Why is the burn-out syndrome so prevailent among millenials?

Why is the burn-out syndrome so prevailent among millenials?

because we are a generation of pussies

A generation where winning is looked down on? Weird how they might get frazzeld and stop trying.

it could be because they are burnt out

2 many drugs around


We have no wars

Because secular humanism is retarded.
How can you take away family nationalism and religion and then be shocked people turn into nihilists?

>tfw 22 one semester left of uni
>was burnt out every semester since I was 17
>kept trying and didn't give up
>seen my peers burn out and shit and stop trying

DESU it has something to do with mental fortitude. If you believe you can't go on and want to stop trying enough so that you actually give up, then you complete the burnout process

It's like waking up and deciding you really don't want to go to work. Instead of giving in to the temptation of skipping work you go to work.

I think mental stimulation from Netflix and video games is to blame. Most people work on school/work shit for a few hours then play video games/Netflix/YouTube for 8 hours after that and have the audacity to say the next day they worked so hard. Probably poor self esteem plays a role too.

I'm sure everyone since the beginning of time has tried their best to make it through their days so they can sleep/relax but only now is society so cucked that this shit happens.

Because we're fucking burnt out.

Been trudging through this shit for 5 years now. How long does it take to fake it 'til you make it? Jesus fucking Christ. My job is crushing my soul.


It's definetly not Netflix or video games. While they are degenerate (obviously), so is spending every afternoon fucking hookers or smoking weed. It comes from a breakdown of the family unit.

Millennials are a lost cause. It's time to focus on redpilling the Founders (Gen Z).

I was born in October of '96, the first Founder year, and I'd argue that my generation is more redpilled than the last. This is, of course, anecdotal evidence so take it with a grain of salt. That's my observation, though.

Little to no stake in the world.
I can't be bothered to care about much outside of my own satisfaction if I'm never given a reason not to.

>generation full of trannies and liberal cucks

Because they have no sense of belonging. Social instability creates an continuous sense of insecurity, placing them under constant stress.

Suck a dick you are the toddlers of my childhood. While we were used to reinvent the entertainment industry, you were the first infants raised in a totally commercial environment. How does it feel to have no soul; at least Millenials have reasons to be depressed, your kind just plays too much mine craft

>haha lol I'm not a millennial I'm Generation ZQMBGTQQA-!
>can't touch dis!!!!!
Fuck off back to tumblr, faggot

Thank you for proving my point. Gas yourselves.

Working in a deflationary economic environment doesn't make sense in a individualist society.

Lack of purpose. No real American dream. Even if i was told i can become successful, i was never really given something that could make me happy in the future. What good is working hard for something you don't truly want, understand, need, or know about?

I'm not a burnout, btw. But my goal IS just the American dream.

We finally start to see how fucked up the system is and that we are modern slaves but are too indoctrinated/brainwashed that we get depressed about it because we feel too powerless to do anything about it