Greetings Comrades

Greetings Comrades

This thread is for the discussion of any and all left-wing political ideology, including, but not limited to, Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Anarchi

>Socialism is an economic and social system defined by social ownership of the means of production. (Workers democratically own and operate the places in which they work, as opposed to private power aka capitalism)

>The means of production are non-human inputs the create economic value, such as factories, workplaces, industrial machinery, etc. Socialists refer to the means of production as capital, or private property. Private property in the socialist context shouldn't be confused with personal property, such as your home, car, computer, and other possessions.

>In a capitalist society the means of production are owned and controlled privately, by those that can afford them (the capitalist aka those with capital). Production is carried out to benefit the capitalist (production for profit). Workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

>Communism is the highest developed stage of socialism wherein there is no state, no money, no class system. The means of production are owned by all and provide for everyone's needs.


ABC's of Socialism:

Introduction to Marxism by Professor Richard D. Wolff: [YouTube] Crisis and Openings: Introduction to Marxism - Richard D Wolff (embed) [Open] [Open]

Selections of Left-wing Literature:

Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State (short read)
Thomas Paine - Agrarian Justice
Noam Chomsky - Notes on Anarchism
Anton Pannekoek - Worker's Councils


First post capitalist post

Dang it.

what is the purpose of these generals?
i see at least 4 a day?
generals are usually done 2 a day max

To recruit the few leftists here. There are a few. Some Bernie bros joined.

and what then?


We will have more people for the revolution.

Also its fun to annoy lolbertarian and Nazi's.

The British tankie is gonna be back in a few minutes.

Fyi, he'll spam about 50-60 passive agressive-strawmen, then leave.

so you believe you will start a communist revolution with recruits from an imageboard?

Tankies are to dogmatic for my tastes.

>i know i'll insult and abuse anybody who doesnt share my opinion that should attract more people to the left


Not really. Its most just to annoy Nazi's. I do want to start a revolution in Tuvalu tho.

There are all ready some leftists on here. Mostly socdems we can just convert them.

Good night commie blight

you do get Sup Forums (the real Sup Forums not the left one) is 90% satire

>no killing

I would say 80% but yeah.

And there is a point when being a Nazi and pretending to support Nazism becomes similar. Your being an asshole either way.

so who are you really 'annoying'?

>you do get Sup Forums (the real Sup Forums not the left one) is 90% satire
Sadly it isn't.

can i say you're being an asshole for supporting communism?

but it is


Read up on the U.N definition of Genocide you shit slurping faggot

This is now a nationalist thread.




Neil Hitler
My loyalty is my honor.

Real talk, guys. You do realise that your days are numbered, right?

If you haven't quite managed to step outside your marxist safe space/echo chambers yet, you'd realise that the right is experiencing a golden age via populist rebirth. It made Trump president, it cut the UK from the EU, and this is just the beginning. Every single nation in Europe has a far-right populist, and they're soaring in the polls.

The best part is that despite Farage and Trump being staunch capitalists, on the mainland europe they've stolen the platform on left-leaning economics and state welfare, so all you have to offer ethnic, cultural and nation state suicide. You're the people who doomed Europeans to become ethnic minorities in their own homelands, you're the people who made Islam an everlasting threat within our own capital. You're the people who placed their interests at the back of the queue, behind everybody else.

I know that you didn't, but they believe that you did. The left and centre is dead in the water, and by 2030, it'll be a brave new world.

Heil Hitler
My loyalty is my honor.

Communism is evil



Fascism best ism, my digits confirm

Grouping people into ideological oversimplifications won't end smoothly. Because nobody will ever get what they actually want.

I think the next four years are going to be interesting for those who share your views. Very interesting, indeed.

As a hard left communist anarcho-progressive, being a cock sucking faggot is a massive part of my political views.

I am absolutely sure that my other pole smoking homosexual gomr8s will agree that being a tremendous and unapologetic faggot is the cornerstone of our ideology.

Furthermore, I would like to pass a motion to appoint Sonic the Hedgehog as our secretary general.

to accept the principles of communism is to accept the violation & depravation of other's property and liberty. Therefore, I have no ethical objection to the death of people who hold the marxist ideology. The death of a communist is a defense of a free person. There is really no "forest", there are only trees. If you want your "forests" healthy, it requires that each tree have the opprtunity to be healthy. There is no place, in any world where men strive to achieve autonomy of will, for communism.


Mindless script-addled drone.

"I will sacrifice my life for this machine to prevent others from sacrificing lives for this other machine I oppose that depends on the sacrifice of lives."

Incorrect. Let me fix you.
>I will sacrifice your life and everyone who thinks like you, when you attempt to regulate my means of production and claim to property.
Pretty simple.




#1 we find out an abandoned industrial estate somewhere that's still urban and establish a creative squat

#2 people start pouring in from all walks of life: there are artists, bloggers, thinkers, school dropouts, rebellious teens and thus we start growing our collective

#3 by now a commune whose name becomes known to every left-leaning individual, our prolific use of social media, raids on contrarian safe spaces and platforms of reason pays off while in real life the stench of our hard work spreads throughout the neighbourhood almost as much as the noise we make

#4 we're ready to revolutionize the world, our theorizing on what went wrong in the past has finally paid off, now we know how everyone should live and how everything should be done, nothing can stop us now

#5 we all die in a preventable fire due to skirting zoning laws and fire safety regulations, our ideas and theories along with us, perhaps the next generation of free thinkers like us shall carry on the torch and make our dream a reality


Convince me communism and socialism are good things by pointing to one good communist and socialist country

See, and I don't support the seizure of property. However, I do support the right of government to compete. The issue with a free market system is that in most cases it prevents the government from competing with monopolistic entities. So it's not a free market. In fact, socialism when properly implemented is the freest market system possible. The government is expected to compete on behalf of the people.

