The goyim know. Shut it down

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>mtv deletes
I thought youtube removed it... twice.


Maybe instead of deleting it and pretending it never happened they should all apologize for being racist pieces of shit

Sup Forums should make a video telling black guys what they can do better in 2017.

Got any ideas?

not be black

you can't be racist against white people user... it's still 2016....

Yeah but it's almost 2017.



We should start a hashtag on Twitter

#MTVisracist or #apologizeMTV



Try supporting and befriending white people. As opposed to the current strategy of seeing white people as an oppressive class that can't be changed.

"I know you guys were good boys, you dindu nuffin, but this year-"

what the fuck


>Hey black guys! If you would quit commuting so many crimes then you probably wouldn't get shot!!11XD

>regressives taking responsibility for their own actions

Come on now burger bro. We both know better

LMAO Gavin is a fucking degenerate.

Anyone got that pic of him standing on his own dick while squatting?

barely fake

>i wouldnt doubt that gavin took one up the pooper

how do you make friends?


No it's not. He regularly does this on his show and has pornstars go nude as well.

He's a fucking degenerate. One of the reasons he doesn't put his show on YouTube, they get taken down for nudity

I saw one of him pissing in a bowl of cereal and drinking it.

Uh, goyim, you do know what year it is... right?

Pants up, don't loot


He needs to stop hanging around shock jocks.

>butthurt racist white people create hashtag on twitter
That's literally what would happen

stop killing eacother and stop selling drugs in your neighborhood.

>1 post

Fuck, that made me laugh more than it probably should have.

keep race baiting and you'll turn us into what you think we are

When are we finally going to put an end to all of this "White people do this white people are evil" bullshit and gas these kikes?

the more they push the sooner it comes, their brazen attitude is good for us

Why do you think the masons created Trump for?
Exactly that.

Mistake. This is how you show weakness. White men are like rabid dogs. Showing weakness is a flawed strategy. You must bite their necks and tear until none remain standing.


It's too late motherfuckers. How can we destroy mtv for even making this video? We need to keep attacking!

have you seen his cabinet and appointees? He swindled the fuck out of his support base


Firstly, source? Secondly, why does his asshole look like that.

>typical nigger

"did you know, that having you pants down in prison, shows your somebody's bitch? you not a bitch fagass nigga are you?"

Nice try, but almost all have an established history of either hating Muslims or pushing for stricter immigration laws.

He did a good job.

We did it guys! Let's celebrate!

>HOW CAN BLACK GUYS IMPROVE THEMSELVES!? (maybe stop being such niggers?)

I find that the race role reversal angle is one of the most powerful butt-hurt generating tools in my shit-posting arsenal, do you have any idea how fucking pissed off niggers get when their ape-like antics come into any kind of critical judgment or scrutiny?

The "manspreading" really riled me up. Can this stop being perpetuated already ffs. They have men in their ranks, don't they? Doesn't one of those SJW cucklords have the balls to tell the chicks that having balls makes sitting with closed legs uncomfortable? That men really don't do it to subconsciously assert their dominance so much as to not be in pain? Literally half of the fucking population can confirm this from their own experience so how on earth is that idea still around. Nevermind that it has zippity zoo zero to do with being white

This is so true. When you hear stuff like "Obama acts like a white guy" or "Merkel acts like a man" yeah no shit you feel opressed when civilized and successful are synonymous to white and male to you

the ass parts are real. not sure about the dick

Eh I got it from this, this whole surge in white nationalism from brexit to trump and then how it "spills over" into other countries is all engineered by the jew masons to make everyone really start to hate white people.

That is true, but living in an orwellian society even more than we already do for slight concessions is not worth it

I think you are presuming things without reason

Fuck off.

I don't think they outright deleted it, didn't they just private it?

>Secondly, why does his asshole look like that.

his wife likes the strap on.

that will end in the death of humanity as a whole, or at the very least the destruction of western countries
We are not yet enough of a minority to be afrikanered

I don't have the sauce.

As for his hole, he said he's an alcoholic and daily drinking fils your arsehole up. I'm assuming it's watery beer shits or something

He was addressing black people, not the poster.

this was addressed to blacks, not by them
Image is related to nothing

Take personal responsibility for their actions.

