Non radicalized leftists get in here and discuss the mission at hand

it's time once again for us "leftists" to adapt or die and do what we do best which is to subvert and cuck the far right fundamentalists and pretty much all forms of ideological fundamentalism in general.

how do we do this?

i say we use their language, memes, and logic against them when it is advantageous for us to disarm their reactionary behavior to pc culture and then hammer word policing down on them when the subject is already in a state of agitation.

thus shutting down his (and sometimes her) ability to pull together cheap, already formulated arguments he learned off some shitty race bait websites.

what you have to remember here is that your average far right person be it a blue collar nazi or just some Sup Forums influenced libertarian maga crusader is that the education and economic level of the person spewing jew conspiracy bullshit in your face is directly correlated to his behavior in almost all cases. very rarely you see your richard spencer types and the majority of these people shit talk things like college simply because they never went themselves and are suffering from cognitive dissonance.

psychology is a key weapon here in the battle against fundamentalism and should be wielded as such. (take note that psychology is extremely dangerous to any white nationalist or nazi who doesn't want to have his brain picked apart revealing whatever emotional damage they might have had to become that way to begin with)

study it and study the alt-right and white nationalists as you post here and formulate how you deal with them for the mission to preserve basic human morality.

post and discuss philosophic material from either the left or right which might be used as research materials and direct counter points to stupid fucking ideology like: race realist social Darwinism, segregation, apartheid, race driven exceptionalism/elitism, and implicit bias.

Other urls found in this thread:


>faggot leftist yells at no one and claims to know meme magic

good point get triggered B=====D~~~~~

try speaking like an adult or someone who knows how to pay an electric bill before you try typing into the ole chat box.

the fact that you're still a lefty cuck proves that you aren't

people like you are going to get lynched, my leftist friend

deal with the thread on the merits faggot or get bent. dont make me wipe shit down your back and punch you in the neck of your dick

can get lynched if you shoot the lynchers ahahahah


>wall of text explaining your plans to your enemy
kys nigger faggot

well now all we have to do is use reverse psychology on you then you dip shit ahahahahah

please tell me this is a joke. i hope you posted this from somewhere else

>i was only pretending to be retarded
reverse psychology doesn't work if you tell people it's reverse psychology

I see that you talk a great deal about "levels of education" and yet post, as the main support for what I will politely - and believe me, very euphemistically - refer to as your "argument", a video featuring Slavoj Zizek, whose success in the academic world has pretty much definitively undermined our "educational institutions'" claim to be actual places of learning and inquiry at all.
It might actually be instructive for some of the Sup Forums kids to see how easily and completely a Zizek-admiring leftist can be exposed as a pretentious, empty-headed ignoramus by someone, like myself, who has received something at least resembling a real education.
Are you up for it? My contention is that Zizek's entire body of work is just a great flatulent cloud of PC prejudices desperately dressed up - in an attempt to make himself stand out from the crowd of Tumblrinas and Carl the Cucks - in incoherent pseudo-philosophical gobbledeegook that does not even make the attempt to remain consistent with itself from book to book.
Would you care to come up with a counter-contention so I can demonstrate to our little friends here just what empty windbags people like you invariably are?

>countering autistic wall of text with ironic autistic wall of text
>three sets of repeating integers
we are in the presence of a meme wizard

Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

except here you are....already ensnared like some fucking asshole wreck who needs attention ahahahha. please, lets keep the debate up

oh no everything that was said is pretty spot on. if you look at white nationalists and separatists they disregard psychology as a whole as a jewish invention (wink wink stormroof joke)

fuck off frenchy come at me from lacan if you want to dissect zizek.

what do you think life's structures are clean cut and pragmatic? his work does lend itself to not being consistent if you only have a left or only right view of his work. there are a lot of what he says that works two way which is why he pisses off the left as much as the right which makes him like his sempai hegel. dualism is a bitch.

kid get the fuck out of here if you dont want to do use adults speech

get triggered to mars you broke bitch. ahahahahha

No, actually, it was a serious invitation to the OP to back up his claims that he is "better educated" than us with some serious point-by-point argument about the doctrines taught by his intellectual hero.
But yeah, maybe I was wrong. My idea, as I stated, was that you Sup Forums kids might learn something from watching an actual point-by-point intellectual debate.
But if this is indeed - and I fear it is - a board on which any sentence that doesn't consist of "kek u mad bro u need 2 go bak 2 reddit lol u baguette Ahmed lol u mad" - or of some combination of same - is considered to = autism, then I was fooling myself.

