My teenage son takes over 50 minutes to do his hair. What shall I do?

My teenage son takes over 50 minutes to do his hair. What shall I do?

Nothing because you should mind your own fucking business, Grandpa

Post his feet :^)

pray that he only does it to get girls

Get in here faggots

shave him bald, no man should take longer than 5 minutes to do his hair

Shave it

Shave his head and tell him to kill jews

Fuck off with your slide threat, faggot :^)

Beat it out of him. Unless he wants to be a professional soccer coach in which case he needs to up it to three hours

Sounds like he is a sissyboy. Nothing you can do you can fight it all you want but it won't change anything. Start putting birth control in his food and load him up on female hormones so he doesn't get too ugly and hope you can pass him off to a nice young man who will take care of him.

You know what to do.

Get him hormone replacement therapy for Christmas.

Give him a buzzcut and tell him he's lucky you allow him to keep the rest of his disgusting hippie mop.

Why do all our teenagers have that stupid haircut now. It's seriously the douchiest haircut out there and seeing it on 14-year-olds just pisses me off.

Stuur hem naar de randstad voor een dosis rode pillen

My teenage son hardly bathes


my hair is over a foot long and I comb that shit and tie it back in less than 3 minutes.

You do not have a son, you have a daughter.
Or at least this

tell him that girls really dont care about that shit as long as he's clean. that was my problem

Shave him bald.

Fuck be a man and do something you lazy Euro faggot.

if it helps him get the pussy, it's all right

Beat his faggot ass.


while he's sleeping... that would be close to sexually abusing your own kid, but wtf! it's for his sake!

What even takes him so long?

cum in his hairgel.

He's doing his hair for five minutes and bopping the weasel for the other 45.
Were you never a teenager?

shave him

mfw I never spent a minute on my hair in HS but was the most attractive guy in my class due to having superior Justin Berber hair genetics where simply growing my hair out was enough to look like him, and I was rocking that style years before anyone knew who he was, and as an added bonus I only had to cut my hair about twice maybe three times a year

hide all his hair products and stop giving him money

Post dick :^)

Shave his head and draw a penis on his scalp with permanent marker.

Hes a faggot.

Beat the gay out of him before it takes root and blooms into rampant faggotry.

You already know what to do

Convince him that crew cuts is the best and most timeless hairstyle.

Remove him like a kebab.