Hey look this is the terrorist who probably killed all these people

>hey look this is the terrorist who probably killed all these people
>police are looking for him everywhere
>here's his photo
>oh by the way we censored it for you

what did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


They found his ID in the truck hmmmmmm

It means that German law prohibits them from actually putting the uncensored picture out there. Law made by people that your people elected.

It's already a stretch, legally, that they print his face at all.

"Refugees welcome."

Are you seriously mad because they protected his identity?

Islamists have rights too, you know?

If this news is true then they might as well be silent about it because it's getting embarrasing.

that's what they tell the public, we'll never know how he's really linked to this shit

>Islamists have rights too, you know?
lol. human rights is not what their religion is about in the first place. Im sure they'd understand

You faggots deserve death. May Allah strike you with vengeance

Thats who we are looking for

your not allowed to know how he looks

but if you see him, call the police

The rights of Muslim terrorists to privacy is more important than the right of German people to safety.

They are afraid that should he turn out not to be the guy, he could sue them.

It's laws that were supposed to protect privacy of the citizens

But he isn't a citizen..you stupid fucking cuck

>Anis Amri

>Looking for a particular violent Muslim
>In Germany

It's basically like this:

will kek so hard if she isn't re-elected

>being scared a terrorist could sue you
c u c k e d

they censored it for privacy.
in germany everyone deserves the rights to be
treated by the laws of 'our constitution'.

Andre the giant confirmed ISIS agent

""citizen"" lel

Get fucked achmed.
If you choose privacy over security then you deserve all the ficki ficki and cologne rape gangs.

This man is to be considered armed and highly dangerous, so keep an eye out for him. Oh by the way, we censored half of his face so you can never identify him in public before he strikes again. Stay safe.

Is this the new Unabomber?

Kekmans will do nothing when they simultaneously hit Christmas eve service up and down Kekmany

There is no law against it dumbo, it's the press code (Presse Kodex) which the press gave itself and is in no way a binding set of rules given by the state.
It is like a code of conduct or whatever.

The German law (the real one) does allow to put the fags face out there. Look it up yourself §§ 23 KunstUrhG especially § 23 I nr. 1 and § 24.

did you see the words i chose to highlight by ' ' ?
so your
>if you choose
is totally wrong here cause we chose nothing...

but again what am i complaining about?!
it's your educational system and not your fault.

>looking up anything in german
I'd rather wade through a pool of shit

Before someone says anything: German here, just visiting

Did I say he was a citizen? Fucking retards, I swear...
That was the intention of the law. However, in their usual incompetence, they worded it in such a way that it protects everyone.

we have the same shit here, it's for protecting the victims, of course by censoring the faces of criminals

Said the leaf

I put in into google translate for you, it's not very hard you know.

23 (1) Without the consent required pursuant to § 22, the following may be disseminated and displayed:
Portraits from the realm of contemporary history;

For legal and public security purposes, images may be reproduced, disseminated and publicly displayed by the authorities without the consent of the claimant, the person reproduced or his or her family.

He fits both

you are right!
it's not their privacy that they are supposed to be concerned about
it's the charges they face when being part of a terror attack and these are given by our laws and (luckily) not by our streamlined media.

You have no idea about the law and jurisprudence but read shit somewhere and act as if you knew anything.

Just shut up. the guy's face is not protected by German law, BILD themselve just decided to censore.

>comes from safe country
>asylum status somehow not yet determined
>4 different identities
>at least 2 different known places of residence
>known terrorist ties
>under observation of the secret intelligence
>wanted for at least one crime
>still manages to pull off terror attack

>BILD themselve just decided to censore
which is in fact quite interisting as well.

If this dude was low priority for the cops imagine how many "big guys" are still out there.

The media wants to feel morally superior and pride themselves by how much "integrity" they have by not showing the faces of criminals.

The media in Sweden does that all the time too, it's fucking retarded. They only do it to feel like they're doing the ethical thing when they actually don't.

Lots probably, but only one is big for you.