Overwatch comic blocked for russian players because of russias anti-gay propaganda laws

I thought you didn't like censorship Sup Forums

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Ohh god who is gay in it?

Which character is gay?

why is got blocked:

a lesbian kiss

Censoring degenerate "art" that promotes ulterior motive lifestyles is required.

I don't get it zarya and lucio were already gay and now they make a big deal about tracer?

Tracer is a lesbian? Hot.

> Russia bans a comic because of a lesbian kiss, Sup Forums is quiet
> Facebook gets rid of fringe bullshit woo sites like InfoWars, Sup Forums freaks out

Who cares if they censor some retarded little game?

there isnt any lore info about both of them being gay.

I can agree that Zarya is a huge sjw forced dyke token character just so Blizzard will feel progressive when the character design is just plain fucking ugly.

>tracer is lesbian
Conflicted feelings

>tracer is the lesbian
huge surprise there

I'm bretty sure that this is not considered gay propaganda by our law.

you couldn't tell?

The SJWs probably care more about it than we do. Let them raise a stink about it and make themselves useful for once.

Uh excuse me, fellow progressive SJWs, but aren't we taking away Tracery's agency when we assume she identifies as lesbian just because she kissed a girl one time?

Why does Russia hate Lipstick Lesbians? Shit is hot.

just more evidence, should it be needed, that men (who commenced as girls) are all basically fags

This. Zarya and the hacker spic are huge blots on an otherwise solid game. Zaria makes no sense from a design standpoint and Sombra is literally just a SFV character

Guess I'm not #DicksOutForWinston anymore.


Fucking liberals.

Good,degenerate bullshit should be banned especially if kids could see it.Blizzard also makes shitty games and you know it.

That's not gay. If it's two guys it's gay. If it's two girls (no dykes) it's hot.

Younger me would have fell in a self-righteous rage over this.
Thank you Sup Forums for redpilling me.

i thought it looked like a guy for a sec

DESU the only real problem with them is they both have fucking stupid hair

Olympic Zarya best Zarya

>the most hated overwatch hero is a lesbian
What did Blizzard mean by this?

no that idea was created by the hebrews

>no mercy
who cares

tf2 is redpilled and has a not a nazi mad German doctor who preforms experiments and several nazi looking cosmetics. The only non white males are a joke a one eyed, drunkard black Scotsman and a person in a fire suit with the personality of a pyromaniac

overwatch is bluepilled and full of sjw zarya, and lesbian tracer and non whites everywhere

Come home neet gamer

that's not Mei

I wouldn't mind Zarya if they gave her some better skins to hide her shitty hair.
>missed summer games
>all she got for the winter event is some shitty recolor and sleeves

Based Russia. Jewish blizzard can go die in a fire. Fuck them.

Glorious, made me happy.

>waah this hurts my feelings it must be banned
End yourself

Tracer is the gay character? god damn they played it fucking safe kek


IIRC while most pagan priestesses were expected to be virgins, they could have sex with one another.

In fact ancient people only thought sex could happen if a dick was entering into an orifice.

>Implying 2D pure lesbian love is bad

Fucking normies get off my board


It isn't about "hurt feelings" it's about propaganda and widening the Overton Window. We don't need this new kike shit here, we've had enough in the last century.

you know it

>I thought you didn't like censorship Sup Forums
You're thinking of pre-Trump Sup Forums. Current Sup Forums is authoritarian as fuck

This is you

>Implying 2d cuck porn is bad
>Implying 2d gay porn is bad

See image Greek degenerate

>Tracer not wearing her temporal harness
Is this from before she got blitzed across 14 different dimensions when her fighter blew up, or is she about to disassociate herself out of our timeline?

To be fair, Overwatch was supposed to be a global Justice League, so it makes sense for them to have slavs, pooinloos, and a gorilla scientist from the fucking moon

TF2 takes place entirely in a nonspecific area in the American southwest

Chu is the new Jew

medic isnt a fucking nazi mang
but here's a fun fact: demoman was changed to a black guy because they thought a white drunk would be racist to Scots
so they're certainly not bluepilled, but valve keeps fucking up the game

Doublethink. Faggotry is faggotry.

t. closet dyke/ faggot

It is scientlifically proven that every homophobe is a closet faggot, the more they scream on the streets/keyboard the more they scream while their boypussi gets rekt

Current Sup Forums is fucking cancer.

But it is okay to spread propaganda without censorship when it fits your own agenda right? ;)

In a hundred years the West is gonna be some brownish hellhole and Russia will be standing strong, and this is the reason why. Screen cap this if you don't believe me.

Haha. That looks like a bald Ethan from H3H3 Productions. Is Pyro Ethan?

>censorship is ok when I agree with it

>tracer is gay
Thank god, I was almost certain it was best girl

>It is scientlifically proven that every homophobe is a closet faggot
Doesn't that actually makes their point more valid since they know firsthand what they're arguing against? :^)

>Works out like a champ, Puts beta's to shame
>Realizes omnics are the devil, Want's to purge em all before they start another war.

She's probably the most redpilled character in the game so far, Hell she can't even stand being next to cyber-gook because he's mostly metal and could go bonkers any second.

a lesbian kiss doesnt hurt my feelings, but kids must be protected, and this its oriented for kids.