I will name several

Oh and


Is this the anime thread?

Communism will make anime real.

Good plan comrade, maybe the state can give us an additional subsidy for this, I have already spent all my antifa money.

Because massive fiscal irresponsibility and hyperinflation is good.

>Any of those countries
Not exactly titans of industry.
People arent exactly fleeing their home country to go live there
Or do you just measure a good country by how much free shit you get and how equally poor everyone is?

Oh I hope so Genosse
I hope so

Daily reminder:

All Socialists are jealous-hearted thieves. You project your own failures and insecurities on to others, which is evident when you screech that anyone who doesn't want to let you rob them is a bootlicker when all you have ever advocated for is more government and more theft.

Your ideology is a corpse because if you ever attempted to implement your campaign of theft and criminality, Right Wing Men (the only kind of men) would slit your bellies open and rape your wives after a ten minute long civil war which you would lose decisively and summarily. Your children would be shot in front of you and thrown into the same ditch as your pets and cousins to be buried before fully dying.

You will never "seize" (steal) the means of production, you will never steal from me, you will never steal from "porky" (everyone more successful than you) and you will never become relevant in politics again, ever.

Karl Marx was an evil man who died in agony and deserved every second of that agony. His kids killed themselves--hopefully they fucked it up and suffered because they also deserved to die in agony. It is a good and fair thing that that utter failure of a man died in anguish having accomplished nothing. You, as a Socialist, will also die having accomplished nothing. It is ordained.

Take comfort though, as you scream and flail impotently, we will undo every Leftist endeavor and smash everything you have worked for, and we will enjoy it greatly. In that regard the universe is fair. Thieves get nothing, Right Wing Men get everything.

Socialism turned Albanian from a third world shit hole with no industry what so ever into a superpower with living conditions on the level of Portugal.

>Right Wing Men (the only kind of men) would slit your bellies open and rape your wives
No better than Muslims, then.

>In fact, when the bloated monopoly of the government overpowers every industry using taxpayer dollars, it is the freest market system possible.

>Your ideology is a corpse because if you ever attempted to implement your campaign of theft and criminality, Right Wing Men (the only kind of men) would slit your bellies open and rape your wives after a ten minute long civil war which you would lose decisively and summarily. Your children would be shot in front of you and thrown into the same ditch as your pets and cousins to be buried before fully dying.

And none of this happened in the multitude of revolutions.

And so the libertarians cried out for regulation.

We only do it if you start shit 99% of the time we are peaceful.

Muslims do it because they feel like getting a little rape in this Tuesday.

>Communists revolt in Russia
>Right Wing personality archtypes immediately take over
>Screaming leftists, intellectuals and labor leaders are dragged into gulags, tortured and killed
>A bunch of bandits, military men and bank robbers end up in control of the country

It did happen, in fact. There has not been a single "left wing revolution" in which the people in charge were the sniveling intellectuals that make up the actual body of the Left. Your kind are always the first to be executed for "lack of party loyalty."

The cream rises to the top. Stalin was one of us, and he no doubt enjoyed the many, many executions of actual leftists which he oversaw.

>Its bad... Because... Its bad.. Hah huh Ima kill u lol.

Ah, a fine description of Communism. But no, you will not be killing me. I'm sorry that you will not be allowed to steal from me, perhaps you should get a job.

This is now a nationalist super-thread. Hell Hitler!

I wish I had a non polyester DDR flag...

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children!

Stalin smashed the private sector and he's not a leftist?

>posts dubious claims citing three texts produced within the Soviet Union
>tries to be passive-aggressive
>tries to be comedic
>tries to claim superiority without providing and contextualisation for his comments

Not an argument and never will be.

Mao-y Christmas everyone.

Stalin was a staunch communist. He eliminated the NEP and implemented collectivisation.

You have the right to have this thread. I have the right to post this funny cat video.

By all means, stay and learn.

But I want to remind you that there are other places you could post your drivel.

Socialism isn't the "government does things".

>free market
Nice meme. Every market is predicated on government intervention and enforcement of property rights.

we have a new winner.

>caring about muh white race identity politics
>implying race mixing is a bad thing



That must be why the Nazis used the Weimar's gun registry to seize civilian weapons.

Daily reminder all communists will be flayed and hung from the tallest tree.

>Trump wins
>"oh okay now it's our turn"
Doesn't work that way kkkomrade.


>hurrdurr we totally just want a dialogue, guys

>this image

National Socialism is pretty much capitalism in denial.

so scurred

Trump doesn't make any difference. The revolution wont happen in the 3rd world.

If you have to be lying fucking weasels about everything you do, odds are you're pushing bullshit.

Did that trigger you, spaincuck? Maybe you'll see it for yourself, in a very high position.

What's leftypol opinion on the soviet trend to import huge quantities of feed grain to support increased consumption of meat, eggs, diary which if I remember correctly started around the 70s?

Communism is so great, it makes Venezuelans turn to piracy and seawater soup.

>private sector

Bring it on.

This 14 88

Kind of hard to subvert a board when you openly plot for people to see, retards. Too bad about your mod getting shitcanned.

Race mixing doesn't even mean that white features will go away, that's not how genetics works at all.

Your memes can't protect you

>Not REAL Socialism®

Every time.