Is SJWism dying out?

>Trump elected
>Twitter aka SJW central failing to find a buyer
>Merkel is out next election, no doubt, her welcome refugees bullshit has backfired so fucking badly its unreal
>Death threats handed out by the truckload to most prolific SJW's on jewtube
>Ghostbusters was a flop
>It was a while ago but that cunt who was CEO of plebbit was fired, fatpeoplehate survived and thrived

It seems like the whole thing might have peaked and is dying a slow death. Thoughts?

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Good riddance. I hope that AfDs make it high enough to defeat Merkel.

>implying Merkel won't get reelected

I know Germany is full of cucks but they're not that fucking stupid... surely.


I also have impression that the healthy at every size movement slimmed down by a lot

sorry lad, she'll get elected.

Krauts are the eternal cuck.

I like to think so.
Imagine that MTV video in Hillary's America...

It's dying it's massively obvious. That's why the old jew vision and jew tube have turned up the rhetoric, they're trying to regain lost ground, but I don't think they can.

Not dying, just pushing people to the right. The more they double down on identity politics the more they help us.

Even liberals can't stand them at this point. The only people to unironically do this shit in 2017 will be teenagers on tumblr.

It peaked in the past few years and now like all fads people are getting sick of it. Trump's victory is part of the backlash.

Enjoy it now, eventually the pendulum will swing back the other way.

>fatpeoplehate survived and thrived
The only thing I am getting for fatpeoplehate is that it is an ex-subbreddit that was banned.

She's still heavily, heavily favored.

Or died of heart failure.

Yeah ive been massively pushed to the right. I don't want to be on the side that these pathetic excuses for human beings are on :/

It moved to voat

Damage is already done so doesn't matter if it does. Europe is cucked by Islam and the death of whites and western values is inevitable at this point right across the west.

They've served their purpose now they're being cast aside so it can now be replaced with totalitarianism by (((conservatives))) under the guise of security.

It's definitely in rapid decline.

The winds of change are blowing.

>Sjws getting death threats

Haven't they always been self-pitying crybabies, though? They're probably lying about them anyway.

Below 50% approval rating

>Ghost busters was a flop
This "Top 10 Movies of 2016" video by IMDb will probably trigger you:

#10: Tarzan
#9: Warcraft
#8: Ghostbusters

Even if it's dying, let's stamp on the corpse to make sure it's really dead.

Twitter is a dead unicorn because it cannot turn a profit. It's not the user base. The company has never been profitable.

So was Hillary

>Is SJWism dying out
>>Trump elected
Not a good example, he lost the majority of the vote by 3 million votes.
>>Merkel is out next election
You're an idiot if you think this will actually happen.
>>Death threats handed out by the truckload to most prolific SJW's on jewtube
And? People have been getting deaththreats for years now over the most inane things on the internet.
>>Ghostbusters was a flop
A just plain bad film in a long line of notably bad recent Hollywood remakes has nothing to do with SJWism
>>CEO of plebbit was fired
And leddit wasn't shut down and is still really popular

>Implying the hydra of cultural Marxism will die with its head cut off

Merkel is probably going to stay actually
You need opposition leader for people to rally to and Germans dont have one.

Imagine if Merkel ran against Jeb tier competitors.

It'll come back in a few years. Its just at fat camp now.

Yup. You're going to have Antifa-like movements instead of SJWs

SJWs = young single women so no, it will never die out

The SJWs 100 years ago were trying to ban alcohol

It was a huge commercial failure and got medicore reviews, an imdb video doesn't change these facts

Dude did you even see the investment vs return? Who cares what some SJW writes on IMDB. Numbers don't lie. Ghostbusters fucking flopped hard.

Look at all the shit that Clinton had going in her favor.

This is rock solid proof that SJW hysteria is dying out fast.

Is Twitter in any way monetised?

Poland is right. The far-left will move further to the left, and start trying Antifa/communist shit more than SJW stuff. That'll be rolled into it, of course, but they'll switch to a more militant and communist angle rather than the whole social justice shit

It was never a thing. They had a safe space that echoed so loudly people on the outside thought there was something to it.

