Sweden decided to enhance the "boring and oppressive" native Swedish tradition of St...

>Sweden decided to enhance the "boring and oppressive" native Swedish tradition of St. Lucy's day that dates back to the 4th century by making it a bit more "multicultural" at the annual celebration in 2012.
>The government owned channel decided to replace the traditional, blonde Swedish Lucia with a dark-skinned foreigner
>And replace the melancholic traditional church music was enhanced by an Arab muslim ganster rapper who calls himself "L.X." and freestyle-raps about drugs and sex on Youtube.

I had to stop the video because is beyond revolting

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we stop posting this shit? Sweden is lost forget about it.


Nope newfags and b8 posters need to be redpilled

Hey Svens...get in here and explain this shit. Your nation is terrible

I'm not memeing or shitposting. Something is very wrong with these people.

That's fucking awful. Sweden. F

I actually made it through the entire video. I don't know how but I did.

Why does Swedish sound so shitty?

What made Swedes hate themselves so much? How did this happen? They didn't have a any dictators or holocausts and shit.

Dude its been over for Sweden for a while now. Cant we just move on? Germany is the new cuck topic anyway.

marxism and protestantism.


>El Salvador

You made this thread a few days ago too, you're just an insecure spic. This is extremely old news you're trying to recycle, kindly fuck off.

Don't go to Sweden,that's my advice for now.

>What made Swedes hate themselves so much?
This is something I've been trying to understand as well

Can you please help us understand What happened?

what do you mean?

sweden was on fire, for a while everyone was like WTF, then later everyone is having jihad sex on television

makes perfect sense to me.


When that sandnigger started rapping I just lost my fucking sides.
You can always count on Sweden for a good hearty kek.

my dick is brown ^^

What is there to understand? Communist marxists runs the swedish television, they decide what goes on the tv.

This isn't funny anymore sweden


hit us up with a few of em nukes asap pls

Denmark is fucked. Eternally so....

But we'll never be Sweden and that's the only thing keeping me from jumping down a bridge.


>2020 America elects nigger worship faggot

>Abolish constitution and Second Amendment

>Now california spic and nigger decide who gonna president will be

>all the white genocide conspiracy come out the true

>America a carbon copy of western europe become third world country

>Western Europe country become fascist country

>America can't stop it, because feminist castrate every single white men and nigger want Europe money welfare

det här var 2012 din autist.

It's from 2012. Pic related is this years Lucia.

I think it's hilarious.
It's so absurd. It's like a Tim and Eric skit. Except it's actually real life which makes it even funnier.


>The government owned channel decided to replace the traditional, blonde Swedish Lucia with a dark-skinned foreigner

Still a lot of non-swedes in the background

we need at least one european country to fall to the muslims for the rest of the west to get woke.

sorry swedes.

3 chinks
1 nig
1 arab
just in this screencap

I'm okay with Japan beating us for a little bit.

We are white, to white and that's bad and we live to good lifes. We have it too easy and have too much while others have to little. We need diversity.

That's more or less the mindset.

>Sweden is lost forget about it.
If we don't keep focused on them, Sweden isn't just lost, it's "first."

>actually believing you're nr. 1
Pls ausfag

Hungary and Poland being so close to each other every date.
>This is too cute.


you americucks are in way deeper shit than us

remember how a blek man was your leader for 8 years?

Can you live off those 16k sub my dude?
Litterally shilling for shekels.

why the fuck do you care?

they dont care about you, you are just a spic to them, have some dignity, wetback

Sweden is beyond salvation my fellow countryman.

>why the fuck do you care?
A literal nigger like you wouldn't understand the meaning of empathy
Go back to polish shoes

Amigo are you from Oriente?

go take a shower you sweaty fuck.


>Can we stop posting this shit? Sweden is lost forget about it.
Oy vey, remember the 6 million Swedes!

>go take a shower you sweaty fuck
>Ignoring this is what swedish women like

>everyone dies and Jews win
Fucking jews

Nope, I'm from San Salvador. I assume you're San Miguel right?

High concentration of Jews.
I wish we would have less Jews and more concentration.

