Another sjw cucked by the tuck

Now an Asian nip saying whites are rasict

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Has he cuck'd a Latino yet?

Fuck Drumpf and fuck White people!

Post a link

You can't cuck the Tuck

do people unironically watch news on tv still?

We're uncuckable.

Not yet...soon though


Let him debate Obongo on systemic racism

i want to suck his tuck ;-)

>implying Cucker Carlson wasn't the one who was cuck'd

Digits of truth. Just because you yell over the other person and then cut them off doesn't mean you won the debate.

You will be the last one when the day of the rake happens

holy shit this asian tap dancer faggot

if whites are racist why do shitskins come to white countries? are they all masochists?

Affirmative Action is racist. You're basically saying non whites need a helping hand because they cant compete on an equal playing field.

>tfw an asian is advocating for discrimination against asians
what the fuck is wrong with sjws

I was interviewed by a couple sociology PhD's and was asked about this. They asked if I thought minority scholarships were a good idea and basically told them this.

They did not enjoy that.

It does when the person you're interrupting is just babbling like an incoherent idiot about things that have nothing to do with the question that was asked and you then call them out on their dodging of the question and use hard facts to refute their pathetic arguments.

Tucker ate that guy for lunch. He was going to cry.

where is the fucking link?


That's the thing, we're not on an equal playing field. We live in a society that is institutionally biased against colored people.

What flavor of Asian is he?

Well its the exact reason it was created, no point in sugar coating it.
Leftist thinking has always been racist as fuck.

looked like a half breed jap

Pork fried rice

Why is this guy getting shilled all of a sudden? He's nothing special

Even if that were true, why affirmative action? Why not just leave one's race off of college applications so that everybody gets a fair shot? How can the college discriminate if they don't know the person's race?


can't wait for Alex Jones to be a guest, he's interviewed Tucker in the past

Whole interview

We have established that when a Asian man fucks a white woman she is getting RICED. Would it logically make sense then if a Asian man fucked a black woman she would be getting FRIED RICED?

No. Institutional bias is where you can point to rules that specifically exclude people based on the color of their skin. Jim Crow was institutional racism. Making blacks sit on the back of the bus was institutional racism. There are still racist people, but if you're going to claim that racism is institutional you need to show me rules that discriminate based on the color of one's skin that are still in effect today. And the only such rule I can think of is.....affirmative action.

Thomas Sowell should one on one legitimate debate Obama on systematic racism for maximum leftist butthurt.
Or even better get that racist Tim Wise to debate Sowell

I just wish he'd question the assumption that letting someone go to Harvard who gets horrible scores because they're black will somehow work out well for:
A. School-likely dilutes meaning of degree
B. Unprepared/intellectually incapable student

This is how we need to frame the affirmative action debate.

because white people aren't named quandarius, laquiesha, paco, chang pang, sanjay or muhammad.


My little sister is applying to college right now. I told her, for gods sake, don't tell them you're Asian, and ESPECIALLY don't tell them you're Chinese because colleges are fucking FLOODED with FOB chinks. All it'll do is make things harder for her. But she won't listen.

tucker always has the best reaction images for completely retarded statements

They'd know because niggers because they're all named LaQueesha and M'Diamunds


sucks to hear man and check'm

their counterargument is that somehow being black/hispanic/whatever brings characteristics that test scores don't reflect and that test scores don't predict their ability after college - which
1.) is racist as fuck and basically assumes everyone that's a part of group X shares the same culture

2.) then begs the question - if test scores don't predict success, we should stop using them for everyone should we not?

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if f if ifi if if if f ifif if if if


That is why all Asians Indians West Indies blacks all make more than the average European descended American.

I wanna brutally rape Satori!

He BTFO'd Tucker.

easy enough today, especially when everything can be electronic, for the people in charge of college acceptance to never be shown the name, gender, or any trait the applicant has no control over.

>Muh Asian allies

Asians are scum.

Don't touch Satori.


Ah, yes. That indefinable quality that posses that make them better than all other races, while white racism secretly makes them live like animals everywhere they go.

I do think affirmative action could bring Asians to our side, this douche obviously won't come over.

Literally how


Affirmative action was created as reparations for slavery and segregation. Keeping generations of blacks illiterate and uneducated left them at a disadvantage in modern society. Requiring quotas and lax entrance requirements allowed them access to higher education and better opportunities. But then we let every minority in on the deal, even those we had no obligation to. Now, 50 years on, the courts have ruled Affirmative Action is no longer required. Institutional racism, you see, has been eliminated. The generations of today have the same equal opportunities and access across the board. And yet here we are.

