Hey Amerifucks, when are we going to have a technology oriented president?

Hey Amerifucks, when are we going to have a technology oriented president?

Tech is the future, yet we keep electing reactionary presidents instead of progressive people who run on investing in developing the future of tech. Tech can solve so many problems we circle jerk around.

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The unabomber would disagree

Technology =/= progressive politics.

Empower local industry and local businesses, and watch how they'll invest in the latest tech to get an edge over their competitors.


>he thinks the AI will be a SJW transmachine



yes make sure you gut social services and cut taxes so (((they))) can invest

>small businesses
>Jewish conglomerates
Pick one.

our "progressive" politicians are against strong encryption and open source.

tech doesn't advance without those two things.

Unfortunately, there are many more things to consider in politics than simply scientific innovation.

You aren't gonna make it very far running on an "all science, fuck everything else" platform.

I disagree, when wars are fought over oil when we could have invested the money into alternative energy, that is a political problem.

When big pharma lobbies to the detriment of the country, that is something future medicine and genetic engineering can solve.

When california drought is wrecking havoc on the state, when we could be investing billions into desalination tech, that is a political problem.

When the NASA lacks funding, that is a political problem.

When global warming is a major political topic, it is a problem.

When our government's health care website can't even fucking stay steady and not crash, that is a political problem.

When abortion is a major political debate instead of investing tech so we can culture embryos artificially, that is a political problem.

When computer programming isn't part of a child's curriculum in public schools, that is a political problem.

and so much more

Thay.ai for president!
please be my ai POTUS

KYS shill kikes do everything bad in society even made up things

That country might be china
Maybe, if things keep improving


>wars over oil
>big pharma lobbies
>california drought
Too many people in a desert.
>nasa lacks funding
>global warming
>govt website doesn't work
>abortion problems
>computer programming not in common core

But, user-kun, progressives are statists. All of these problems are caused by statists. How can being more statist cause problems caused by statists?

China is killing it. While we're in the U.S. banning genetic modified corn you guys have legalized research into genetically modifying humans.

On top of that, the greatest period of innovation was the 19th century, when all science and technology was privately funded.

Tech oriented government does not have to mean it is government controlled, it simply means the government functions to promote technology advancement so it can progress at a faster speed.

That could be through policy that gives private sector more freedom, or government funding into things that the free market isn't displaying traction with.

GMOs must be looked at for harmful side effects, that is not unreasonable, but to condemn them entirely is to ingore the plenty of safe GMO goods being sold

people underestimate the power of technology, for good and bad.
How do you think the feminist movement gain power? Technological gains in birth control helped that
How do you think you even managed to reach your current age without dieing? The technological development of vaccines contributed tot hat aswell.

Technology itself will not run a nation, but a nation that wants to succeed must run on innovation and thus, technology

current progressive politicians are against strong encryption and secure communication, and against open-sourcing.

those are the two cutting edge needs of the tech industry. How can the tech industry evolve, when progressives, by their statist nature, will resist things that take power out of the hands of statists?

Not all progressives are statists, unless you're using 'progressive' to describe a democrat. I completely agree with you that there needs to be more open sourcing and encryption.

yes, not all progressives are statists.

however, all current progressive politicians are statists. A lot of current republican politicians are statists, and our pres-elect is a statist.

How will a government run by statists invest and reinforce technology advances that by their very nature decentralize the world and take power out of the hands of the statists?

I mean, they already can't handle the internet, how are they going to handle wide-spread, free, blueprints and software?

How will they handle secure communication by default for all of their citizens?

You do realize that Trump's two top advisors for Tech are


Trump makes decisions based off what the best and brightest advise him would be best... if he doesnt not know enough about the subject himself. That's what all successful people do.

Haha yep, I voted for Trump because I thought he fit the bill the best, but he is ideal. I'm a big fan though.

"Technology is leftist"


Elon Musk is getting a bunch of subsidies from the US gouvernment. Trump probably wanted to hear from Musk himself why.



And obviously Pete Theil has been with him since day 1...

and Palantir.

Thanks, famalan.