either way KEK has blessed you

>pls respond

Reminder that if you really hold leftist values, you're a cucked retard. Look at the horrors happening in Europe

Day of the rope soon please

Shit guys the leftists are here!

i never said once that i was better educated....where anywhere did you assume this aside from the fact that i have been to a four year college?

i mean if have not been to uni then that's on YOU. ahahah

k bai
shut the fuck up and tend to your tim hortons kitchen work. then maybe try taking or a real trade or career

>pls respond

Smash capitalism! eh comrades!


good one leaf


>cuck the far right fundamentalists and pretty much all forms of ideological fundamentalism in general
except your own ideological fundamentalism, right? Because obviously yours is the "right one", except it has never been tried yet.



Are you afraid yet, Sup Forums?

Leftists are being proven wrong left and right, why would you still want to cling to that label?

Look at these warriors! They are menacing! Be afraid m8s...

There's no point being a leftist anymore, your ideology got btfo to hell and back with Trump's landslide victory.
if you really believe you can force some sort of change here you're one delusional faggot, especially since lefty cucks aren't welcomed here. Kill yourself

>Newfag attempts to have a mature logical discourse
>Comes to 4chinz to do it
>Doesn't realize that half of the posters here are satirically edgy to trigger liberals
>Will eventually become one of us given enough time...

Yeah, whatever, obviously I am dealing with children all around here.
"Come at me from Lacan"
As I believe Jean-Paul Belmondo once put it: "You want Lacan? You can't handle Lacan!"

Have you ever READ any Lacan, kid? Have you ever read any FREUD? (Because, of course, being so EDUCATED, you will be aware that Lacan claimed not to be a Lacanian but simply a Freudian)

If so, how do you manage to retain your intellectual respect for a man who had recourse to the most egregious and undeniable philological falsification to take Freud's famous dictum

"Da, wo es war, soll ich werden"

which was a clear declaration of partisanship for the rational ego and thus for the cause of rationalism and enlightenment in the clear and simple 18th Century sense, and twist it into

"There, where the ego was, the id should come to be"

a dictum that clearly signifies the very opposite and diverts the whole of Freud's thought into a channel of irrationalism and anti-enlightenment that Freud would have found repulsive?

Can't understand a word of what I'm talking about? I thought so.

Quod erat demonstrandum, kid.

>poor people posting images as reaction in lue of any actual content

no see i'm not an extremist barring i think anything anti-human should be fucked with and beaten back from under thr rock it came from which is a too big adrenaline gland.

you were thinking of the word liberal, liberal and leftist are different and the only people shit talking "leftists" are ideologically fucked to death dipshit right wingers

ehehehe you must be new here

>actual content
Pictures & videos say more than words can some times, they speak for themselves, they are the content


To defeat the alt right, all we have to do is spread the meme that everyone is alt-right.

Then the alt righters (who are just edgy teenagers) will be forced to move to a new ideology/label that hasn't gained any traction.

Kek, psychology is a joke like any social science but go ahead and try to use thing I was most obsessed with for years growing up against me, I'm sure that'll work

I even had one psych teacher who was openly a communist and always went on about men's "arbitrary beauty standards"

Dude was a total idiot, he thought we had free will yet he thought communism was the answer and no one was responsible for themselves, made no sense, lmao

And sorry, kid, but you appear not just to be a pretentious ignoramus but a downright liar:

>what you have to remember here is that your average far right person be it a blue collar nazi or just some Sup Forums influenced libertarian maga crusader is that the education and economic level of the person spewing jew conspiracy bullshit in your face is directly correlated to his behavior in almost all cases. very rarely you see your richard spencer types and the majority of these people shit talk things like college simply because they never went themselves and are suffering from cognitive dissonance.

What is that but saying that you Zizekian lefties are better educated than us?

Well, I just gave you a chance to prove it.

It'll be amusing watching you display your utter intellectual adequacy and total lack of culture.

>in lue
why do autistic leftists constantly reuse terms like this. why not just speak in the common vernacular.

"ehehehe you must be new here"
the irony

They think using those terms make them sound smarter. Style over substance

Good luck with no guns

I think you give this little shitstain far too much credit, my child.
Autistic leftists are often pretentious and precious in their use of language.
But most of them can at least SPELL the pretentious terms they "in LIEU", for example.
This guy isn't an autistic leftist.
He's just a fucking illiterate moron.

