Pizzagate is real. The child prostitution in government is a method of blackmail and control

Pizzagate is real. The child prostitution in government is a method of blackmail and control.

The child prostitution ring is a plague in not only the US government, but in almost every major Western government. A politician is relatively clean going into congress, senate, or the white house. Sure they made promises to some high profile donors, but nothing terrible. Once they're introduced to the position, make the rounds, and work for a few weeks then they start to get settled in. They'll go for drinks with some peers, or go on a vacation with them, but as all this is happening they're being monitored and vetted.

There are certain members of staff in the government who are considered "handlers". They are aware of the child prostitution, and they judge the politician's character to see how willing they would be to fuck a kid. If a person is scum then the handler will mention how most laws don't apply to politicians, and how politicians get to experience some of the "better" things in life. A naive politician might think it means doing some coke without repercussion, but some of the seedier politicians will be interested and ask about the perks. The handler will invite the politician to a "party" which always breaks out into underaged prostitution. They handpick the kids for the first-timers. They'll pick the ones who look of age, and after the deed is done then the handler will mention that it was a minor, and show the politician some photos of them in the act. At this point the politician is primed to be blackmailed.

Other urls found in this thread:!UhkGyTIC!CIbRACf0bsGb_nJ9Hk8sQ67i3qWSFbhYIge6NxGGHk0!dkkkkLyI!-QhU8zYn5UByNX6zKbUwUGSGltdJ6ByJwulzM21K04s!rwhRDZZL!C3fBsv5eWos1R1y66mDt4Q

If a politician is stoic, either refusing to fuck kids or refusing to even entertain the thought of cheating on their spouse, then they will be drugged. Scopolamine is the mind control drug that is used - under the influence, a person is at the complete control of whoever is sober. They'll have no memories of what happened while under the drug's influence. Give the stoic politician some scopolamine, set them up with a child prostitute, take some pictures of them in bed with some bottles of booze on the nightstand, and you have a politician in your pocket. Some of the rare politicians who display tremendous virtue and courage will be ignored for the blackmailing because they're deemed a risk - they might sacrifice their name and image to bring something like Pizzagate to light.

Keep in mind - not every politician is involved. You only need enough to constitute a majority.

The future of Pizzagate involves Michael Hastings. Hastings was an investigative journalist who died under mysterious circumstances.
>On the 17th, Hastings e-mailed colleagues at BuzzFeed to warn them that “the Feds are interviewing my ‘close friends and associates’”; he was “onto a big story” and needed to go “off the rada[r] for a bit … hope to see you all soon.”
People believe he was reddit user "LawOfAttraction33", who stopped posting a few weeks before Hastings' death.
LawOfAttraction33 posted a lengthy, well-sourced dump of evidence pointing to Satanic pedophile rings in government and the entertainment industry.

a pastebin for those who don't want to navigate reddit:

Excerpt from the post:
>I will end this post with a list of questions for further thought.
>*How can pedophiles and sympathizers exist at crucial positions to prevent investigations from ever gaining steam?
>*Why do so many people with a military intelligence background seem to have a vested interest in marginalizing victims of ritual abuse?
>*How could victims of satanic ritual abuse exist in such diverse geographic areas and from such different walks of life?
>*Why has the FBI and CIA failed to ever bust a major child trafficking ring? And why aren't missing children counted?
>*Is it suspicious that the transgressions of Americas notorious serial killers are so similar to the claims presented by victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse?
>*Should we further investigate the social connections of high profile pedophiles, such as Sandusky and George Bush, and Savile and the Royal family?
>*Should this information make us rethink the Feds recent push for gun control?
>*Could organizations that traffic children also be involved in terrorism?
>*What can I do to spread information about this epidemic?
>*Is it possible that intelligence agencies or satanic cults would provide children to politicians with a purpose of blackmailing them?

sounds very very plausible. However i highly doubt we'll ever see the truth,im doubtful they use Scopolamine however. It's a myth that the drug makes you able to do anything the person wants. It's a strong deliriant, ive never seen proof of the drug being used to control people outside of the fake show "drugs inc".

I'd just assume it's similar to Datura and has you seeing people and realistic things that arent there.

What sort of credentials do you have to suggest that scopolamine being used to control people is fake? Please give site any sources.

