poor people in American cities more expensive. Law of supply and demand. More money for you CIA. So you can control more poppy fields in Afghanistan and the Bekka Valley in Lebanon. Isn't that Right CIA? What you are saying CIA is that walls are not a problem for ((((you)))). Isn't that right?


Nice american education


ok lets use south america then, you fucking imbecile.


o look forts won the first mexican war for americans, don't build more gguys it wont work, you dimwitted fucking greenback.

A wall, machine guns, snipers and drones will stop illegal immigration.

Trust me, it will work

Nah not when immigrants get smuggled into the US in vehicles, through the legal border.

And or use a boat and go around


Building a wall stops them from simply walking across the border or hopping a fence. Allowing border guards to do their legally required Job will prevent them from coming in. Allowing ICE to do their legally required job will find and deport illegal aliens

Oh wait you're a leaf.

I dont give a shit about your cucked country.

It will sure look nice though. :^)

So you are building a wall because of your fee-fees? I thought that's how liberals thought.


Also, if you're an expert on what affects illegal immigration, care to detail what will work?

I wont lie it will look nice if enough money is put into it. It will end up costing US taxpayers so much money for something that wont put a dent into stopping illegal immigration.

And it'll create jobs

And it can be done without a single taxpayer dollar(Just like Trumps infrastructure plan)

We will see after it goes up Pedro.

Execution for all illegal immigrants caught beyond the wall.

They seem to work in Israel.

How tall will Trumps wall be?

i dont think you know what happens when america gets behind a project eh, their coast guard is bigger than you navy god damn, america would wipe canada, britain and probably australia, even if we all attacked at once, hell our ammo probably is american so that'll dry up quick.

go ahead though i need another cnn invasion 24hour livestream.

it took a lot of the world to beat the germans, french, and you know the other empires, took a coalition, because fuck america is huge. and you me and alotaa other nations would be annexed in a few hours by the burgers you stupid mexicant.


Stricter policies on requiring immgrants to immgrate legally when their green cards run out.

Or they get deported and can't become a legal US citizen

Get the fuck out of my thread you leaf.

Nobody gives two shits about your retarded opinion.


A physical wall will do more than OP thinks. Sure, they can go somewhere else, but that means they can't cross the border as easily as they can now.

I don't understand all the animosity towards the wall anyway. Isreal has a wall and it works quite well.

So what you're saying is

A. enforce the laws we already have
B. make stricter laws as well

And s you know, you can't just ignore the visual persuasion of something like THE WALL. The effect it has on the people here is just as important, if not more important than the effect it has over there

No it won't
It works is your country because it is racially homogeneous it won't work here these "people" are brought here by wolves ,they pay off border guards there is no racial cohesion everyone is corrupt and everyone is bought and so is Trump he grossly under states the actual number of illegal beamers and he appoints globalist likes from Goldman Sachs

He's a fucking spic. Of course he wants his rapists and murderers on our side rather than their side. He's probably hoping that Trump caves on immigration like HW Bush caved on taxes

>inb4 *let's (dur hur so smart)

Walls are highly effective in reducing illegal immigration by 99% in every country that uses them. Like the wall we built for for Israel. Really all you need is a fence with a network of couple solar powered camera towers and ground sensors and you're all set. Heck of a lot cheaper then building a highway.

The wall is to make things more difficult for shitskins trying to get back in after we deport them

On top of this they'll get their welfare cut off, their anchor baby rights removed, e-verify will make it impossible for them to get employed and ICE will be kicking their doors in

The wall is just further deterrent so that they have to cross a desert, a river, a wall and another desert only to be unemployable in Trump's America where laws are actually enforced

The wall isn't meant to stop it, it's meant to add to the overall problems a person would bring themselves if they decided to engage in illegal immigration

I support Trumps stricter immigration policies. They will work 100x better than the Obama Administration.

But the wall is childish.

You seem to forget that there was a wall all throughout east germany, and they had around 25000 border guards.

>So you are building a wall because of your fee-fees?

no, because we are trying to emulate the success of China

>US tax


>Why a wall Sup Forums? Doesn't he realize that it is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration.