Yes it is. Welcome to the real world, please leave your idealistic delusions at the doorstep.

Fucking gay

I'm not going to buy your faggot game, I can play dirty bomb for free.

Medic isn't a nazi but he may as well be one and it's obviously where his character design got some inspiration from. Mad German doctor with a accent who preforms fucked up experiments and may or may not actually be a doctor , with zero care for his team and only his results. Medics home town is that town in mvm rottenburg or Stuttgart which are in Germany depending on which source you use.

You can literally dress up like this in game

censorship is wrong no matter what side it comes from

you probably mixed up the words sex and impregnate when you were translating those ancient manuscripts that you found

Blizzard made it a point to state she wasn't she wasn't gay. It's funny if they reconned Tracer into being a dyke.

Censorship is justifiable desu. For instance, to block teens and children from eating up that race-mixing fag-loving SJW garbage.

Zarya is openly and aggressively racist though. She's the most redpilled character in the game.

Ironically enough, the Swedish manlet is too.

Im pretty sure thats a good analogy

This isn't that much of a surprise, The Dyke earrings should have been a dead giveaway.

(((scientifically proven)))

daily reminder that literally every single person in the world pre-LGBT movement was gay.

And when the LGBT movement started, everyone turned straight.

Yeah, (((scientifically proven))) my ass. It's a bunch of garbage.

Censorship is okay when its done to prevent jewish cultural marxist agenda destroying society.

Do you believe ISIS videos shouldn't be censored? Do you believe child pron shouldn't be censored?

There are grounds of what is okay to be censored and what isin't.

Nah, normalizing something that is obviously a mental illness/disease is what's fucked up.

>censorship is bad
>please leave your idealistic delusions at the doorstep
Russian intellectuals


based russia

Whoa, hey there buddy. Real-life child abuse and 2 fictional characters kissing are both completely different things.

I like the winter recolor but they should have changed the hair to white or something to match it, summer games ones are the best so far or the full winter outfit with the hat.

"Role Modeling, Not Dictating

PMC dramas are culturally-specific stories with “positive,” “negative,” and “transitional” characters to model behaviors. Social learning theory demonstrates that people learn from role models. PMC creates dramas that include a full spectrum of choices with fictional characters exhibiting different behaviors. The goal is to broaden the behavioral choices available to the audience by showing a large range of choices and the realistic consequences of different decisions. PMC dramas don’t tell people what is “good” or “bad” because that opposes our goal of introducing more information and encouraging discussion and self-reflection."


Är du beredd att sterilisera dig för klimatets skull?


You do realize some European countries and some US states, rape only happens when someone penetrates another person with a dick right?

Good. I hate that game. Obvious brainwashing video game per usual.
>"Everyone free to live as they please."
Can't stand that shit.

Honestly, can someone give me some good red-pill game recommendations? All I know is Witcher.
I'm so tired of seeing this shit literally everywhere.

>Russian intellectuals
Nice to meet you. You see, Ebin, we're already fell for kike propaganda once and paid dearly for that mistake (that price included Finland independence btw).

Only fool goes walking on thin ice twice.

They go hand in hand though.

One is real, the other one is pushing for that through comic books.

>HURR IT'S NOT REAL therefore its fine

Should ISIS comics on how to kill/behead people be censored? Should child porn comics, made out of fictional characters be censored?

See, this is a strawman. Stop running a circle around me and get to the real question.

The real question is whether homosexuality should be accepted in society. And there is a clear answer : no. It promotes a destructive agenda onto society and destroys it from within. It sets a horrible example for children and everyone else, and must therefore be purged.

Westerners are incredibly arrogant and don't even realize it.


This. Zyra is literally pol's perfect woman. Blizzard made it a point to state she wasn't a dyke too. There was a hissy fit of SJW crap about it too because they were trying to own her before the game released.

Autists, it's not banned in Russia.
It is banned in Russian language, word-wide. Check for yourself.
It isn't our government banning lesbians, it is Blizzard being cunts to everyone who can't soewk English.

Welp, I regret my purchase now. Fucking blizzard and their faggot agenda. God damnit.

Can't speak*

>3 posts by this ID

Zarya looks like a bull dyke too, but shes pretty Sup Forums she HATES the robots

>Sup Forums should whiteknight the lgbt community

its still sexual assault and its degenerate to promote homosexuality between women as normal when its not

>not using Siberian Front or Arctic

>1 post by this ID

People actually care for Overwatch's lore?

>Think of the children!
Go fuck yourself.

Why couldn't it have been Mcree. All I want is an american cowboy husbando.

Yes, i agree, but the fact that rape is punished with harsher sentences shows that even to this day western societies still hold the notion that only a man can "defile".

I was only arguing the fact that the idea that lesbian sex is less degenerate is not a Jewish invention.

Indeed I dislike censorship, and don't approve of this.

Gay propaganda is what the officials say is gay propaganda. That is how censorship laws work.

>we must protect the kids from bad influences
Why not ban Sup Forums?

>mfw they ruined Tracer AND Christmas

They're trying to tell me Zarya likes cock? Fuck off.