Small doses might treat motion sickness, but larger doses will reduce a person's willpower. It's fairly common knowledge in places where Brugmansia, the plant which is rich in scopolamine, is indigenous.


Scopolomine is datura. Jimson weed. It's a deleriant, which would have them as much screaming, running away, and huddling in the fetal position as much as comply.

As unpredictable in its effects as acid. Fucking stupid.

We really should be investigating other countries. Exposing it as a real means of control. When people see it's possible in other places they will believe it here., dumbass

the best part about these shills is how scopolamine is the only part of the post they take issue with. no amount of evidence will convince them that it's often called the "mind control drug". their opinions invalidate scientific research, firsthand experiences, and thorough investigations.

The fuck are you on about? Shill? Fuck off /x/ faggot.

Give me a shred of evidence to these pedophile rings, and I'll take you on it. A step beyond Boystown's Conspiracy of Silence. Names. Proof. I don't disbelieve it, but the burden of proof is on the accuser.

Until then, the one thing I concretely can say, however, is that datura is definitely NOT a mind control drug.

>Give me a shred of evidence to these pedophile rings

earlier in the thread
>a pastebin for those who don't want to navigate reddit:


nobody cares

“The key seems to be that scopolamine blocks a particular neurotransmitter essential to memory. Scans also reveal the drug affects the amygdala, a brain area controlling aggression and anxiety, which would explain scopolamine’s pacifying effect. Evidence also suggests victims tend to be confused and passive rather than unable to resist commands.” So it seems accurate to say that scopolamine impairs memory and renders people more passive, but medical science has yet to definitively establish whether or not the drug affects our autonomy.

It is “horrible stuff”, says Curran. “When I used to give it to people [in experiments], they hated it – it makes your mouth really dry, it makes your pupils constrict. Certainly high doses would be completely incapacitating.” And does it remove free will? “It would completely zonk you out,” says Curran, “ but I don’t know about removing free will. It incapacitates you because you’d feel so drowsy, you wouldn’t remember what was going on. But you would do after huge doses of alcohol, or lots of other drugs like Valium or other benzodiazepine drugs.”

Or, you know, every single experience on the erowid datura vault. Bull. Shit. May as well just roofie them or use GHB and chuck them in a bed with a kid.

This is why I have a hard time believing these /x/ conspiracy theories that intertwine. Just see Pale Horse.

shouldn't you be making your 8th cuck thread for today?

thanks for keeping the thread bumped while I was away

Now all of us can truly understand this quote.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.”


read the thread

a pastebin for those who don't want to navigate reddit:


>Vice documentary that shows footage of people emptying their bank accounts, etc

Pizza gate is fake. Genuinely not a shill, though I wish I could get paid to say it's fake. There's too many holes in the story for it to be plausible. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a story created by shills to distract us from what's in plain sight.

What are some of the holes in the story?

>not a shill
>pizzagate is fake

Pick one.


How am i a shill when ive not seen a drop of proof about this drug. Im a/pol/ user who's tried easily 30+ substances and ive never tried datura or scopolamine, i just find it very very hard to believe it has that much power.

Ive found scopolamine powder on the darknet before, i might get some and make a video on it eventually.

If this drug truly does this then you'd see waaayyyyyy more widespread use of this drug as you could do anything you wanted if you used it against the right people.

Just because you say something doesn't mean it's true bro.

_____Introduction to Pizzagate_____ ( ( (



_____Historical Precedent_____

_____Mega Downloads_____

The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp!UhkGyTIC!CIbRACf0bsGb_nJ9Hk8sQ67i3qWSFbhYIge6NxGGHk0

Conspiracy of Silence!dkkkkLyI!-QhU8zYn5UByNX6zKbUwUGSGltdJ6ByJwulzM21K04s

Pizza-Related Images!rwhRDZZL!C3fBsv5eWos1R1y66mDt4Q

>good idea
making sure its not ignored.

>i might get some and make a video on it eventually.

please do. livestream it.

>If this drug truly does this then you'd see waaayyyyyy more widespread use of this drug as you could do anything you wanted if you used it against the right people.

you realize that if there was a plant that made a person have zero willpower, and do whatever they were told, that the plant in question would be considered dangerous, and that information about its effects would be discredited at every turn by governmental organizations


Thank you, right now I'm reading about Michael Hastings.


kill yourself


i just find it very very hard to believe that you're an expert about anything.