Yah I know right? I regularly have people just walking through my apartment walls. I myself don't use roads because - like all human beings - I can fucking walk through walls so can go as the crow flies.

>The wall is childish
It absolutely is not childish. Do you not remember what this election was even about?

>build a wall
>wall requires workers
>suddenly new employment
>all these newly employed wall builders start spending their money in small towns along the wall
>more and more settlements begin to pop up
>people now also need houses in these settlements
>and people to build those houses
>and schools in those areas
>and teachers for those schools
>and hospitals
>and somewhere for doctors and nurses to train
>and better infrastructure
>and someone to build that infrastructure

its basically going to be a megascale version of the hoover dam/boulder dam project

I cant remember what this exact type of economics was called, but its basically just pumping money into building shit, which gives people money to spend on stuff, which gives you back more taxes, which gives you money to keep building
its some cyclical bullshit that was really successful for Boulder

What Americans sometimes don't understand that the flow of actual immgrants "sneaking" across the border is extremely low.

Hence border patrol, barbed wire fences, moutains and miles upon miles of desert.

The majority of illegals are staying past the green cards. But still contributing to the US economy.

You're an idiot. I lived on the border, there are many places where there isn't even a wall, nor fence, nor anything, I guarantee that building a wall won't solve it alone, but it will absolutely help, you Mexicans will do anything to make it sound like a "waste"


The average illegal immigrant probably contributes more to the US economy than basement dwelling neckbeards like you.

Wrong, and again, those barbed wire fences don't cover the entire border. The majority of you people come here for gibs, not to contribute, you're country is so fucked by cartels I can understand coming here, I know I would, but you come from a shit hole and then try and turn america into a shit hole.

well, there will be stricter laws and something against sanctuary cities (don't remebre exactly what).
trump said so in a rally in arizona after he came back from mexico this summer.

if these laws pass, mexicans wil, try to enter in america in the old fashioned way- by crossing the border- that's why there will be a YUGE wall

>There will be stricter laws against sanctuary cities
They'll let ICE do their jobs, and they'll (likely) cut federal funding to any city or college that protects illegals

no they don't, there are illegals who contribute, but a majority is gibs, and you guys fuck over anyone who tries to come over LEGALLY

Nice try Sanchez, but leeches on the economy rarely do much for the economy.

Bullshit you're so worried about "muh white heritage" when immigrants are what every economy needs. Especially the US since most of the users on here are probably unemployed, overweight, under educated neck beards contributing 0% to the US.

yes, that's it. plus all these thing about visas abnd shieeet we listed in this thread

>Waste of US tax money in my opinion. You guys already have border patrol and barbed wire fences.

That's all Trump's wall of going to be. He announced it a while ago. Trump's supporters are selectively deaf and blind, but universally dumb.

Wrong Israel is a racially homogenous coun... Uh fucking perloined pile of shit
Those kikes will not let sand dindus in for money they never have
But here it is different nobody has any racially loyalty,a good amount of those illegals are brought here right through the border crossing and guards are paid to let them through
Also drug mules who have their way paid by the cartels or who tunnel under , the wall is a joke on the goyim and these kikes know it ,that is why globalist international kike wall st who depends on illegal beaners slave labor for it unlimited growth has had over 16 count em 16 record breaking sessions since Trump

Nice try Jose.

ehi paco, at the beginning you were trying to make a good argument and be logical, now don't try to win a stupid online debate with insults

I have absolutely no problem with legal immigrants, it's the illegals that make me mad, and again, all they do is leave there shit hole country to come here and make shitholes. you're country is beyond saving and I understand wanting to leave, but do it legally and don't be a nigger when your here.

>proceeds to tip fedora

I'm so fucking tired of this "BUT MUH WALL WON'T WORK" meme. No system is perfect. There will be corruption yes. But a wall with underground sensors makes it a hell of a lot harder for illegals to come over. You'd think if you knew how to use Sup Forums you'd not be so retarded as to think that you can walk through walls. But oh wait, you're a Marxist, so who needs reality, right comrade? Keep smoking that cocaine. The more the better. Kill yourself, the world will be much better off for it.


you have to go back

but in all seriousness i could end illegal immigration in one day by announcing that i would shut down companies hiring any form of illegal employees or tenants housing illegals

Yeah nice narrow minded view on immigration and US - Mexico relations.