Turns out nobody gives a shit about them.

It's doubling down and becoming more outright in its intentions. Trump won because he was able to motivate enough people to out do the amount of people Hillary failed to motivate or demotivated.

Next election will be a dangerous one because the Democrats/left looks like they aren't learning their lesson and are doubling down on sjw tactics. Trump's win can motivate people to come out next election to vote against him simply out of spite. He needs to do well this term and make people realize he isn't literally Hitler by doing some typically left/liberal things.

Come on man a top 10 list?

Fucking box office numbers. Its well known that a film must make double its production budget to break even due to the marketing costs and all that shit. So Ghostbusters needed $288 million to break even, which it didn't even get.

True. But they could sell it instead, however that's currently failing.

Why can't they sell it? Because of the userbase. SJW's attract a lot of hate.

>Not a good example, he lost the majority of the vote by 3 million votes.
He still won

>You're an idiot if you think this will actually happen.
Trump win
Never say never...

>And? People have been getting deaththreats for years now over the most inane things on the internet.
I've never had one. I make youtube videos regularly.

>A just plain bad film in a long line of notably bad recent Hollywood remakes has nothing to do with SJWism
With an all female cast, a big SJW following and a cuck for a director. That flop was a definite blow to the SJW's

>And leddit wasn't shut down and is still really popular
Theres nothing wrong with plebbit, just the former CEO.

You're right, they won't vote Merkel, they'll vote for the Social Democrats instead and get themselves blown up even more

sit down and let me tell you about the jews

I sure fucking hope so.
I lot of women I know that used to be really cool and levelheaded turned into insane bulldyke nutjobs about a year and a half ago.

There are 2 scenarios in which she does not become chancellor:
1. She dies
2. ADF gets over 50%

She is gonna get another term.

German voters are stupid as shit.

No. Society tends to swing back and forth, so all this means is they'll be on the backfoot for 10-15 years before making a comeback, and it'll sort of go on like that for forever.

That's just how it goes, no matter where you are. Look at Canada for proof. They're perpetually about 10-15 years behind the rest of the world culturally, and they're still dressing like it's 2005 and elected Trudeau. In another 15 years when the rest of the world descends back into a mire of commie bullshit, they'll elect a white supremacist. Mark my words.

Germany is still cucked to hell and back. I don't think Merkel will will win, but that is only because of the terrorist attack.

Even if she doesn't win, you're forgetting it is up to modern day Germany to elect someone new. They'll put a new cuck in office, then wonder why everything is still going horribly wrong.

For France, it took several terrorist attacks for people to un-cuck themselves, and even now I may be getting ahead of myself because Le Pen's win hasn't happened.

It is going to take the EU completely enslaving Germany for them to wise up. I don't think foreigners appreciate how indoctrinated many of them are.

>liberal have the mediatic upper hand because people didn't like conservative judged too dogmatic
>Suddenly decide to embrasse identity politic
>the entire stuff can summarized as "White male are responsible of every evil thing in the world
>"minority are always victim and never responsible"
>talk about privilege while ignoring the socio-economic one because they are all rich kid
>new buzzword like cultural appropriation, safe space, trigger warning.
>would literraly sacrifice individual right for identity politics
>Conservative now sound reasonnable and people goes to the right because the left is judged stupidly dogmatic.
Thus is the cycle of life

Stand up for yourself Fritz. Do you guys really want your beautiful German woman spawning sand niggers for the next 10 years?

Maybe a disruptive technology will change that eventually. Like having an AI for a leader, probably hundreds of years off that kind of shit though if it ever happens.

t. Aamir al-Abbad

No. We've won a few huge battles in the past year, but I think they're going to double down, and it'll get even worse from here on out. Incidentally, that's probably the best thing that can happen for us, as it will drive more people to our side. I just hope the backlash against SJWs eventually becomes big enough that it'll kill their entire ideology and give our side enough power to stop the destruction of the western world.


there's also the backfiring of the MTV white male resolution vid

We will be justified in mowing them down in the streets then

The pendulum swings back towards the right.

