Clinton Won Most Votes By Losing Candidate EVER

Clinton has won by 2.9 million votes which makes her the biggest vote count for a losing candidate ever. Trump is good or bad? Should the electoral college be abolished?

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you might say.... she was the biggest loser

there are more illegal aliens in the US now than EVER

you going to complain about this?

Electoral college was established to ensure that two states alone couldn't decide presidents. Also the quote in that picture is fake.


Thug won the south

But lost Cali?

Every day more lefty lies...

Isn't that pic fake?

Didn't win all of it, who knows maybe the whites in the area at the time wanted to show they weren't racist.

When you say these things, does your brain actually believe that any 2 states have half the US population? Does your brain actually believe that a democracy should be based on geography over population?

Better check

>argue with me over points I get wrong


Priest - Level 4

Seven Levels of Kekism

I'm talking about the popular vote dumbass, if you win California and New York by landslides you're likely to win the popular vote.

Hurr durrrrrrrr wat is math hurrrrr

Considering major population centers can't live without sparsely populated heartland? Yes.

Yes, it should account for "geography"

It was an over exaggeration
in reality it's 5
California,Florida,Texas,New York,Pennsylvania

so you could say she is the biggest loser ever

But Illinois has more people than Pennsylvania.

>Clinton has won by 2.9 million votes which makes her the biggest vote count for a losing candidate ever.
That's some impressive squandering.

Hillary dropping out because she doesn't want to fuck kids and be a pedo?
Why should we, she's just a poor lady that people hate for no reason.
Or however traitor trump said that.

ok then replace Pennsylvania with Illinois



Really makes you think... about a non-issue that has been explained countless times for over a month now.

can this be an anzu thread?




Does that make her the... biggest loser?


Bohemian Grove?
God do you redittors come out of a tube or something and not get any sort of prior knowledge?
You fuck kids to have the kikes let you in for power.
Hillary never has fucked the kids and so never gets in.
Twice now she has won and gotten all the love of the people, yet been forced out by proceadure, kike controlled spots.
That should be the telling part of what she ahs done.

How many states voted for her? 10/ 50??

You call that popular?
haha no.



Might as well be the OP was a shill anyways
>1 Post by this ID



Voter ID laws for all the states and take away the right to vote for zombies.
Then yes !




>losing candidate

What did he mean by this?








cunton was a corrupt globalist, the electoral college exists to ensure people like that don't come to power by tricking a poorly informed population










You have problems man


So then why is it only Trump had Sacchs picks, got visted by Bibi, and is busy pushing globalism extreme now?

NP, hit up the archs to check it out.
Look for the stuff before the LARPing over occult ritual mass murder started going on as people tried to feel out how to start kekism with the superbowl.











This isn't something she should brag or feel good about. It means she campaigned very badly and focused on the wrong states. I know it feels good to go to CA where everybody likes you, but winning CA by 3 million votes is the same as winning by 1. If she would have campaigned to try to spread out those votes, she may have won.




Correct, its not a popular vote, its a territorial dispute. So long as Republicans ignore the equal representation, it will always be so.
And Republicans hate living near each other, its why their states have such a low population density.

how many of you fucking asshats are going to make a thread about "is dur electorials cullege gun be kill" like fuck. its the same fucking shit every day.

Until Trump follows through from his 2012 promise to dismantle it.

Dude its not getting dismantled. While it would be nice to abolish it the united states is not homogenous enough to do so. It would irreversbly damage our country. The United States as a whole has always been a center right country. The only places that are really left leaning are large metropolitan areas. If you abolish the electoral college you run the risk of Los Angelas dictating policy in every state and small town in the country. This would end terribly, you honestly shouldn't even need an explanation for why this would end terribly. The amount of social strain would be enormous and could lead to problems like a civil war if an underclass of people are created. Trump was wrong along with anyone that suggests abolishing it. also you idiots need to cut out the "popular vote" nonsense. Only about 57 percent of the population voted in 2016. This means hillary got a little over half of the 57 percent that voted meaning she really only got maybe 30 percent of all of the peoples vote. 30 percent is being generous (i don't feel like doing the math), very fucking generous. So what idiots are suggesting is that this 30 percent is good enough to say the majority of people wanted her as president. Obviously 30 percent is not a majority. this is why the popular vote is SHIT and DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING

Which is why then it should follow the COnstitution and set it currently to one rep per 700k population if its sticking around.
Otherwise its only reason to exist is to say, we want to shove kiddy diddlers in here and not people that manage to convince the most to get off their ass and vote.

Do you support that until a candidate gets an actual majority of the pop they should be dissallowed?
I think its good.
Mandatory ranked voting and keep it up.

Fact: Removing the fucktard state of California from the popular vote equation and Trump won the popular vote by 1.4 million. He won 30 out of 50 states electoral votes. She got schlonged.

And removing 80k people from the country means Hillary won, also fact.

She's already in the club. You must be schizoid level retarded

So then why does she not hold office?

Your autism is showing again.

>Clinton has won by 2.9 million votes which makes her the biggest vote count for a losing candidate ever.

Wow she's truly the biggest loser of all time.

>wants to kick a state out
>Says removing 80k is more autistic
Hey mine didn't have a war fought over it.

this is what happens when illegals are allowed to vote

there are more niggers in the south

I DEMAND a recount of Commiefornia.

I bet you dollars to doughnuts that that is where those extra 3 million votes came from. I want to know how many illegal Mexicans voted this election. I personally know several who say they did, and I don't even make a habit of being acquainted with illegals.

In all seriousness, it's time to deal with the California bullshit.

Cool story. Have you read the Constitution?

I like how Trump was prorecount 6 hours to announce and now shits on it like a triggered land whale.
If there's so many fake votes, why not get rid of them?
Grab that mandate and hold lady liberty by the pussy as you smack the dame right on the kisser.

But then, Trump only wins because of Soros machines.

It means she overperformed in states she was safe to win and utterly failed in the states she needed to secure.

Anyone that looks at the popular vote with a black/white perspective are literal morons.

over 6 gorillion illegal nigger votes

she also got the most faithless electors in the history

KEK what a fucking failure

>Implying you need to be in office

Things were different when the Constitution was written. NY, Virginia, and Pennsylvania could essentially outvote the rest of the country. So the electoral college was added to the constitution to convince the likes of Rhode Island, Delaware, and New Jersey to ratify it.