All major European countries represent the sensible far-right with a major popular political party

All major European countries represent the sensible far-right with a major popular political party.
- France has National Front
- Germany has AfD
- The UK has UKIP
- The Netherlands have Geert
- Austria has FPÖ
- Italy has Lega Nord

No reasonable person brands those parties fascist, neo-Nazi, or criminal. Maybe left-leaning people do, and perhaps centrists are reserved, but certainly not categorical towards them.

So, why is Greece stuck with Golden Dawn, a party that all but self-proclaims itself as fascist, for anything that leans rightmost from what would be considered the Greek equivalent of Barack Obama?

You can (relatively) safely announce that you support UKIP in England and be considered a normal person. If you claim to be a Golden Dawn supporter, you can expect social isolation in Greece, and perhaps rightfully so. Golden Dawn doesn't simply represent Euroscepticism and anti-globalism. It rejects western intervention, promises to lessen personal freedoms, is openly anti-Semitic and is too radical to be effective or even be taken seriously.

Why can't Greece join the fun with a serious candidate?

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You should be happy, we need more far-right parties, not some watered down conservatism like SD is...

Something as far-right as Golden Dawn will never win an election. UKIP managed to get the UK out of the EU, and Le Pen is a considerable possibility for France in 2017. One step at a time lad.

I do agree to some sence, but if you only knew how pussified SD has become, the Moderates are now more extreme than SD

AfD is an embarassment. I liked it when they were formed and just a conservative party, now they just appeal to german rednecks and utter idiots. It's not even worth comparing their tweets to what Trump does; AfD politicians have no brains it seems.

>why is Greece stuck with Golden Dawn
>185 years of Greek politics
>still expects nice things
You havent been paying attention
You can only hope they get enough people so their clusterfuck collapses (its already happening) under its own weight
Then and only then you can hope for something new

Our candidate isn't serious either, unfortunately.

Maybe it's because UKIP supporters don't film themselves dressed in a natty black uniform saluting flags next to burning pyres on National Days?

If you cut that RP out, then people might take you more seriously?

Probably because it's flag looks like a retarded swastika.

>not embracing our saviour
I'm disappointed in you.

Dude be thankfull for what you've got in the upcoming years we will all need a far right party,stop beeing a pussy if you are white and greek you have nothing to worry about,just join a death squad.

What cracks me up the most, is that msm tried to spin golden dawn as literal nazis because their symbol is a squiggly line.

>le I am going to install tolls outside your doorstep face

We cant win in this country

It's a maender, arguably the most iconic Greek symbol out there. If it hadn't been taken out of context by its coincidental similarity with the swastika, I'm sure now it will forever be associated with fascism thanks to Golden Dawn.

I'm actually voting for him in the next elections, and to be frank I've never voted for anything other than ND. I just wish a better option existed.

Would much rather have μπουμπούkος as the Greek PM.

GD may suck now that pensions are more or less being payed and the country is kept artificially alive and everything kind of "works". But as soon as the Troika decides, or as soon as some major shit happens in the EU, Greece is going to Mad Max and AT LEAST you have GD. Their proposal is not that bad, at least the english translation that I saw.

> If you claim to be a Golden Dawn supporter, you can expect social isolation in Greece, and perhaps rightfully so. Golden Dawn doesn't simply represent Euroscepticism and anti-globalism. It rejects western intervention, promises to lessen personal freedoms, is openly anti-Semitic and is too radical to be effective or even be taken seriously.

at the end of the day the only thing that matters is the vote and that is a secret.

You're not wrong. Things could get very bad, very fast. And they probably will because the numbers don't add up.

