Transgenders aren't mentally ill

I used to think transgenders are mentally ill before I started college until my professor explained to me exactly what transgenderism is.

Transgender people know they are biologically one sex, but their mind more closely matches the other sex's mind when based on social constructs of what a male or female mind should be like.

For example, a stereotypical American male likes to watch football on Saturday nights while drinking beer.

A typical female may prefer to bake a cake or go shopping at the mall.

If you're a male who prefers the latter, your mind doesn't match society's definition of what a male should be like. Hence, you may choose to identify as transgender.

That's basically it. It's definitely not a mental illness.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, thanks OP
I am now a trap-missile

Yeah. Mentally ill.

>wanting to chop your cock off and take female hormones is not a mental illness


Wtf I like Trump now

Whoa really made me think


Not liking football is not a reason to chop off your dick

I identify as 2D and am attracted to 2D anime girls. I'm not mentally ill right?

What the hell I went back in time and voted for Hillary

I'm a trap and can confirm that is a mental illness.

>There are male and female brains
>gender is a social construct
The cognitive dissonance is astonishing

I thought we were trying to get rid of social constructs of what a male and female mind should be like

>mixing up gender roles with actual biology

So just because someone doesn't like doing what a gender is expected to do (which is bullshit, because gender roles are completely fluid since 2nd feminism in most societies) that means that somehow they get the urge to chop their dicks off and start pumping themselves with hormones?

I weep for Western academia. Also
>not an argument

> their mind more closely resembles the other sex....
> their mind....
Not a mental illness?

> Transgenders aren't mentally ill
Why faggotry has all the signs of illness then?

A guy that prefers to bake a cake and go shopping doesn't have to change their entire gender and start claiming they're someone they aren't, just because they think those activities are exclusive to one gender and they can't do them as their original gender. The solution here is to just be gay if you like cock or metro if you're still a faggot, but like pussy. Or bi. But not a completely different gender, that's literally insane.

My cucked liberal professor told me something and i believed it

>I like to cook
>off goes the penis

>mind doesn't match reality
>not a metal illness

>Be me
>mom's a baker so learn to bake at age of six
>spend half of high school drawing anime girls with cleavage in high school
>some degenerate on my stone sculpting board tells me I'm a trans

Cooking is a man's job. Women following Betty Crocker recipes isn't really "cooking."


You're right, trannies are just perpetuating gender normativity. Instead of saying 'I'm a man who likes [whatever] and that's ok, I'm still a man' they say 'I like [whatever] therefore I must be a woman trapped in a man's body and I'm going to chop off my dick'

>for example, a stereotypical--



>I used to think until my professor explained to me exactly what to think.

nope. there's something wrong with you if you want to be a girl. much like the guy in silence of the lambs

>Gender is a social construct. Everything male or female is invented by society
>If a man likes ANY female things (as determined by society) then he is a woman and vice versa

If gender is a social construct, then why are you treating it as immutable and solid, rather than fluid. Why can't you just let a girl play with a truck without saying she's really a boy or let a boy enjoy something like gardening without saying he's really a woman? They've complete fucked their own narrative here and it's eroding young people's brains.

My bff now thinks she's trans-fluid because she likes computers for fucks sake.

There are really trans people and they are really mentally ill. Their brains are wired more like the opposite sex than their biological one. Redefining it into "girls/boys can only do/like/be these things and if you do/like/are something designated to the other gender, you are that gender!" is how you end up with transtrenders and confused people like my friend who eat this extreme pseudoscience up.

I immediately want to commit suicide

>I used to think transgenders are mentally ill before I started college until my professor explained to me exactly what transgenderism is

>murican education can in to brainwashing

You're brain isn't wired normally henceforth you have a mental illness.

I prefer baking cakes over watching football while drinking beer, and yet my cock remains firmly attached to my body. How odd. Perhaps I'm trans-transexual. Like, I'm a man trapped inside a woman trapped inside a man.

>new protected class


That doesn't mean you're "transgender," that's a load of shit. If you're a dude who likes shopping and baking cakes, you're still a fucking dude

Got moar!!!!?

Sauce it... SAUCE!!!

That was fucking hot as hell...


Monkeys prove you wrong

I used to think that alien limb disorder was a mental illness and people that would mutilate their body because they felt that one or more of their limbs wasn't their wasn't a normal thing

But since the transniggers things I finally understand that what you believe in your sick fucked up mind isn't actually "true" but just a "social" construct , who says you must have two arms and legs when in your mind you believe that you shouldn't have those arms and legs

If you are a normal human with arms and legs who is a productive , efficient individual that judges people that seek to chop their limbs off , then FUCK YOU LIMBLESS LIFES MATTERS TOO.

