Give me ONE single reason why pornography shouldn't be banned

Give me ONE single reason why pornography shouldn't be banned.

pro tip: you can't


honestly if porn was "cracked down" on i would just have more interest in watching it

i can't

He signed a pledge to crack down on CHILD pornography
Fake news

Free speech.

Does hentai count as pornagraphy? I was told it was art

it needs to be banned. it's a serious problem. i can't even wear pants today

On one hand, kind of dependent on porno. On the other hand, it would be bad for Jews. Gotta side with Trump on this one.

1st Amendment.

Anti-porn = pro-fucking

I'm ok with that.


You faggots are gonna get fucked by Trump

Ppl should train imagination.
Makes you more creative n shit

God only knows how much help i need wih porn.

Thank you God emperor. For being strong when I couldn't.

Fake and gay. He said he wanted to crack down on CP.

if he takes away my hentai i swear on me mum

Pornography is crumbling our society, destroying young men and women and we're not doing anything about it. SAD!

Why won't US of A mimic the Japanese method of population control, drawn porn?

Million of dollars in tax revenue?

Will not make a positive contribution in our society to ban it.

It would cost more than building a tunnel through the earth to try to reinforce the ban with any sort of effectivity.

1st Amendment. You know, the one Conservatives want gone.

No this will increase white birth rates, increase standards for female behavior, and make the family unit stronger

first amendment

Freedom > Security

You've been brainwashed to defend Trump's positions no matter what. He will not save you or the white race. He has already done nothing but betray you and you still want to suck his cock.

Freedom of expression.

that's not guaranteed anywhere in the US constitution

You have the freedom to destroy societal fabric?

please go get fired from your job for not calling a 400 lb faggot "xi/xer/xeir"

Hitler banned pornography. Jews play a major role in pornography

In general Jews use pornography to sedate their target population by making the males more sedated and relaxed, and ruining many females abilities to create a family. There is a lot of porn on Sup Forums so I know the majority of us here are chronic masturbators but it is better for society the harder it is for males to get porn.

Amazing how Sup Forums went from being mainly libertarian to boot-licking authoritarian in just one election cycle.

Pornography keeps me from spreading my herps around town.


it happened in 1980 and 2000. wait for the next shitlib to get into office

Because the state shouldn't control your sexual tendencies

Fucking fascists need to leave--bring the old polarch back

wow it's almost like prohibition doesn't work

Well it would greatly impact the Jewish mafia in Hollywood that profits from the exploitation of young women.

He needs to talk about Pizzagate. When he is in office we should do a petition on the white house site to get him to address it.

Give up the porn and go outside cuck

trumptards don't care they jack off to anime

>Because the state shouldn't control your sexual tendencies
does that include sodomy, lgbt, etc

Fake news, kys OP

What? We don't have people that weigh 400 pounds here. That's something you guys have down.

>he fell for the (((lawyer-speak))) cases that claimed porn is covered under 1A
>those (((lawyers))) did this to circumvent obscenity laws b/c they are that degenerate

try a wee bit harder, lad

>we must cover the women
>da joos control porn

Whatever you say, Achmed.

Porno is an American right, guaranteed by our founding fathers and fought for by generations of patriotic Americans. You will never strip us of our God-given right to porn.

So it's your belief that an amendment passed to keep unpopular speech from being banned, really meant allowing jews to film people fucking...


fucking nu-male zero-sum brainlets on Sup Forums

>(yes, really!)
classic high quality journalism huff post headline

>really meant allowing jews to film people fucking

Mostly Russians.

You've never looked at porn have you?

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Pay note to
>abridging the freedom...of the press
This is extended to cinematography and art.

guess who consistently shows up as the biggest users of the most bizarre porn?


It's good for people to have a way to release their pent up sexual urges rather than becoming weird sex crazed psychos / having low spirits in general

Particularly now basically everyone seems to go to university, and they get married and have children much later. And people who aren't married have much less sex

Be a real MAN and get married you degenerate sicko

Good, the narrative must unequivocally state that marriage and reproduction are good and necessary.

