What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?

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The guy is a fucking moron and should be culturally enriched.

I hope he's making a quip at the message of politicians.

I mean, I doubt he's being serious. Then again, you never know with these people.

One its starting to see the light.

The other is a lunatic

>That hippy symbol between his names
Honestly can we just end the world and start over already

>please rape and kill my family in order so I can give you free healthcare

Is the difference between Ski and Sky actually an ethnic variation?

>Gets ran over by a lorry
>"Sorry my bad, here have some extra welfare"

Kevin Glass - ROPE, LAMPPOST, NOW.
Julie Borowski - Light beating with a warning.

>We have to pay them more for terrorism
What kind of answer is this ? He tries to defend immigration but instead names two disadvantages.

Kevin Glass needs to be glassed.

Who's the waifu?

>free migration of people who don't share your cultural values
Yeah, she's definitely a woman.

You can improve the welfare of refugees without increasing the risk of terrorism.

someone tweet him he should tell the families of the murdered by the attack they should bite the bullet

He's joking. I'm a little more upset with the woman.

Like, how stupid can you be to still be on the fence once you realize that immigration has lead to increased terrorist attacks? Civilized countries in the middle east won't even fucking take them, that should say enough.

stop being mean to her you eggs

no, no thats just fucking stupid

when he says "we" he means the poor peons that have refugees forced into their low income communities. most poor people are stupid and stupid people are typically racist so it works out as a great multicultural integration initiative to teach stupid racists to learn different cultures. everything will work out in the end, beige power.

KEVIN (((Glass))) needs to be gassed.

Borowski needs guidance. My cock to be precise

That guy just nuked her shit.

Why do you faggots post literally whos? I'd impregnate that slut yes

>not getting enough welfare makes muslims rape and murder people

>Person about to become redpilled
>Sup Forums confirms all her biased by raiding her profile
>She will remain a leftist EU shill in the end

Classic Sup Forums

Kek. I didn't understand it either. Isn't the guy being ironic though?

Ask her how many africans she should be required to host in her house

>literally who verified
what did he mean by that

Julies survival instincts are kicking in and Kevins anti-depressants are removing his sense of danger.

>Our own people deserve to die for the refugees

>sometimes we gotta bite the bullet

Good choice of words.

Don't you DARE threaten my libertarian princess, scum

>kevin glass

>mfw the women are less cucked than the men in Germany

Seems like Russia will have to build a wall too.

Borowski is more or less famous

She's American

*in the West

Its almost impossible to tell who is being ironic these days. Truly frightening shit.

-sky doesn't appear in Polish

*Kevin Glass
Wasn't that the name of Jane Brady's fake boyfriend?

>Its almost impossible to tell who is being ironic these days. Truly frightening shit.
We live in a terrible Onion article.

>sometimes we gotta bite the bullet
he cant soon enough

if only they bothered to care that it's futile to think importing these scum is going to make any real different.

>My ideology says one thing
>Reality shows another

I am so torn!

(((Borrowski))) should pay rebarations to the yuropean man

Don't help people that are hell-bent on destroying everything that's great about your country.

Why is this so hard for libcucks to understand?


It's unquestionable at this point: progressive liberalism is an ideology of betrayal.

>domestic terrorism
that's not what domestic means

I kind of agree with Kevin, but I'd say "we might want to bite the bullet" instead of "we gotta". I'm not a radical after all.

Also this thread just proves again that Sup Forums isn't much more than an irrelevant angry minority. Stay salty, chaps.

The man is clinically retarded for thinking two negatives equal a positive. The only positive in his mind is "Yay, diversity!"

She's a libertarian cuck who loves open borders. Different rationale, same results

If he decides to go to Sweden, I want any of you Americans in here to make a thread about it telling about his trip.

She is catholic and of polish ancestry

>advocating free migration


you're a moron

These people are all retarded.

Somebody should tell him that neither of those are good things.
Though I'm sure he will have to "bite the bullet" before he realises how retarded he is

I know who she is. I'm a libertarian as well. I consider libertarians that are pro-open borders my enemies. They're too idealistic to a fault, and they don't accept the reality that a lot of people out there are terrible and importing them well lead to more harm than good.

>bite the bullet

It's more likely than you think.

>I want to get laid, but I don't want to get raped.

>Close your eyes and bend over.


The beatings will continue until moral improves!

I genuinely can't tell if he's being serious or ironic.

Cancucks pls go

One is a retarded lolbertarian, and the other is a leftist cuck that thinks we should sacrifice our race to prop up another.
They are both mentally deficient and should be ignored.

Kill them both then kill yourself, op

Julie is some flavour of libertarian and some libertarians think that border control is inherently anti-libertarian.

The reality is that in a libertarian society with little or no government, most land would be privately owned and the owners could restrict movement of people across it.

So a libertarian society can gang together land owners to create rules that allow mutual movement through each others land under some agreeable and reasonable conditions, but explicitly deny movement of certain types of people.

Anyway in a libertarian society welfare would be abolished so there would be no reason for migrants to gravitate there, they'd go to other socialist areas where they can get welfare.


Isn't Julie Bukowski that libetardAryan?

you're a moron

welfare means two things
1) state support
2) a person's well-being
he means it in the second way in that tweet

he also needs to be put up against a wall and shot

no u

Is this a joke ? This fucker is actually happy that some foreign terrorist cunts are living on our monies ? I mean it can be true

This is why we call these people "cucks"

>sometimes we need to bite the bullet and give people money so they can kill us

is this the final form of sjw-ism?

She is so cute


WHAT THE FUCK? Oh God Kevin you pathetic cuck.

She's a libertarian. With a gentle push she could become fash in no time

>Sup Forums hates based julie

color me surprise bunch of beta cucks on this board


Yeah, a bunch of nationalist Trump supporters hate a kike libertarian that's spouting talking points for attention. What a surprise.

I'm going to send this after you

correct me if i'm wrong but kevin's argument is literally fuck the tax paying law abiding citizen?
>increase welfare fucks the tax payer
>increased risk of domestic terror fucks the law abiding citizen

The other is a kike you mean

Btw nice repeating integers

borowski is as unjewish as it gets

Great choice of words, Kev. It doesn't seem like you're the one chowing down on rifle rounds.

What a shitty god to worship... diversity.

(((Glass))) though is about as Jewish as it gets.


fucking leaf gtfo before I get my tactical rake

shes not jewish btw.

and shes my waifu no insults pls

>bite the bullet
Yes, it's easy to say "bite the bullet" when you are not the one that is dying.

if you want your family name to survive for more than 2 generations you never bite the bullet, nor wage against the chances play it safe.

>poe's law
>people unironically believe what he's saying
>willing to risk my safety and the safety of my countrymen so they can give my tax dollars to virtue signal

how is this not treason?

She was my waifu first

I always thought cuckoldry had a Glass ceiling

Underrated kek

Fucking open borders libertarians REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Do these fucks not realise that open borders are dumb as long as public property exists?

In a private property society borders don't mean anything anyway.

Canadians are subhuman