Hey, let's leave my ID for the police

Someonr crashes into a crowd with a lorry.
Leaves his ID, is by coincidence a refugeewhich got an ID, forgot to not leave it in a terrorist attack

This makes general news reports look like a silly joke to me.

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Truth is often stranger than suction pumps, lad.

He had six of them, no value lost.

We talking about towel heads, they are not known to be the brightest.

He eventually thought using a "fake" identity will make him invincible in Europe.

Bitch please, when the planes hit the towers on 9/11 we found the terrorists passports and ID in the debris

no joke


Are you serious though? Because that would be a pretty good argument for the 9/11 was an inisde job narrative.

100% serious


Well thats it, im a 9/11 truther now.

carrying identification is standard protocol for jihadist suicide missions.
they want the attention.

CIA kills driver, plants evidence, hacks truck and remotely dream vest it into crowd.

lol, remember when they found the ID of the terrorist on the ground after 9/11?

its called a distraction you stupid ape

yeah because you can't get on a plane without your ID you fucking idiot.

I really am surprised someone actually believes that. It's true. It's all true. Americans in general are so stupid they will believe anything as long as it come to them from a media source from a government press release. No wonder this country is fucked.

You retarded?

They found a lot of debris, which tends to happen in major wreckage. Even if you believe in the thermite paint retardation, there would still be small bits of debris (paper, small objects like staplers, etc). Among the debris, only one ID was found. It's not really all that far fetched. It's a lot less far-fetched than thinking the entire building was covered in thermite paint and c4 explosives.

Why is there no Richard Gutjahr video yet?

Where is this husband of a Mossad agent, who mysteriously filmed all terrorist attacks?

Well, that's because you are an idiot. Good guy died fighting with this shitnigger.

>We talking about towel heads, they are not known to be the brightest.
And yet they manage to outsmart securities and secret service on every terrorist attack.

>Among the debris, only one ID was found
when did they find it in the timeline

Leaving ID behind is typical Mossad false-flag practice.

Yh but jihadists that want the attention for the attack will stay and die. Not just leave the id.

hes a fucking arab what do u expect from those goat fucking bitches.

I might be slow on the 'news'. But was there any further info on the 2 missing? Maybe hostages?

From the perspective of the political class I don't see any necessity to actually catch them. Even the opposite seems far more rational to enlarge security budget and slightly introduce right wing policies to "regain" trust.

A muzzie with a death wish more or less on the streets doesn't makes the situation worse.

german christmas village buildings, stronger than american houses