Slavs control the porn industry my friend.

Russians and Eastern Europeans.

The First Amendment.

Remember the enemy, user. Remember where all that shitty porn comes from.

>Implying the Jewish elite fap to anything but cheese pizza

its opening up the internet for censorship but really, why would a gov employee decide what I can jerk off to, fuck off!


>tfw two intelligent too be a real man

implying they wouldnt want to keep all the luscious lolis to themselves

in no way can pornography be considered cinematography and art. I know it's trendy to circumvent western traditions and flaunt their filth in people's faces, but a line must be drawn.

We can call that line "obscenity laws".

Prolly only stop the weird fucking animals. Who I makes kids think it's normal. Spreads disease

>Congress shall make no law
Trump != congress



Into the trash it goes

> he'll never run
> he'll never get the nomination
> he'll never win the general
> he'll never save the white race..

Having sex crazed psychos is good for the country. They have a very strong motivation to impress women and get laid.

That would be great. Porn is degenerate and should stop existing.

Ban guns too while you're at it then.

I'd like to see you try and trash the First Amendment, commie.

It's not like that stopped them from banning minor porn

I'm sure this is exactly what he said.

Pornography keeps me from spreading hairy, scaly genital warts around town.

>Give me ONE single reason why pornography shouldn't be banned.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

It encourages illegal behaviour because you can't possibly make it without breaking a law.
3D loli porn is legal because it can be made using computers and shieet on the other hand.

Where was the first amendment when they banned obscenity and child porn?

I'm pretty sure it's the fascist leftwing trying to legally censor anything that reflects poorly on them "fake news".

>Sasha grey shoving three golf balls in her gaping asshole is considered cinematography

You don't even understand Jews fought tooth and nail to finally get porn allowed on the internet.

Obscenity laws are for the purpose that not everyone wants to see it, so they put laws on it. In the privacy of their home people should be able to view almost anything they want.

I fought degenerate riffraffs like you my whole life, you are nothing more than a parasite

The age of consent is under 18 in most of the US. Child porn doesn't even require sex, it includes masturbation and even modeling. Read the fucking laws and quit regurgitating propaganda.

Also, 3D loli porn is illegal in many cases. Read the laws, they will surprise you.

Meaningless buzzword
>Child porn
Leftists will legitimize that soon enough

>sexual exploitation for profit
>freedom of speech

kike detected

But we need you to spread your warts. Infect all the degenerate sluts and fuck them out of the gene pool

I agree.
Burn all that degenerate shit.

Softcore CP is more legal than you might think.
There are loopholes under which it is spread.

Bring it, Red scum. I'll blast your fucking brains out if you to infringe upon my freedom.

How is respecting freedom make me a parasite? Think carefully and use as much mental gymnastics as you need.

The real question is why? What would cause right leaning people to act like that? Probably eight years of being called stupid, racist, and intolerant misogynists finally turned people and now they hate the democrats and their idiotic identity politics. I know I'm not racist or misogynist and I'm sick and tired of being told if I don't agree I think wrong. Fuck all of them, and you too.

(((Trump))) is the biggest degenerate in the country and i dont just say that because hes fat

Pornography keeps me from spreading dank, juicy chancres around town.

Muslims are taking over the west because of people like you. Instead of sticking to traditional standards that have worked you defend transgenders, fags, and every other degenerate and anyone that disagrees is a Muslim. These are Christian morals too, you just forgot.

ban that shit, like it does any good anyways.

Believe me, I know all about it.

Child nudity is only legal if it's not lascivious at all. The same picture can be legal on a nudist website but illegal on a pedophile website. If you crop a legal picture you can make it illegal. The laws are ridiculous, and I know all about them.

identity politics is the tool of the media jew that invented all this race baiting nonsense

>Russians and Eastern Europeans.
None of them are jewish?

ban it
I'd be a black market mogul