What happened to men Sup Forums?

What happened to men Sup Forums?

We know women are psychologically shit but when did men feel the need to validate their masculinity with the opinions of try-hard 'masculine' guys like Joe "dude mancave lol" Rogan?

At what point in history did men just lose their balls and not figure the world through mistakes and age? Its fucking sad.

Industrial Revolution

No hardships


they started listening to "guys" like mike cernovich

you mean "guyth" like mike thernovitcth?

>what happened to men
they started taking advice from mike thernovich

>tfw you realized gorilla mindset has nothing to do with gorilla warfare

It Was Real In My Mindset by (((Mike Cernovich)))

you're right op, i read mikes book now i have the orangutan outlook

Keked and checked


mike you goddamn gook fucker
you seriously think id pay to read shti by some """""""""" motivational """""""" speaker that had to resort to getting pussywhipped by a asian that looks subpar to gook shit we import in sweden to run thaifood restaurants ?

What the fuck did you just fucking thay about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I fought a 5 year rape allegation, and I’ve been involved in numerous aluminum can collecting exercises, and I have over 300 confirmed book sales. I am trained in gorilla mindset and I’m the writer in the entire alt right/libertarian/conservative/independant movement. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with tweets the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking wordth. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, worm. As we speak I am contacting my secret platform of cucks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for my next book, maggot. The mindset that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your platform. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in free-speech combat, but I have access to an entire arsenal of twitter followers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little thit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn worm. I will tweet fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, troll.


>mfw triple double

love thith

>orangutan outlook

Keked hard

The current generation of men was themselves raised by a generation of men who were already pretty infantile and immature. The boomers were raised in a world of unprecedented prosperity and never really had to face any serious challenges on their path to adulthood--getting a job, making a living, going to college, being able to afford a house, etc, were taken as givens. So this particular generation of men never faced the kind of challenges that toughen men up and turn them into Men with a capital M.

Then this already pretty emasculated group of men raised their children, and didn't instill any notion of what being a man was into them. In addition to a general tendency toward this upbringing brought on by the boomers' fairly coddled lives, the whole process was certainly helped along by new legislation against gender discrimination, physical disciplining kids, etc. The generation raised by the boomers also didn't have a major conscripted war like Vietnam, so that's another male initiation ritual they missed out on.

So the new generation grew up so utterly out of touch with masculinity that it was just too obvious to deny. So they sought out 'leaders' who would provide them with what their fathers didn't; namely a certain guidance, a concept of masculinity, and a program for turning yourself into a man. The problem was, these men were completely oblivious to the foundational masculine virtues of responsibility, accountability, good judgment, protecting ones' loved ones, etc. So they had no real metrics for choosing 'masculine role models,' and having to figure it out for themselves, they were drawn to what APPEARED most masculine on the surface; namely the 'Alpha Male'/Beastmode/King of the Jungle ideal. This ideal appears plausible enough because it IS a sort of masculine archetype, and one that's easy to digest and understand. The problem is it is a deleterious version of masculinity, and has subtle criminal and amoral undertones


mike cernovich is like what, 6'4 and jacked, yet he married some ugly midget indian woman

CONT'D FROM Basically, the 'alpha male pussy slayer' is the male equivalent of a female 'whore' or 'club skank.' That will give you an idea of how degenerate is the ideal that most men are going for today. If you think about it, everything that defines this ideal--mindless pursuit of more sex and money, the obsession with MMA and beating up on people, the idea of 'not giving a fuck' and doing whatever you feel like--is basically rooted in selfishness and unconcern for others--occasionally even active cruelty. A whore is as different from a loving, caring, traditional mother as this 'alpha male' is from what a man is SUPPOSED to be. But the real masculine ideal is a lot harder to articulate, MUCH harder to achieve, hard in a certain sense even to understand, and ultimately requires 'getting over yourself' in a way that few in this status-obsessed world are willing to do. So men will probably never find their way to it.