The tiny percentage of illegals who sneak across will be affected by trumps billion dollar wall. True.

If you're into normiebook it's really funny how 90% of "walls don't work!!" people have hispanic names.

You still haven't provided proof, amigo.

Abolish the H1B program. Audit the meat processing industry. Actually work to catch illegals.

The thing is it would cause businesses to leave the US entirely, and they'd blame over-regulation.

And that's where we sort of are. Trump promises to get rid of regulation, but what that's really code word for is "Hire illegal aliens by the million."

Yeah exactly of course this is now selectively enforced ,our ZOG only goes after small businesses who do that and looks the other way for the publicly traded international Jew corporations who are the real problem and whi hire 90% of them ,and judging by (((wall st))) and the (((down Jones))). Trump or his beamer wall is not going to do fuckall about it , heading to over 20k

>implying that in Hungary everyone is against corruption, and noone does it for extra Gulásmoney
The USA has to change it's mentality, otherwise the wall will not solve the issue. It will help for sure, but will not solve everything

It's not the wall exactly. Rather, the wall contains poison that has been engineered to produce welfare pheromones. The Mexicans bring these back to their nests and feed it to their queens, killing the colony for good.

What's better than a wall is stopping all the money being sent to Mex through remittance sorry spics.

No logic being used. You guys have this ideology of every immgrant sneaking across the border and the mindset of "muh wall" will fix everything.

There are better ways to fix illegal immigration rather than spending billions on a wall and making US - Mexico relations worse.

They fuck up the schools, years behind, need tutors, can't fucking speak English fall behind. They take up space and cost the schools money.

fuck up schools? fall behind? wtf kind of logic is that. You're basing your logic on a massive generalization.

Is for the lulz faggot

You are retarded
I admitted, sure it won't fix all the issues, but its sure helps
Looks like after all the mexican memes are true. You guys are retarded lazy shits like the Roma(nians)

Still haven't provided a single statistic for any of your claims

The wall is hilarious and it will be great

Not just Mexico ,all those South and Central American countries did you ever see the documentary "wet back"
Remmitances being sent back to those countries from the US accounts for on average between 60-70% of their Total economy
All that money is being sucked out of the US never to return again ,these beaners do not get it ,the Jews wan't to bring every country to parity with the 3rd world except for Israel ,there will be nowhere for them to run or for any in US to run because these kikes aim to make every place the same,a 3rd world like run shit hole full of dirt poor goyim slaves

Nope, a town near me had budgets issues because of an influx of immigrants, they need tutors, after school programs, ESL.

Plus immigrants use hospitals as doctors office for common colds and then don't pay. If I'm in the ER for a real reason I don't want some dirty mex to go ahead of me.

if that won't stop your illegal activities maybe USA will decide that Mexico and mexican people should not exist

thank you gulash you are my greatest ally

I dont doubt it will do something to stop illegal immigration. But if the goal is to stop illegal immigration, its quite simple...just increase the penalties for employing illegals and actually enforce the law.

The border wall is similar to having a rodent problem and instead of making sure there are no food sources for the rodents, you build a big wall around your house instead. It might seem like an effective remedy, rodents will almost always find a way in if there is food to be had

If the wall building plan fails, there is a relatively cheap alternative.
Get a bunch of death row convicts, give them their guns back, send them off to the border and tell them to shoot at everything that's moving and happens to face north.

And i dont mean to equate mexicans /latinos with rodents...but the analogy is pretty right on imo

All these lotteries sound like the proletariat's wet dream!

It's not that he's speaking in metaphors. It's that the media take every single word he says 100% literally

>Any protection is better than no protection.
Cost benefit analysis. The massive amount of taxpayer dollars wasted on this boondoggle will not nearly justify the marginal reduction in foot traffic immigration.

What we really need is the elimination of the H1B visa program so American college graduates have a shot at higher-paying American jobs that globalists like Trump are offering only to foreigners overseas.