Daily reminder that it was the meds that civalized the nords and taught them how not to live like niggers

Daily reminder that it was the meds that civalized the nords and taught them how not to live like niggers.

>pic related, as far as the nords made it on their own.

But they didn't even have soap or good booze

Okay man, sounds good.

>invented low tech, energy-efficient way to regulate temperature and absorb water from roof
why is this supposed to be an insult to nords?

>post Switzerland like it proves a point
What are you trying to convey here?

Switzerland started off as a Roman outpost, this just helps prove my point.

The pic you posted is a building constructed a thousand years after they were civalized, without med intervention nords will still be in huts like Africans.


desu you were european sherpas

This thread is not designed to take the accomplishments away from nords, just for them to step back and realise they are not the master race they claim to be.

Daily reminder that a world war occurred in the late bronze age and Mediterraneans and other savages from North Africa raided and pillaged the superior civilization of Anatolia, taking their religion and technology.
Daily reminder that North Western Europeans are predominately Anatolian refugees who didn't make a lot of technological advancement during the migration into Scandinavia.


Looks pretty comfy.

This post is not designed to take accomplishments away from Australians, just for them to step back and realize they are a nation founded by England's worst criminals and undesirables who were exiled from the country.

"The Northmen"

They are the filthiest race that God ever created. They do not wipe themselves after a stool, nor
wash themselves thereafter, any more than if they were wild asses.
They come from their country in the North, anchor their ships in the Volga River, and build large
wooden houses on its banks. In every such house there live ten or twenty, more or less. Each man
has a couch, where he sits with the beautiful girls he has for sale. Here he is as likely as not to
enjoy one of them while a friend looks on. At times several of them will be thus engaged, each in
full view of the others. Now and then a merchant will come to a house to purchase a girl, and find
her master thus embracing her, and not giving over until he has full had his will.
Every morning a girl comes and brings a tub of water, and places it before her master. In this he
proceeds to wash his face and hands, and then his hair, combing it out over the vessel. Thereupon
he blows his nose, and spits into the tub, and leaving no dirt behind, conveys it all into this water.
When he has finished, the girl carries the tub to the man next t him, who does the same. Thus she
continues carrying the tub from one to a


Thosand years before this the concept was still the same you moron

How do you think Mediterraneans would have lived if they were under the same conditions in the north ?

That is only in NSW and Tasmania, the rest of Australia was colonised by free settlers.

The northeners all came and seeked refuge in Rome during the colder winters. The south never forgets.

"Thosand" lol. Go back to living in your box stacked on another box or getting conquered by Muslims.

Comfy as fuck. Fuck your civilization bullshit. It breeds cuckoldry

Answer the question. Also keep in mind that Meds in the north would have only a tiny population since the land doesn't support much.

Your right user the meds were super advanced..
ya know, with their boy fucking - their naked oiled wrestling - their shitty pantheon - their murder of Socrates - their failure to maintain an empire..
Meds are truly the master race...

> Varg is using canadian proxy to encourage other people to make videos out of vans and larp in the woods

It is like like Italy and Greece etc does not get cold as fuck in the winter, minor factor.

Advanced construction is a major factor that gives birth the empires, without it you are wild.

>Mfw the Persian empire had the most advanced construction in the ancient world but now is a shithole filled with sand and mussies.

Looks like a beautiful country home, desu.