Who wins in a fight? Whole US army vs Vietnamese farmers in sandals?

Who wins in a fight? Whole US army vs Vietnamese farmers in sandals?



Viet-Nam would win of course. Right always trumps might.

So doesn't this prove that people who post pic related are wrong based on historical evidence?

Yes. Also, a good portion of the US military would defect in a scenario like that.

Depends. Are the rules 'use everything you have to win', or 'you can only strike targets that have been authorized by 3 separate civilian review boards, have been notified of the impending attack so that civilians may evacuate, you may only use direct line of sight weapons in broad daylight, you may not question prisoners about the locations of their forces, etc, etc, etc...'?

But what if you posses both?

US Army. You can meme about, but North Vietnam was buffered the fuck out by the Cong, as well as the countless Chinese and asian-looking Russian soldiers that were sent in to fight for their military buddy.


you do know that this pic is literally a junkyard for planes, right?

just know we could rekt all of europe in a week

Blame the anti-2nd Amendment tards who made this lame meme, not me.

>This kind of violent fascism is the kind of government libcucks unironically support.

I have no idea, why the fuck, they are completely content with believing..... THAT THE MILITARY WOULD DEFEND THEM OF ALL PEOPLE. LOL

The North Vietnamese did not defeat the US army.

The US army left voluntarily after the US public got sick of fighting a pointless war on the other side of the planet against a foe that posed no direct threat, or even indirect threat, to the US homeland, and was only tangentially related to the abstract threat of Ebil Sobiet Gommunists which the US eventually defeated anyway.

>this meme
We were honestly wiping the floor with them until the marxists in the US got everyone riled up. The US lost like what 60k men and the Vietnamese lost like almost a million? Yeah, big loss

>but muh Hue city


Guerilla warfare always wins. Even if the Guerilla fighters don't win, they do more damage than it's usually worth to defeat them

The whole US army

Soviet weapons are never outdated.