He smashed the artwork


Eyewitness (photographer) report. Make what you will of it; but you can see from the photos that paintings are missing after the assassination. He is NOT straightening them.

Can we stem this particular part of the conspiracy theory now?

Pic unrelated, random image from random device.

The space is aesthetically designed, being an art gallery. The photographs are taken by professionals. The assasin is well dressed.

There is nothing unusual beyond this to make the photos anything else than good photos of an assasination.

The aesthetics have nothing of value in terms of meaning to this even beyond the meme value we're putting on them.


sorry, crappy tablet etc...

The event becomes the man (or pictures of him). The man becomes a meme. The meme changes the 'truth' of the event - gaining traction.

Maybe this was a conspiracy, by definition it was, but by making your starting point 'the assasin straightened the artwork... whoa!' you are unlikely to come to the correct conclusion.

There's also a degree of apologism in certain theories. Assigning these deaths to anything else than an idea that became dangerous through an action is denying the danger inherent in that idea.

It's the same kind of diversion we see in msm. Memes are fun, but when a picture tells the wrong thousand words, it becomes a problem.

wondering, what thinks this dog?

I want some proofs because there lots of journalists taking pictures so one of the must have a picture of him smashing the painting. But if he did smash them i guess it makes sense? Werent they pictures of orthodox churces? And hes an islamist?

*pictures not paintings

It is the interactive nature of boards such as this that make them more useful than msm in certain ways. There is a sense that we are the creative force here - but who are 'we'?

I think we are mostly aware of the real answer to that question, and the terrible implications that has

Whatever we create, wherever we speak, will always become corrupted eventually. The real redpill is that reality is outside, not on this screen. (semi-ironic 'whoa')

I that the reasons people do things are complex and unknowable in their totality from outside. We can listen to what he said about Syria and be aware of the complexities behingd that situation also.

Although stuff is complex we can recognise patterns and trends. The muddying of the water from memes like 'aesthetic assasin' interfere with this ability.

This is why I broke ten year's silence over this. It bugged me as an obsessive lurker and former gallery owner.

I don't think we've seen all the photos of the event. Any photographer worth his salt will have captured the destruction. The video was left running. I don't see bits of frame etc in the 'dead assasin' photo.

He pretty much said why he did it - believe that or take a look and decide for yourself... but he didn't straighten the frame on the wall.

I'm probably a lot older than the average poster. Over the years I've had a fascination with 'unusual news'.

Increasingly there are cross-overs. Since people started going on the internet and looking for information there have been changes, not only in how many people are 'woke', but in the narratives themselves.

We know that we are deliberately shown things that either inforce our own perceptions, or serve to change them. The undercurrent of tin foil is increasingly creeping in to he main stream.

I see patterns converging, but they are patterns of perception. The next real happening will be an 'undeniable' truth pill aimed at the normies - something that will make them lose their minds.

(Pizza capture)

Everything we ever experience is from within some sort if controlled system. You can take this to whatever logical or illogical conclusion you like, but no matter how many different coloured pills you swallow - this will never change.

The immediate effects may change according to the social system you live under, but you will always be controlled.

Fear is a big part of this control system, and increasingly fear of things we read about. The more uncontrollable fears you assign to an event - letter agencies, aliens, satanists - the more cemented your fears, and the easier they become to wield against you.

Opressive systems of government become interdimensional pan-galactic empires; and there's nothing we can do about that is there?

Justice dissipates the fear.

Knowledge, truth. You can deal with the anxiety if things aren't beyond reach, it's the untochable things that makes us afraid.

Exactly. However, no matter how many truths you know there will always be dark corners you cannot see in to. Shine your light over there - more corners appear.

I think it's possible to distil an 'active' sense of truth though - disregard those things that can never harm you nor are ever likely to.

These individual and collective levels can never be outside the control system - as 'cultural' memes they exist within it. 'Happpenings ' occur when these are challenged in a manner that is not ignorable by the masses.

By nature I think that these have to be largely unexpected. Believing this may ,ean that you believe that everything is a narrative. Although it's not completely pre-determined - we provide an element of chaos that means the script has to be re-jigged.

Then let's fuck with their plans some more.

>Call the allies I don't give a fuck

Yes, if you like. That's an important point of view. The memes we create, the discussions we have al have immense resonance beyond. For every posting user there are many lurkers like me. My mindset has changed because of my time here. I find that gratifying in terms of learning, but also unsettling in terms of control.

Making your own ideas is paramount though - be a participant in dragging reality your way, since our own way is the only one we'll ever feel comfortable going.

That being said, if you find evidence that conclusively disproves any part of your mind set, be man enough to accept it.

To actually sound old, this is my problem witth current generation - they are largely in denial about certain apparent truths.

I guess it's about where you draw the line and how bold you make it. We're all obsessed with the same things, sex food, death, and we all want our varying amounts of it. This is why we all don't get along - you will never force us all to think the same thing, it is impossibke.

Doesn't mean that people don't try though. (pizza capture)


It always looked like pepe is smoking a cross, I fucking swear I thought he was smoking a cross-shaped joint until now, wtf?

This one event proves how we conform to believing what we see (and this is how the aesthetics of the reportage becomes relevant).

It looks like a movie - and movies increasingly look like real life. You do have to ask, what are they feeding us, and what effect do THEY hope it will have?

I've never seen that, but now I do. Here's an (you). This is the magic of Sup Forums. I don't feel a decade has been wasted watching this channel.

Unfortunately the ultimate pill aimed at the normies is the Grey Pill, and we all take a bite of that.
It happens over a lifetime,and we do lose our minds over it.

So all you kids out there, enjoy your colourful pills. Because reality is black and white and all things in between.

I think that's the flaw in the (normie) system though. It works two ways, firstly it keeps them from believing truths that may effect the running of the system - society will tick over onbread and games.

Secondly though, since the truth runs outside this grey area, even revealing parts of it can rock people's paradigm to a level wherevthingsget dangerous - never mind if an event is false and fantastical.

Anonymous voices are the purest and the most real. Agree with you. Interesting that someone else out there us thinking a lot of the same things I have around here. Take care, Britbro.

You too burgerbro. And that's the thing. To all the neets, self-defined or otherwise. To all the conspiracy theorists. To all the memers. To all the shitposters. What you say does mean something, even if it's just one person lurking somewhere. 4 chan has been the most revealing, far-reaching learning curve of my life. Even if it does end tomorrow, I salute you all.

So then, while the thread's still active - intuition. What do you think will happen? Do you think there's a forthcoming point of convergence, a literal event horizon?

I err on a side distinct from a 'celestial' event. There's far too many ways the current paradigm regarding ideological differences is still working. If I had to predict, I'd say a 'terrorist event' - but something that pulls on our very general collective heart strings. A tragic, human event that will serve to further galvanise humanity and increase our fears.

Remember - fear of that hypothetical event is just as useful to any control system as the event itself. All posts are satire, blah be blah...

Don't believe what you read on the internet. (pizza capture)

Speaking as a pattern autist, my ID: rue IQ s[j]w. In a former incarnation I was a vicious social justice 'troll' with leftist tendencies, who took to defining myself as high IQ. The irony. All I can say is thank you /pol. Still spooky though. (pizza capture)


Bump. Lotta junk here today. (set-up)