>he lost the majority of the vote by 3 million votes.
he won by many votes. you are talking about the race for california and new york's electors.

It's a common mistake, even some Americans make it.

Gamers broke SJWs. Mentally, spiritually, ideologically, socially. The echoes of it still sound throughout the web.

is it dying out? In a sense, both yes and no.

SJWism as we knew it has been in decline for some time. Only a few insane holdouts remain, and they have lost almost all of their power.

But SJWs themselves largely remain. Broken, but still close to power. Power in media. Power in politics. Power in tech.

They are in a chrysalis now, metamorphosing into something else.
Something is coming.

That's how I see it. I wonder how long this right leaning pendelum is going to last. Maybe 10 years, maybe less if Trump spergs out too much, maybe 20 if his style of leadership and (hopefully) heavy handedness gives us economic/social results. Man, Obama really put a wrench in a lot of shit (most of all, racial tensions). That fucking nigger

Social justice is being indocrtinated into our youth. It's making roots in the education system. If you seriously think SJWs are going away you're the most naive fuck here.

It's our job to convince them why cultural marxism is a dangerous road. If you clump them together and insult the group you are no better than they are. You need to deconstruct their stance and prove that their mindset is flawed.
>hue trump won we best leftist dipshits
This does nothing but polarize further.

>beautiful German woman

That's eerie as shit user.


generation z is more conservative than the generation before it you militant autist. Go smoke some more weed about it.

The SJW is simply a blue pilled person making effort to change public opinions on topics. That will never go away. What might go away is the hop-along liberal who jumps on a cause when it's trendy. the coming red pilling of society will create a trendy rebellion and we'll see the real nut jobs emerge. Guaranteed.

That backlash was pretty telling of the current state of social justice politics.

A ton of my white coworkers were angry as all fuck about that MTV video and these people arent 4channers the slightest.

There obviously has been an awakening this election cycle and white people aren't going to stand for leftist shaming them anymore.

Gotta fight fire with fire bud.

pic related

>German voters are stupid as shit.
Like this one that thinks that the people directly elect the chancellor.

They're not dying at all. I mean, over the past few years, they've gained an enormous amount of control in the media, even if they've been defeated politically and have driven a huge amount of young men to the right. Most movies, games and comics now have SJW shit in them, universities still have race and gender quotas, and most businesses have hiring policies that encourage "diversity". And people keep buying products that are filleds with SJW shit, despite the "outrage" about white men being shat on or passed over in these industries. Just look at Battlefield 1 or Star Wars.

And this isn't going to change considering these industries and institutions are absolutely filled with SJWs. The only thing that can change this is massive financial losses as a result of their SJW bullshit coming back to bite them in the ass, because at the end of the day, profits matter more than "social justice" to the Jews and their pets.

>but they're not that fucking stupid.

I think it's time for us to take a step back and stop using this phrase... I am pretty certain at this point it's some sort of jinx because it's always followed up by another truck load of stupid shit.

>Being afraid of SJW's

C'mon britbong they're not that scary.

What cogent points you have made. Glad you could stop fucking your cousin long enough to make an appearance.
Don't worry you can always default to reducing comments to a flag because you lack the ability to generate a proper rebuttle. Classic burgerism

Has that ever worked? Like ever?

KEk, make an happening!

The only problem with Merkel losing her re-election is that AfD still is nowhere near powerful enough to win a majority. If they take enough votes from the CDU, Germany will be governed by the Social Democrats and Germany will continue to be cucked into oblivion

>Who is Hillary Clinton

Yes. Japan bombed pearl harbour, the USA nuked Japan. War over. Works fucking wonders desu.

Well burger you won't be saying that when your child gets a degree in womans studies and decided to let a nigger impregnate his "girlfriend" on purporse to promote ethnic diversity.