If National Socialism had won, humanity would have colonized the solar system by now

If National Socialism had won, humanity would have colonized the solar system by now.

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They didn't though, no use dwelling on the past we have to look to our future

they won because their message made it to me.

National Socialism is the best system humanity ever came up with.

Socialist countries are significantly less productive by every reasonable measure than capitalist ones.

>completely missing his point

They're definitely less productive in prepping the bull

>humanity would have colonized the solar system by now.

Well that's a bit far fetched I'd say. But a moon base and maybe a MANned trip to mars? Quite possible.



Yeah lets see people colonizing Jupiter, Saturn or Neptune.


>colonizing the solar system automatically includes trying to colonize everything without even checking feasibility
>burger education

Every fucking time

Can someone dump any good natsoc stuff

Too lazy to go full retard now. Here have the NatSoc General Pastebin and look for some stuff yourself.


What should have been done with the Jews if Hitler had won?

Put into madagascar as planned, or also as planned, Palestine. I would have been for madagascar and put them on a "no leave" order for at least 50 years. Should one Jew try to flee, nuke the entire island.

Why do you hate madagascar ?

I don't, we are in the hypothetic scenario where all the jews are living there. THEN I hate it.

If you ask why I would do this to the people living on the island? At around 1940 they were completely backwards people completely useless to anything.... ok this is still true today. That way the jews would be forced to mix over time kek.

Socialism is doomed to fail. Every. Fucking. Time.

He got the Nationalism part right though.

Something like this;


>Why does pol hate nigger island?

Why is China produce everything than? Everywhere in world "made in China".
Capatialists are the lazy ones.
In china everyone is not as fat.

Definitely Mars base by now wish scientists pushing probes into the Venusian atmosphere to see if manned missions were viable.
Possible unmanned missions already on Titan


Can you say Perestroika, comrade?

>Island ecosystem laden with all sorts of awesome wildlife
>Put jews on it instea dof just dropping them all in Palestine for the local muzzies to rip apart

One of many reasons why the Nazis were retarded

You must be retarded

These people rejected Einstein because of 'jew' science.

To bad you'd still be a loser. Except you would be spouting how if Capitalism won we would have been better off

lol no they would still be looking for the arc of the covenant and issuing MEFO bills to pay for it

>Burger education
>unironically caring about madagascar

Ever heard of the Havaara Agreement from 1933? That's what you wrote, putting the Jews into Palestine. Since it was a British colony, the Brits stopped that from happening.

Next was the Evian conference in 1938 were all countries said they won't take Jewish refugees. Well now they are stuck in Germany.

During the war, France defeated, France actually has the idea to put the Jews into Madagascar because it was their colony. Britain takes that colony and again, no place to go for the Jews.

Bash every fasc

Some small raid Sup Forums did on a japanese anime bot a few months back. The bot was shit tho and doesn't really deserve any artwork tbqh.

Space is a forced meme

The holocaust is exaggerated

Nukes are exaggerated too

Stop believing movies like they are truth


So. What your saying is...
You've been had, comrade.

Colored people is the main reason white people don't yearn for space anymore.
>space muslims praying toward Mecca
>space terrorists crashing large spacecraft into space WTC
>space niggers creating space ghettos
>space Slavs squatting in zero gravity
Think about how easy it would be for terrorists to blow up the life support systems on a large space colony. We're not ready for this shit. We can barely manage life on Earth right now.

Einstein wasn't all he's cracked up to be.
Special Relativity is or less useless and General Relativity stops working at the Quantum level.

And the Germans would have beaten us to the bomb if they hadn't had their heavy water shipment from Norway sabotaged by the eternal Anglo

Thanks germanbro. Converting one of your countrywoman. We'll come for you. Chin up

I had a thought. Instead of trying to stamp them out and just forcing the real problematic Jews underground, why not just start a breeding program and dilute the genes to the point where they're irrelevant? Under Nazi law a mischling could marry an Aryan and make an Aryan as a result, so why not just do that? You could breed them with acceptable non-Aryan races if you're too bothered by Jews breeding with Aryans, too.

Does it count as socialist when the government is a corporation?

It really isn't thought.
Not like Venezuela or Cuba

Nazism is based on tribalism and we'd still be fighting the asians and what have you, degenerate philosophy of shit

You are certified retard for thinking that.

The moment Hitler dies, there would be a power struggle within the Nazi party. And then there's Reich x Japan. The tension would only grow.

You are so delusional it hurts.

Ikr :DD

Sure pal.
It's only communism when I don't like it.

>not shipping all muslims and niggers into the sun