This isn't news it's entertainment you fucking retard.

Sowell btfo of all this sophistry the left uses like 30+ years ago

No faggot whiteboi with hair like that can cuck us

The Yama too. Look at that skirt! She's designed for brutal involuntary sex!

Asians will never be in "your" side, idiot.

back to your corner, cuck

Because depending on race your life experiences are different. Blacks are poorer so it makes it harder for them to study and such especially if they grew up in broken homes.

I'm sure some of those getting rejected from Harvard with near perfect scores would be pretty sympathetic.


>Requiring quotas and lax entrance requirements allowed them access to higher education and better opportunities
All this does is put a student in a place they aren't qualified for so they end up getting no education instead of a perfectly fine one that they are capable of actually achieving.

All this does is to further serve "keeping" blacks down

why does he ALWAYS make this face?

So letting them into Harvard isn't going to help because they don't have the skills necessary for success


The only expressly race-based policies I know of are all, like affirmative action, biased in favor of colored people.

And as someone else said, if minorities really are underpriveleged, how is giving them degrees they wouldn't otherwise earn a solution to this problem?

A degree from Harvard carries infinitely more weight than a degree from some backwoods college. It'll be easier for them to get employed and hopefully their kids wont go through what they did which hypothetically should help pull the black community out of the situation they're in.

So merit shouldn't matter since everybody isn't born equal, welcome to capitalism bitch go back to the soviet union if you don't like it.

Oh wait, that fell apart because communism doesn't work

>All these Tucker fans ITT

Help me understand the appeal here.

I see this guy as a dweeb who picks absolute absolute freaks like epileptic binder guy to sperg out on TV. It's loony tunes engaging in an on-air trainwreck and I feel a sense of shame by proxy just watching these people kind of like watching an episode of Springer.

I just don't know how work up the mindset to get into that my dudes. Maybe I'm just old and out of touch but I wish they had someone with a bit more gravitas up there in that time slot.

Do these fucks not take history in school? Those old dead white dudes wrote everything down. Those fuckers had endless debates and monologues about the rationality of what they were doing. They weren't acting on emotion.

Tell me, what does this expression convey?

Its not communism. Giving people a helping hand isn't something to be ashamed of either.


I don't care. The courts have ruled its no longer necessary. It's done and over with as an American institution.

So we've been doing this for 40 years. Doesn't seem like it has worked. Maybe it's time to try something else?

Confusion as to why liberals are so dumb

He's doing his best Melania Trump impression

"You aren't that stupid are you". With undertones of losing faith in humanity that yes that person really is that stupid


well I blew that one

Cuck got tucked

Not everybody he has on is a freak, they do that for ratings but he btfo people like the guy from the CIA about his bullshit Russian hacker"""evidence"""

Basically don't watch him for intellectualism but for retards getting owned

Is getting accepted to Harvard guarantee getting a degree/useful skills?
I imagine it'd be hard to succeed if you have no study skills as you'd previously suggested blacks do from living in their shithole communities

What is this image trying to convey?

Also I really like Tuck Tuck. He and Morning Joe Coffee Scars-Borrow are very respectable journalists

But that is racist. Not all blacks are poor. It is not fair to give blacks an edge due to their race, just as it is not fair to make it harder for Asians. Everyone should be judged on their own merit. If they are not smart enough to get into college, the work should be put in to improve black communities, not lower college entry requirements for black people. Not only is it detrimental to non-blacks, but it is detrimental to black college graduates as well. If things are made easier on them for their race, how can you trust a black doctor as much as a white doctor? If they've just had that job handed to them because they were born with the right skin color instead of actually having the correct amount of knowledge and talent, of course you're going to do your best to find a white doctor instead of a black one. This kind of thing just breeds more racism. It's ridiculous.

Why aren't there any East Asian right wing personalities? Most of the people I know IRL are based.

Online streams, negroid.

They're not just for sports in Current Year.

Spoiler alert: after 50+ years the black community has become a lot more like Africa despite all the free shit we give them......So it's not working

Except you penalize others who deserve what they worked for in the process all because of their race, which is what communism does; it pulls the strong down to the level of the weak

>It's done and over with as an American institution.
No it isn't.
Colleges still actively discriminante based on race in every field.

He's all smiles after Trump won
