Stop it Sup Forums. Stop with the hate

Stop it Sup Forums. Stop with the hate.

Can't you see that all you've doing is exactly what the terrorists want? They want to cause TERROR, and you're giving room to it. You, with your fearmongering, will only radicalise more and more Muslims, which will only escalate the problem.

The answer is not fear. The answer is not hate.

The answer is love and acceptance.

You don't actually believe this bullshit, do you?

Love and acceptance got us into this mess.


>You, with your fearmongering, will only radicalise more and more Muslims, which will solve the problem cos then we can kill all brown people with wanton abandon


Love and acceptance is what allows terrorists to sneak into the West in the first place.

This, OP is a naive retard

Faggot OP is at it again!


Sage goes in all fields.

I accept the trucks of freedom, i will not hate
I accept the explosions of love, i will not hate

>not all Muslims, Islam is a religion of peace, muh moderate majority!
>but don't criticize the Muslims killing people or else the so-called "moderate, peaceful" Muslims will kill you as if they're a ticking time bomb!

So when do we get to criticize the genocide america is committing on muslims and having started it first? Oh I guess america's literal terrorism against entire nations is fine, right?

But god help us if someone gets hit by a truck as enacted by the CIA, right?


Except you're not killing politicians or government officials, you dumb goatfucker, you're killing regular people who have precisely zero say in what our country does or whom we go to war with. And the worst part, the absolute fucking worst part, is that after you slaughter our people and spit in our face we turn right around and feel sorry for you. "Muslims are the real victims here," people say, and the issue then turns to "avoiding Islamophobia." When one of you retards is revealed to have been under surveillance and released, you laugh and call us incompetent. When we try to enact surveillance policies against terrorism to prevent that very thing from happening, you cry and prevent it from getting passed. Fuck off and go fix your apocalyptic countries.


This image is why I laugh at every misfortune that happens in Germany by Islam.

With France it hurts because the French can be better. With Germany, it's like a trifecta of faggotry: Sweden, Germany, and California all racing to be the world's most progressive cuckold state.

>America's casualties aren't majority civilian
Stopped reading there. Sort yourself out you fucking evil piece of shit.

These fuckers weren't exactly friendly BEFORE we elected the guy, do you think they could see into the future or something?
If there's any fear mongering, it's only AFTER two presidents went out of their way to avoid conflict with them.

Literally jewish talking points.

>Go fight these "muslims" who keep creating these false flag terror attacks. You can keep the oil and we get their land and to exterminate them! GOOD FUCKING GOYIM!! GOOOOOOD!!!


Right, because if we don't like one, we have to like the other.
Fuck both of the morons.
Let them fight and die over patches of sand, so long as it doesn't bother us.

But you do. This isn't whataboutism. You ACTIVELY and willingly serve the jew. And you admit it continuously. Any time trump allies with jews openly allowing them greater power, you make excuses for him.

>Let them fight and die over patches of sand
How about NO. How about we put an END to jewish imperialism.

>Any time trump allies with jews openly allowing them greater power, you make excuses for him.
No I fucking don't, Muhammad.
The lot of you can go rot in hell for all I care.

See? You're either a kike or a kike lover. One of the two. If you weren't, you wouldn't be pulling this control the narrative false dichotomy bullshit.

Seems somewhat idyllic that everyone is gonna get along, and later remember the historic facts, that Muslims are only happy when the things go their way. No wonder nothing good it's gonna happen.

> If you weren't, you wouldn't be pulling this control the narrative false dichotomy bullshit.
It's funny, because this is only done by the people engaged in the conflict, like you clearly are.
>if you don't like muslims, you must be a kike or a kike lover!
Brilliant mudslime logic.
It's hilarious because the two of you are going to get assfucked by Satan side by side anyway.

Insul Allah al akbar jihadi al-miami 23:04--KABOOM jajajajaja

al-saqid la allamo peace be upon the holy prophet Muhammayad Is Ildur II.

I neither accept the death of our culture nor do I love it.

Get cucked nigger, hate is how you survive

The only thing they want is their 72 virgins

I hate liars. That is my engagement. I am beyond tired of the continual stream of bullshit coming out of the jewish-controlled west.

See, you keep calling me a muslim, even though you know damn well I'm not one. That literally means you're not even a jew-lover. You're a fucking jew.

Don't worry, Sup Forums's full of kikes these days.

The God Emperor confirmed as sun god.

i disagree. The only way to stop terrorism in Europe is to create terror ourselves.



oooooh ooooooooohhhhhwooohoooooo

LOL ya cause some archaic image board of neckbeards and autists is going to bring down the west with "terror"

You are openly advocating supporting muslims and arguing that I support jewish imperialism because I don't agree with you. That IS grounds for assuming that you either are a muslim or a muslim-supporter, because you are actively disparaging ME (accusing me of being for the OTHER SIDE) for disparaging BOTH SIDES.

You have the mind of a fucking child, and it doesn't behoove me to argue with you any further. I hope I personally get to purge your filth from the country some day.

Das ende der Cuckoldry

>Stop with the hate!


Trudeau, is that you?

I dream of the day when muslims become radicalized enough there will be no other solution except purging them from the planet completely.

Just die Germany.

Just die.

>The answer is not fear. The answer is not hate.
>The answer is love and acceptance.
Its the exacly oposite
My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred.

You are a brave man and I appreciate your effort

>The answer is not fear. The answer is not hate.
>The answer is...
thermonuclear response to state funded islamic terror

are you too young to have served your conscription or are you just a cuck who did public service and doesn't notice what has happened to sweden?

>Don't you get it, Sup Forums? Terrorists WANT you to protect yourself.