“We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud,” Mr...

>“We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Time magazine. “They got brought here at a very young age, they’ve worked here, they’ve gone to school here. Some were good students. Some have wonderful jobs. And they’re in never-never land because they don’t know what’s going to happen.”


Other urls found in this thread:


>white nationalists actually beleived Trump was a white nationalist

And you wonder why they're referred to as inbred hicks.

>Guys, look how bad Trump is. He is not going to do all the bad stuff we did not want him to do!!!!
>t. liberal

Stupid stormcucks. They were nothing but pawns in helping us get Trump elected.

>mfw this taunting makes Trump go 100% reich mode

And we LOVE Israel!

>liberals falsely paint Trump as white nationalist
>Trump continually reveals himself to not be a white nationalist
>liberals make fun of people for thinking Trump was a white nationalist

Can you people just OD on your chosen opiates already?

It's kinda funny desu

He's still gonna deport millions of illegals. Maybe even all of them if he has the political backing.

Its wonderful to see the left is awake and holding trumps feet to the fire! This election is bringing out the best in people. If only they paid attention during Obamas presidency though.

Fuck off Germanigger.

One thing that would make me happy and proud: mass deportations.

Calm down Tyrone.

>Trump does something Liberals hate
>Trump gives Liberals the slightest glimmer of hope

I swear it's like Liberals WANT him to go full 1488 - they seem more offended by the mere NOTION of him comprising than his own consistence does!

>stupid Trump
>First we tell everyone to hate him because he's a racist and everyone votes for him
>now he becomes less racist and the people love him more

>hur hur those dumb white hicks call people nigger
>lol xd germanigger
This is what r*ddit looks like.

>Be ambigious
>Media claims its "backpadelling"

Yea ok because we haven't heard this story before, huh media?

It's good to see liberals exposing their real views.
They hate Trump, its not about policies or racism, its about him being a white male.


After you leave Sup Forums, Ahmed.


Does the US gov pay for your internet access? I didn't know there were virtual food stamps.

1488 you say... Checked sir


trump needs to stick to his principles, hes caring too much about pleasing everyone, which cant work. you can only please the people that voted for you, if not youre only going to let down your supporters. not that he gives a shit now hes prez

I mean it's not like this is anything new
They're more disappointed when shooters and terrorists aren't white males then we are when they aren't sandniggers

It's important for normies to be able to see that liberals care more for ideology than people

And its necessary for this to happen before the country turns minority white... otherwise no democrat solution is possible

I don't think this will occur in Canada

This so much.

>Wow why would you elect a racist Nazi????
>He's not a racist Nazi.
>Heh, looks like he isn't literally Hitler like you thought. Tough luck, kiddo.

>We’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud
hmm, which people trump-senpai?

I know what would make me happy and proud re FUCKING ILLEGALS!!!

Praise kek

You mean Sup Forums.

of course we do, check trump's new ambassador

he is actually moving the embassy to jerusalem



sounds to me like those people that think this is their country that were brought here illegally as kids are about to have a wake up call.

no more never never land feel goody bullshit for people that never should have been here in the first place that I have to pay for and constantly fuck my business. no more.

they're gonna have to go back

Theres zero difference between illegals who were brought young
and anchor babies
and 2nd+ gen legal immigrants


Trump confirmed for going 1488

One of those groups you can Deport. ...

You can deport em all
How many spics in the US are the illegals amnestied by Reagan, their kids, their family members brought over, etc?

A sovereign country can do anything it wants

The idea that the constitution somehow prevents that is nonsense.

If he cucks on immigration then fuck him. Not saying we have to deport every single person but amnesty cannot happen and birthright citizenship needs to be addressed. Immigration and foreign policy were the only reasons I voted for him.


We will see what happens.

Wow ,damage control already? that was quick

Where's the damage control? Unless, of course you're just simply pretending to be stupid.

He doesn't have to pretend.


so trump's not Sup Forums approved?
he's a libshit pussy cuck that you hate all along?
make up your mind retard

--------------BLACK POWER THREAD---------------


bad bait, Malay Mike

step up your game, gotta do something with your time now that Christ-chan failed, huh?

If he actually is backpedaling on immigration, I am disappointed. But he's still the best chance the US has to stay strong for another generarion.

Did he ever say he was going to deport evry illegal? IIIRC he said, no more than the ones we already have and deport all the bad ones.