Hey I also believe I'm the king of Sup Forums from now you all you faggots are going to bend over and suck my dick. Especially you OP ! and it's i'm totally not a faggot since i'm just getting my dick sucked , it's you who is the faggot because you i believe it so !

prove me wrong
>pro tip: you can't


You know that activities are not gender related? And it even depend on how you describe them, because for example cooking, it say shit about any gender because as species the preparation of an adequate meal is essential for survival, hence either a male or female that can't cook is potentially a failure of the race as the one who can would've access to a better food and nutrients income, and in a long therm evolutionary process the one that can't cook will end up extinct, dependant or assimilated by the one that can.

Also it doesn't matter if they're mentally ill or not, those shit won't breed so in 100 years they would be like a retarded human version of the dodo.

I do not understand how liberals think
they oppose gender roles yet support trannies that consider themselves the opposite sex, based upon the fact they like the most superficial aspects of the sex they choose.

So they deny gender roles but support something that enforces the idea that things are inherently male or female.

Just remind yourself not to engage with these people they are literally insane

lmfao at OP's pic

This. The best chefs in the world are almost always men for a reason.

I used to think suicidals are mentally ill before I started college until my professor explained to me exactly what suicidalism is.

Suicidal people know they are biologically alive, but their mind more closely matches the dead mindframe when based on social constructs of what a living and a deceased mind should be like.

For example, a stereotypical living person likes to watch football on Saturday nights while drinking beer.

A typical dead person may prefer to have their flesh consumed by maggots, or lie in wooden receptacles.

If you're a person who prefers the latter, your mind doesn't match society's definition of what a person should be like. Hence, you may choose to identify as dead.

That's basically it. It's definitely not a mental illness.

>It's definitely not a mental illness.

How do you explain their suicide rate, regardless of reassignment surgery, being 40%.
That is higher than schizophrenia, bipolar and uni-polar depression, and every other described mental illness.
You cannot normalize this.

It is a mental illness idiot.

No, someone who likes to act like the opposite gender (or the roles therein) is a crossdresser, trap, tomboy/girl, or butch/sissy; depending on how far they act on their beliefs.
Someone who BELIEVES that they are not the correct gender is transgender, and is usually diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
Which is a mental illness.

When you feel reality is incorrect, you have mental issues.

I've seen this copypasta, don't fall for (((OP)))'s lies


I don't enjoy sports and I enjoy cooking. I have a penis. I am a man.


Kek approves

Your professor is an idiot

t. a transgender person

It isnt
"Oh hey, I like sports so I should be a dude."

No one would fucking get genital surgery or take hormones for liking sports, unless they had some other mental illness.

It's that you already, mentally, think of yourself as a dude. And then nothing else matches up, and you have issues. Young as five, little girls will be little girls and think of themselves as girls. Its been shown children are naturally drawn towards their gender roles, even without any outside influence towards these roles. It's the innate way we see ourselves - it's basically what role our brains think we're /supposed/ to fill.

I was very little, I thought I was supposed to be a boy and do boy things. Thats what I was happiest doing, thats what I thought about and wanted to do. Upon figuring out I wasnt a boy I began to have major issues.
I know Im female, that cant change, and no matter how hard I might try surgery or hormones wont change it either.

The smart thing to do is accept that somehow you got fucked up along to way to existing, and some part of you thinks youre supposed to be something you cant be. Like a rat born thinking its a pigeon, it shouldnt try to fly.

so i'm a fucking transgender according to the dumb fuck you have as a profesor. amazing

Then why do transgenders that wait long enough eventually lose this desire to switch?

Heard that nonsense like eight years ago.

>You dont need dysphoria to be trans
>If you like girl things as a boy you might be trans tee hee
>Trans girls can still like manly stuff
>If you FEEL trans you are!

Everyone is trans now

I don't care.

Im not ever going to switch because its a foolish thing to do but my answer to that would be the older you get the less likely youll be successful.

Its easier for females to look more mannish but males that wait or so royally fucked they either need to learn to live or kill themselves.

Even when female if you take hormones later the effects are much less pronounced.

>saturday night

get the fuck out


Either bait or retarded.
There are masculine women and feminine men. It doesn't make them transgender.


cheer up, faggot, just wear more sprinkles. no one will notice your ruse.

Just keep telling yourself that, Timmy.

I sort of pride myself in being able to look at all the gore and reckt threads but I can't watch this.

>I didn't click the thumbnail and I'm just assuming that lady is giving birth.

Your kike trickery won't work on me

You realized they only did those studies after the people had been on hormone treatments for long periods of time right? If done prior to hormone treatment their brains match their biological sex more closely.

>I like shopping and baking cakes
>better mutilate my body and inject myself with female hormones
Don't play dumb. Transgenderism is far more than just having alternative behavioural preferences. A woman is free to enjoy watching football without having to inject herself with testosterone and demand everyone refer to her as "sir".

And using that as a basis to mutilate yourself would be mental illness

The main thing that fucking America up is all the artificial hormones in the food.

It's far worse

Spare yourself and don't look

So im technically a transgender if i find bugs disgusting?

Because there is a stereotype that boys like bugs and disgusting things.