Note, by the way, how eager he is to engage with you other junior-high-schoolers, whom he thinks he can "baffle with science".
I'm pretty sure that now that I have replied to him in a way that indicates that someone in the thread might KNOW something that he will never be heard from again.

thanks meme wizard



Bye bye kiddies.
It's SUCH fun being an edgy altright /po/ kid, isn't it?
But Mommy's calling you upstairs for beddy-byes-byes now.
Goodnight kiddies, goodnight.

let the emotions wash over you...

i've read probably most of the same things as you but the difference is that i can actually use the material without having hide behind phony intellectual wordplay.. and you just keep on typing we'll get somewhere here.

coming from an entitled french fag that's a funny statement. i can smell the baguettes and BO on this one already. (tips glasses down like freud)

but be honest here did the "non radicalized leftists" part of the thread title trigger you or what?

you obviously know you're losing
Kek smites you.

Sick star-wars reference bro. upvote if you agree


losing at what? we're supposed to be talking leftist or right leaning philosophy here and not one person here has brought up videos or reading material and have just named dropped shit so if by that standard yes i am losing to a bunch of dumb dumbs


WOAW kewl meme

OK, well, I think that's settled it.
You were just given a chance to "use the material" that you claim you have read.
You couldn't.
The debate about the validity or non-validity of Lacan's reading of Freud's "Da, wo es war..." from "The Ego and the Id" has been central to the debate about the validity of Lacanianism for 50 years now.
Clearly, the question of the validity of Lacanianism is central to the question of the validity of Zizek's theories, since they are all based on Lacan.
You cannot possibly understand the theories that you claim to adhere to because you cannot intelligently debate the key question in the theories they are based on.
All you can do is type infantile memes about baguettes and BO.
You have read nothing. You know nothing. You are a wannabe-edgy, laughable little children.
Stay here and swap memes with the other children if you wish. I am done with you.

but the thing is, is that no one cares

ty user


>post and discuss philosophic material from either the left or right which might be used as research materials and direct counter points to stupid fucking ideology like: race realist social Darwinism, segregation, apartheid, race driven exceptionalism/elitism, and implicit bias.

>asking for leftist ammo

>on Sup Forums

Really my man, I mean the only theory opposing racism is that it's the white man keepin the black man down but that clearly isn't the case so you have to beg for more reasons? On here tho? Lol

>lefty faggot

>go to /pol to make a retarded statement

>get btfo

You will lose

this post was for you:

look my man i only make subtle threads.

it's subtle

They're alright drowning in there own form of PC-like bullshit.

>But conservatives have their own, nationalist version of PC, their own set of rules regulating speech, behavior and acceptable opinions. I call it “patriotic correctness.” It’s a full-throated, un-nuanced, uncompromising defense of American nationalism, history and cherry-picked ideals. Central to its thesis is the belief that nothing in America can’t be fixed by more patriotism enforced by public shaming, boycotts and policies to cut out foreign and non-American influences.

>Insufficient displays of patriotism among the patriotically correct can result in exclusion from public life and ruined careers. It also restricts honest criticism of failed public policies, diverting blame for things like the war in Iraq to those Americans who didn’t support the war effort enough.


Sorry, but that's a exactly what a regressive patriotically correct individual would say.

>anonymous board
lel you seem triggered lad

well that just makes you sound like a nigger. you aren't a nigger are you? if you were then we would have to disavow everything you say.

>Blaming the liberal or mainstream media and “media bias” is the patriotically correct version of blaming the corporations or capitalism. The patriotically correct notion that they “would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2,000 people on the faculty of Harvard University” because the former have “common sense” and the “intellectual elites” don’t know anything, despite all the evidence to the contrary, can be sustained only in a total bubble. Poor white Americans are the victims of economic dislocation and globalization beyond their control, while poor blacks and Hispanics are poor because of their failed cultures. The patriotically correct are triggered when they hear strangers speaking in a language other than English. Does that remind you of the PC duty to publicly shame those who use unacceptable language to describe race, gender or whatever other identity is the victim du jour?

>The patriotically correct rightly ridicule PC “safe spaces” but promptly retreat to Breitbart or talk radio, where they can have mutually reinforcing homogeneous temper tantrums while complaining about the lack of intellectual diversity on the left. There is no such thing as too much national security, but it’s liberals who want to coddle Americans with a “nanny state.” Those who disagree with the patriotically correct are animated by anti-Americanism, are post-American, or deserve any other of a long list of clunky and vague labels that signal virtue to other members of the patriotic in-group.

Always hating on those poor origami kids.