>russia not on the list

don worry senpai, maybe in another thousand years


Go prep the bull faggot. Don't forget to lick clean your wife's pussy after the Somali immigrant you adopted cums inside her to give you another mulatto baby to raise

Anyone ever think that this stuff is just going to radicalise the white people to start another crusade?

>France being in the top 3

This has to be a joke right ?

KEK was right, Sweeden/Germany/France/UK are multicultural country's now!

all other langauges are shitty

did you touch yourself when you wrote that, faggot?


Sweden yes.

I want to move to Sweden just before the ethnic cleansing happens. Will it be the Swedes or the dune coons? Nobody knows, but it'll be fun no matter what.

Yes, I'm from San Miguel
Among my farmer friends and family the idea of forming a patriotic right-wing political movement is very appealing.
But my ex-uni classmates from SS are beyond enchanted with Nayib and celebrate literally everything he does.
How do we fix this?



Fucking japs. We need to wipe them out.

Beyond pathetic somebody spent their time making an image like this desu.

I hate sweden's cuckoldry as much as the next but let's be real here, has any of you even been to Sweden? They are less cucked than us and have much less ethniks, their main problem is feminism aka the vaginal menace

Just stop posting about this cuckland.

Why is yurop getting into this nigger culture? I seriously do not understand

Sweden today are women, they live so easy and in good functioning country for years, so they are weak.

what does kangaroo meat taste like?


I wouldn't worry about it.

Gamey. I'd compare it to a tougher venison with a bit of savoury spice.

Hard to cook too, takes a lot longer than normal steaks. But fuck it's good.

I dont get it either
We and GB have the jews reminding us of colonialism
Germans have HITLER
US have slavery

but what pushes the Sweden people to do shit like this ?
I think i know the answer but i can't understand how they push this so hard without pressure points.

And at least in france, when they wanted to air a black rapper for the WW I commemoration the backlash was so hard they cancelled him

Woah buddy. You guys were hardly able to impeach a Satanic feminazi after she drowned a hundred orphans or some shit. Europe is more cucked than US. Believe me

well put

sweden was a major european power once, but isnt anymore. they found their own way of dealing with this: by being a superpower of goodness.

I truly feel bad for you. At least you got RedIce Radio so there is some hope.

Lol tried to send this to a friend in Swedestan and it was blocked from then.



Since when was Sweden a major power?

They got some lucky military victories under Carolus, but were they really a major power?

they came out rather good from the 30-years-war

around 1000ad


This years Lucia was actually whiter than ever, the entire crew and set, expect for some eastern asians. It was a prestegious musical school that arranged it, so that's why, they had some guy sing in spanish though which was a bit odd, but it actually seemed like they dropped the multikulti alltogether this year and focused on a 'real' lucia.

I may just decide to learn Swedish if you stop being cucks

We top sweeden
Wtf the kirchner were right

I have that idea as well. I'm right wing but I hate the corrupt corporate sellouts from ARENA, we need a new right wing party asap before FMLN turns us into Venezuela 2.0. By the way, I hate socialism but I think Nayib would be a better president than anybody from Arena or Fmln. The guy is actually doing stuff and I like how he talks shit about his own party when they fuck up. Talvez sea sólo marketing, pero parece que no es corrupto, creo que Don Armando lo crió bien. Talvéz votaría por él si se lanzara como independiente, pero definitivamente no lo haría si se postulara como el candidato del Frente. De todas maneras, hay que organizarnos y crear un partido que reemplace a ARENA como el partido de derecha en El Salvador antes que el Frente nos termine de cagar

quick, post the pic of male santa lucia with long hair i want to laugh at swedens expense

I have half a mind to start translating some of SD's speeches, in and outside of parliament, to show Sup Forums just how uncucked our mainstream is getting.

Norwegian is the optimal language because it's like a mix between swedish and danish and you will understand them all just fine.

Do it.

This is so innacurate that it's almost funny.

1600s to early 1700s, they were a great European power with possibly the most efficient military on the continent. Then they got ganged banged balls deep under Karl XII.

i reality SD has been cucking for a long time now because they want to be allowed to play with the big boys.

Lack of strong religious beliefs.


Is there anything decent to do in Siberia?

Honest question

Women have positions of power

Siberian women