Useless edgy goons that cant even use their seat on the parliament because they are too toxic to form an alliance with anyone
Literally dude kill all immigrants LMAO and thats about it

at least you don't live in this shithole , where far right parties believe the most outrageous WE WUZ KANGZ shit on this planet. afrocentrism is nothing. literally nothing compared to this

for fucking real, they have some retarded theories about some written shit they supposedly found that dates from 8k years ago, so older than the summerians. so dacians are the first civilized peoples in the WORLD. the first to write. the first to invent pretty much anything, really

add to that a lot of retarded shit from past and recent history. as an example, we apparently melted some russian tanks in the 1960s with a SUPER EPIC SECRET DACIAN LASER. i shit you not

and people from these parties believe in this shit 100%. and if you try to argue with them and prove how utterly bollocks their shit is, they get violent and you might get beat up badly, because that's what a nationalist should do: beat his own nation when they don't agree with your retarded shit

please, greece, don't complain. ples. don't. you have no idea how good you have compared to here.

prepare for an endless stream of retards calling me either : 1.gipsy, 2.hungarian, because in their minds, the concept of a romanian disagreeing with their shit is something titanic and completely impossible for them to comprehend

We have these peope here too but at least they are a minority and mostly say this on late night local TV.. But it's amazing how similar the Balkans are in all their glory.

Λιαkο is love
Λιαkο is life

Did you have Mars colonies?
Did you fought the Nephelim away from Latin America and back to the centre of the Earth?
Because according to our WEWUZists we did

It could be a lot worse.

You could have a parliament with just the following parties:

Socialist Party (Social democracy)
Communist Party (Marxism-Leninism)
Left Bloc ( Democratic socialism, Feminism)
Green Party (Eco-socialism)
Social Democrats (Cuckservatism)
People's Party (Cuckservatism 2: Electric Boogaloo)
People–Animals–Nature (Animal rights, Pacifism)

Welcome to portuguese politics.

what about NPD?

Not to mention all the Ancient Hellenic weapons Hitler dug out from Rhodes

Can confirm he's not kidding

But that's German Polizei from what I've heard

Because every Greek knows that if they elected a reasonable right wing party they would have to play denbts

Ah the Golden Dawn is literally the opposite of that

That's my point

Golden Dawn is the most based of all the right-wing European parties, the only thing they lack is Hugo Boss uniforms

I mean that the GD is against paying denbts so if the Greek people wanted to avoid that they would for them

Don't have to be that in order to be a Putler-cuck.

>UKIP managed to get the UK out of the EU,
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. It was Cameron who was too weak.

You have those guys that are on goverment with Tsiprad

>- Italy has Lega Nord
Not true, for the good or bad.

For various historical/political reasons, at the time of this post, Italy doesn't have a single clear "Sup Forums's favorite" party. The right is very fragmented:

>FI (Forza Italia) - what's left of Berlusconi's party after the more centrist wing split and formed NCD (currently ruling alongside the leftist gov); center right
>LN (Lega Nord)- former North Italy independentist party/federalist party; now the new leader is trying to shift the party away from that toward being a more mainstream nationalist right wing party
>FdI (Fratelli d'Italia)- mainstream nationalist right wing party
>FN/CP (Forza Nuova/Casapovnd) - ultranationalists right wing parties; minor parties

>M5S - just no

It is likely LN/FdI/(other minor/regional parties) will run as coalition. Should that be the case then they will be our guys.

The elder Mitsotakis was the last real Greek politician that could have changed the country for the better, too bad the idiotic left and commies shut down the country to get him out of office.

Take the full step greece.

It's certainly an issue that Lega Nord has a northern background, because the south may feel like it's not represented by them, but if Fdl and LN run together, it would be pretty dandy, no? Giorgia Meloni is a cute.

I like this option.

At least you can have fun watching Kasidiaris on youtube

>if Fdl and LN run together, it would be pretty dandy, no?

I'll tell you more, unless they significantly change the electoria law and how Parliament seats are distributed, I'll vote for the most right wing party of the coalition just to steer the political compass rightward.

>Giorgia Meloni is a cute.
Slightly too mature for my taste, but beside that yes.