>Beyonce cares about black people because shes Beyonce
>but not kanye though. his a sellout.

the double think is amazing.


Every person in the video has to wear black face, even the black guys.


It's too late, I used to believe all races were equal but the left made me a neo nazi.

You really think they aren't playing the public opinion and its current racial tensions with extreme caution? Have you seen how the media even raised Trump to what he is now? Instead of just ignoring him like another kkk member?

No it won't blow over as you say, just that after Trump, white people will be hated on a unprecedented scale, even white people hating themselves for whats to be engineered. Stability, just with whites being passivized.

In other news, the average of intelligence of Sup Forums continues to fall

I haven't heard people be as openly racist since I was a kid in the 80s. I have a feeling we will save your asses in the near future.once again Europe


Damn, kikebook said it didn't violate their standards or whatever

As much as this pic is right, globalresearch is not a reliable source.

this but not because the facts changed with my feelings

because i actually bothered to look at the history of europe

you disregard the fact that previously fringe ideas are becoming more and more accepted by whites, especially young ones who had to grow up with multikulti
only the leftists will be passive self haters, and we don't want them anyway. Bad genes, you know.
As things stand, we still own most of the land and guns, and the different minority groups hate each other about as much as they hate us. No death camps will happen, at least for the next 10-30 years
the intervening time is where we must work

First Reply Best Reply

Yeah that makes a lot more sense than that his closet dyke wife wears his pink sock on the regular.

lol, let these retarded jews double down the leftist faggotry. These videos create 0 shitlibs but hundreds of new alt-righters and one proto-Hitler.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. It will guarantee 12 more years of Trump!!

>t. Gavin

Okay I can understand farting into a mic bUT what the fuck is that guy doing with his fucking dick out?


You're right about the first part
We need no kings, though, unless we're legitimately going back to monarchy at which point I believe society should be stratified along genetic lines, with the rulers being the best and brightest
the system is flawed to the core, and needs revitalizing in the form of drastic alteration

don't throw punches at armed men

I think they were talking about mansplaining. Because apparently if you're condescending to a woman it's got a name and you're a sexist but if you do it to another Fucking White Male that's a-okay.

I'm cringing so bad

Again, its being engineered to the most finesse. Whites won't need to take up arms, or even be able to. They are going to crash Trump/Brexit/White nationalism, to the point where whites become passivized.

They are only engineering it, like a false flag, only to soon then crash it and make it look like a fool. Just as the british politician says. And Trumps clownishness is just signaling that, it has always signaled that, we all know his presidency isn't stable, and they attached white nationalism to the small bit of legitimacy it has.

Its to crash.

The kike jews thought the anti-white male narrative that's been brainwashing everyone for decades had been a success.

Everyone is seeing through the propaganda and the jew is afraid.

>what black guys could do better

isn't there like a 10hrs max duration for the vidyas on youtube and you think it's long enough?

Stop raping and killing our women. Yes even the fat coal burners. Kill your own women. Then kill youselves.

>((((((((MTV))))))))) backing off

This is it, this marks the death of liberalism.

a crash at this late hour will not pacify, it will incentivize
this really is the 11th hour, if we wait much longer and allow this to continue we really won't be able to stop it

Pretty much. I've had multiple people say "Trump got elected, that disproves everything you're complaining about" only to hit 'em back with the "Obama got elected so racism doesn't exist."

Pillowy mounds of delicious butthurt.

The jews are the one inciting the white nationalism, they are playing a double game, only to soon then crash it and passivize whites.

Eww. That ringpiece is fucking goatse 2.0.

What's this? A civil discussion on Sup Forums? This conversation is going to well for my liking.

If they legit showed some self awareness, even in this small trifling thing, then yeah it is the beginning of the end.

Sadly there may be some truth to what you are saying.

I remember reading that Soros was funding the white neo nazis in Ukraine.

No surprises here but it's still up on their twitter!

>year of the monkey
>blacks are known to be compared to monkeys
>blacks have been rampaging all year
>year of the rooster

What could happen?