>Every group has implicit rules against certain opinions, actions and language as well as enforcement mechanisms — and the patriotically correct are no exception. But they are different because they are near-uniformly unaware of how they are hewing to a code of speech and conduct similar to the PC lefties they claim to oppose. The modern form of political correctness on college campuses and the media is social tyranny with manners, while patriotic correctness is tyranny without the manners, and its adherents do not hesitate to use the law to advance their goals.

i am in a lucid state of smug

as a leftist i will ask you whythe fuck are you citing the washington post? get that jeff bezo's rag out of my sight

So your saying, all the right need to do to totally destroy the left, is not engage in discussion with it. So the left eventually disappears up it's own arse.

Well, you started by being patronising, rather than expecting your audience to rise to you.
Then you implied that there needed to be a unitary approach, rather than a whole semi-harmonious orchestra of approaches, tones, figures etc.
Then you assumed that the ideologies you want to fight are stupid, while you yourself demonstrated stupidity throughout your post.
If you could avoid doing those things, you might start winning. But then, you might also stop being a leftist. :^)

you are like a baby watch this

well of course your tea and k2 riddles brain might come to that conclusion but then you are probably waaaaaayyyy poor and not very well educated so it's to be expected.

i will subvert your meme magic with zizekian anti ideological workings

Richard Spencer is actually one of the dumber people on the alt-right. Though I can see why a dumb person like yourself would think he's smart.


no i never said he was smart i said he was different and by that i mean charismatic.

he's the type of shitter to be how he is right now in 2016 but disavow it a few more years from now and win public office somewhere later and fully employ his beliefs. his type are the dangerous almost needs to be killed types because of how solidified the pathos is.

Usually don't but thought it made good points.

this is the same reasoning dudes use to say "well i dont agree with hitler but he had a few good points" ehehehhe

>stamp out all forms of idealogical fundamentalism
>with our brand of idealogical fundamentalism

and faggots like you have the nerve to call others fascists.



>not agreeing with Hitler
what a dopey loser

He's not charismatic either. You do realise that no one is fooled by your pretenses of being particularly educated or intelligent, I doubt even you are lol. You've not said anything insightful, funny or interesting ITT; all of you've done is play aloof and call people poor, classic of someone that doesn't really have anything to say.

>it's the spanish commie retard
whats up buddy? done jerking off to your marxist fairy tales?

hey spain get off my dick and cling to what money you have left please. another non american with plenty of opinions on american matters.

fuck off snow nigger

i dont think you know what fundamentalism is do you

Is it really? Hitler is just one person. A newspaper can have many individuals with varying view points. The same could be said about political parties. Would you say i support Hillary if i liked Bernie's ideas? Would you say i love Trump if i support John McCain's policies?

The Washington Post is usual trash but when individuals have good ideas, it might be good to separate them from their associations.

here's a gold star for spotting purposeful cognitive dissonance unlike the rest of the dippy do's in this thread ahahhahhahha

>newspaper isn't a one person, but all rightwingers are!
solid logic, I'm sure chomsky must be proud

kys you shitskin nigger, go back to plebbit
why do people even respond to these threads

If anything this faggot OP is why we need to work on dealing with the left while they're down and wounded. Start infiltrating their groups play divide and conquer with them. Subversion and disruption is a game two can play at and the right can be as effective when it gets smarter and gets it's shit together.

I did this in the first half of my second year at university after I got stick of them being such obnoxious twats all the time around any remotely politically charged subject.

1) Figure out who the key organisers are in left-wing groups it's often several very active, well organised individuals who are the driving force behind most of the wider groups actions. Make them fall out and marginalise them and things grind to a halt. I broke my uni's Socialist Worker Students Society by stirring up a row between it's President and the uni's womens' officer by playing them off against each other over another activist they both fancied. The womens' officer won and I spent several weeks in the society president's ear fuelling her jealousy. The two spent the rest of the year at each others' throats, rubbishing each other's work and fought a vicious election campaign against each other and were ineffective for the rest of the year.

2) Attend protests regularly and secretly film and identity individuals. I did this a couple of times and managed to get three people from my old uni thrown out completely and two of them locked up in prison for separate incidents. The most prominent was an antifa who kicked a downed police office in the head and stole his helmet. I got pictures of him on the coach home posing with it then reported them a week later. He got a two-year prison sentence. Another I got a few months later at an anti-EDL demo for assaulting several police officers and breaking a camera. He got a £750 fine and 6 month suspended prison sentence as well as being kicked out of uni.

We can do it we need to get smart. Figure the best activists and shut them down.

I'm not a commie you dumb slavshit

snow nigger you better get back to chopping wood