You people are fucking insane


>transformer detected

The mind is malleable.
Transgenderism is a result of molding the mind into something it shouldn't be by nature.

Just like we meme leftism as a brain disorder, this is a mental illness.

>their mind more closely matches the other sex's mind when based on social constructs of what a male or female mind should be like.

This is whole post bait but since this is here I would like to point out that "social construct" is a self defeating concept. The intent of this concept is to imply that human behavior is entirely based on internal human thought, independent of the physical world; that we just arbitrarily came up with the society we live in no for no real reason. This comes from post modernist and post-structuralist philosophy, which is a cancerous mold on our current state of intellectual thought.

They fail to take a second and think about where society comes from, because it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Society is basically humans, as biological creatures and thinking beings, in relation to the environment. This why certain ethnicities physically adapt and have a culture best suited for certain environments. This also why different ethnicities in the same environment will still result in different societies. Both biology and environment are tangible aspects of our physical reality, and society stems from that. So when we say 'social construct', we are still conceding that environment AND biology play a part. This extends to our view of gender, and if a person's mental state is so far misaligned from their biological sex that they think they are a completely different gender all together, they indeed have mental issues and should seek help.

Fuck, that is so disingenuous...

kill yourself tranny sympathizer

shit man you need to drop college, that shot is making you retarded. trans and homos are mentally ill. they don't have the adequate brain chemistry wich makes them feel that way. there are cases where trans get gender reassignment surgery and out of the blue the like the opposite sex all of a sudden

You need to go back.

>1 post by this ID

Jesus Christ why do i watch shit when i know it is just abhorrent. I need help.

I don't need to take hormones and chop my dick off to go to the mall or bake a cake. That makes no sense, it's mental illness by definition.

arnold was capitalist
michael moore is communist

There's too much estrogen in the water which sissify our males

Gender dysphoria is in the DSM5

Honestly? I don't care if a dude wants to obtain female aesthetic. I'm not a fan of GRS, though. A cute girl with a dick is fine.


Yeah I never wrapped my head around those two arguments, they're so conflicting.

Luckily for trans people, bringing this up with them allows them to use "you asking for information about me is triggering," so we will never get a proper response.

One's mental state not conforming to reality is the definition of a mental illness.

By your professor's logic, someone who thinks they are Napoleon, is just Napoleon trapped in a non-Napoleonic body. Not only is this stupid, but it retards better arguments for trans people.

i hate sports, but i dont think im a girl. still makes no sense to me

The hell is happening here??

Someone that thinks they are something they aren't is not a problem at all, nobody really cares about this. As long as they don't hurt themselves (body mutilation / self harm) or anyone else with that delusion (or chosen dressup) that's fine.

I can think (or pretend) I'm superman, that's completely fine and not a problem at all. I can run around the supermarket with my cape and spandex, nobody cares.

If my delusion leads to self harm or hurting others that's a problem.

If laws are passed to force others to call me superman and be not allowed to laugh at me that's a problem.


>girl with a dick

(OP) #
Way simplified and wrong. Young children may lean towards playing with opposite gendered traditional toys. Parents usually correct, shame and redirect child to social conforming choices. That "wrongness" manifests over time. Some people realize they aren't happy "faking" roles outlined for them. Depending on support some become depressed, suicidal, etc. As adults, they will alter their outward appearance. Be confident, productive, comfortable in their skin, if you will. Some who can afford it will do surgery and/or hormones. At some point, many "hate" their gender specific appearance, especially male TG going through puberty. That's cause for much of the mental symptoms of the struggle-, desphoria, depression, OCD. Transgendered people are all shapes, sizes, genders, even sexual orientation. TG males may be gay or straight. That's a different topic not to be lumped in with transgendered people.

unveiling her new """""""""vagina"""""""""""

(OP) #
Way simplified and wrong. Young children may lean towards playing with opposite gendered traditional toys. Parents usually correct, shame and redirect child to social conforming choices. That "wrongness" manifests over time. Some people realize they aren't happy "faking" roles outlined for them. Depending on support some become depressed, suicidal, etc. As adults, they will alter their outward appearance. Be confident, productive, comfortable in their skin, if you will. Some who can afford it will do surgery and/or hormones. At some point, many "hate" their gender specific appearance, especially male TG going through puberty. That's cause for much of the mental symptoms of the struggle-, desphoria, depression, OCD. Transgendered people are all shapes, sizes, genders, even sexual orientation. TG males may be gay or straight. That's a different topic not to be lumped in with transgendered people.

Can't we just go back to the days when women who acted like men were just called tomboys and the opposite was just a faggot?

>For example, a stereotypical American male likes to watch football on Saturday nights while drinking beer.
>A typical female may prefer to bake a cake or go shopping at the mall.
>If you're a male who prefers the latter, your mind doesn't match society's definition of what a male should be like. Hence, you may choose to identify as transgender.

so why not just be gay? gay men like shopping and cooking and other "girly" stuff, all without desiring to actually look like a biological