I am an Associate Teacher.Ask Me Anything

I teach special needs students in inner cities. Ask me anything.

Children always have a way of telling the truth, autistic ones especially, do they even believe the lies SJW teachers pump out on the daily anymore.

>Special needs
So I'm gonna assume you work in an inner city black majority school?

Do a greentext

Mostly Mexicans. Very few blacks. In California

The students I teach have no concept of politics but they are very racist. They may say something like "he's chocolate colored" or "the blacks are scary".

So what are the ratios?
75% black
20% Hispanic
5% other

>literally retarded niggers
You aren't doing society any favors.

Mexicans confirmed for being deliberately responsible for driving out blacks in Cali.

80% Mexican
10% white
5% Indian (dot)
4% Asian
1% blacks

Basically. Blacks get KKK style treatment from Mexicans. They get loads of "niggers get out" graffiti

Very few blacks. About 5 black kids at the school I work at.

Tell us some funny stories about these spergs, OP

May i recommend the,living years,by mike and the mechanics.

I once got kicked in the nuts by a down syndrome lad so hard that I vomited and pissed blood. Got a week off paid.

Once caught students smoking marijuana in the bathroom.

Based goth girl once wore shirt that said "porch monkey for life".

Once, a special needs student came to school with 2 different shoes and cigarette butts coming out of his jacket.

Black security guard got called a nigger by a large group of Mexican students.

Asian kid once put porn on a teachers laptop bypassing the filter.

In health class, anal sex is required material to learn about.

All white teachers are red pilled as fuck.


Teaching in the inner cities is a red pilling experience

what the fuck are you doing give us some of your best retard stories

A down syndrome lad kicked me in the nuts every day

Retard girls love to flirt with normal boys and get swift rejections.

My students frequently fight over little things like "that's my toy clock" and could escalate to desks being thrown at people.

Retard strength is no joke

Parents often blame us for their degenerate retards and say "he doesn't act like this at home" and then reward them for bad behavior.

Students will eat their sandwich while it's still wrapped in foil

Students repeat everything they here and have called teachers niggers before

if i was in your position i would coax them into eating things like poison maybe poisonous plants if there are any nearby but make sure to indirectly tell them incase the fuckers survive

How do you deal with them masturbating in class?

>was in smart class went to babysit tards
>they were all dry humping
>walked out and refused to go back

Yeah that's what I get for volunteering.

Try that, but with bleach. Should work wonders on weeding out the unfit

How strongly do you believe they are a burden to society?

Simply say "nice hands" and they'll stop.

Godspeed to you senpai
I jumped ship and moved for software engineering and haven't looked back yet
Maybe when they fix education I'll get into teaching
I hope you don't lose your job, the turnover rates in the inner city schools are crazy
That stuff that happens in those places burns your fucking soul sometimes

Honestly, I've grown to love my work. Many of them graduate and find menial employment bagging groceries or putting shopping carts in their designated locations. The ones who are a burden to society are the ones with no disability diagnosis who are just low IQ savages. They're the ones who end up being criminals. Some of the high functioning gals become prostitutes. It's actually very sad. It is a strain on our social services but to me, it's what separates us from the savage world.

> Students will eat their sandwich while it's still wrapped in foil

It's very difficult. Kids have no respect because they're dads are absent and their moms are crack whores. Students smell like meth and cigarettes and CPS is so incompetent that nothing gets done. It's infuriating. Girls lie about getting raped and some girls actually did get raped but nothing happens cause convicting rapists is extremely difficult. Its not uncommon for students to be victims of sexual abuse. For many of them, school is the only place they eat. Most students stay at school until 6 pm because they're deadbeat parents want nothing to do with them.

Lionsgate Academy?

I live in an area with a lot of Puerto Ricans. Aside from the fact they're batshit crazy to begin with, alot of girls turn out to be lesbians cuz they're abused as kids

No. Very few of my students are autistic. Lionsgate is for high functioning aspies. My students are the bottom of the barrel

Not surprisingly, alot of our kids have dyke mother's. There's a lot of abuse in dyke homes.

Sounds like an opportunity to score some free pussy

If I wasn't married, that's exactly what I'd do. There's plenty of men in this business for that reason.

I'm interested in becoming a principle.

Any clue to how to go about this? Whos tit do I need to lick?

Get an MA in education. Have previous experience in education

>I once got kicked in the nuts by a down syndrome lad so hard that I vomited and pissed blood. Got a week off paid.

> In health class, anal sex is required material to learn about.

>those that can: do
>those that cant: teach
>those that cant even amount to a failure: associate teach

Any success stories from previous alumni?
By success I mean doing something bigger than the norm, which I assume the majority of which ends up either dead or something worse.