Also, 30+ drugs huh? That's rather astounding. Boy the variety sure has expanded quite a bit since my junkie days. What does that entail? And if you start listing different prescription drugs like I suspect my first assessment that you're a massive faggot will be confirmed.

>Not a shill.

That's a funny joke, Leaf. You should become a comedian.

that's one thing i thought when i saw this retarded BS.

No normie knows about it, better have people on TV point out this thing they don't know about is fake, that's not weird to do at all

>Celebrities used to influence citizens

good point mate

>The only way people can disagree with me is if they are maliciously aligned against me!

t. Tumblr

what's in plain sight tho m8? Trump being controlled opposition? or u just saying it's fake cause there's something else that we don't know about as well?

Brussels is steeped in this type of shit

FBI user told us to look into Hollywood more

I"m saying that Pizzagate is founded on the same profoundly flawed logic that
>muh faked moon landing
>muh bush did 9/11
>muh secret muslim sending secret muslim codes

are all based on.

>Inb4 "shill" "CTR" "Podesta"

what logic are you talking about?

We can easily investigate the entire process, because the entire process is interconnected. If people work towards exposing only one country then it would be beyond easy for the US government to single out the exposed country and condemn them, effectively throwing them under the bus. There would be fall guys who would do a few years of house arrest. Nothing major.

The work of Michael Hastings must be continued where it left off. The people covering for Pizzagate are human and humans make mistakes. Finding their mistakes and oversights would allow for conclusive evidence to be presented to the world.

The largest an oldest pedophile ring is Islam. Even their fake, uneducated false prophet muhammy was a known documented pedophile.
Islam is also modern day slave holders and traders.

Stop this dog vomit called islam

>I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a story created by shills to distract us from what's in plain sight.
Yeah and what's in plain sight, shill?

Except pedo rings have been busted both in big time government and with pizza places as a front


Has anyone brought up Shriners? You have to be a high level Mason to join

pizzagate appeared the weekend before the election
ctr all but disappeared that same weekend
> the weekend before the election
that's such a weird coincidence
fbianon told us to focus on the links to the foundation
he was shouted down by... legit anons? ...and told he was trying to derail a real investigation

none of that means people didn't find anecdotal evidence of actual pedo rings.

Scopolamine? It can be purchased over the counter, in the form of travel sickness pills. I knew some people who tried it for kicks, they all hallucinated that they were smoking non-existent cigarettes, even the non smokers.

he's probably talking about once you have an idea in your head, something to look for, every little thing you find can be turned into another piece of evidence if twisted correctly.

i recently heard that Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer was written as pro-gay acceptance propoganda. Same basic idea, you look for it and you can find connections.

The only problem i see with user saying it is his understanding of what people have been finding here, along with his understanding of those other conspiracy theories.

It's easy to make the comparison because they're all crazy, but who's to say his ethos & logos holds any merit to make that criticism against any of these.

On the day all this shit caves in on itself the propagandist fucks at the daily show will receive a very special and violent public execution.

Western? You fucking nigger, do you know Arabs have been fucking boys for millennia?

I think an effective method of exposing this scandal would be to tell people "the first 5% of you pedo politicians to come forward and testify against the others will get to live. the rest will suffer for weeks." and watch the cowards come forward. you know they're afraid when they have Cobert do a segment about a "wacky conspiracy" that no normie has heard of.

Princess Diana was ready to expose certain individuals involved in a high profile pedophile ring. Saville was only the tip.

Archieve this thread.

We all know Washington is steeped in corruption and blackmail thanks to the fucking swine in europe, it's only a matter of how badly the founding fathers are spinning in their goddamn graves over the degenerate scum or their degenerate viper organization


Okay, that makes sense. This is my first interest in a conspiracy theory.

The content of the pizza-related emails, the pedo symbols from the fbi at the surrounding establishments, and the instagram pictures alone (notwithstanding the other developments) make me go wtf.

Then there's all the other examples of pedophiles in all parts of society, and how the media dismisses it as FAKE without addressing the evidence..

What do you make of all that? Is that just conspiracy logic in my head or do you think there is something objectively questionable about it all?




>the government is capable of keeping a mind control drug secret
>in the year of our Lord 2016

His hobby is taking mind altering drugs. You ask for his credentials in questioning the stated use of some substance, and he gave it to you. No one has ever heard of this drug being used for what you imply, yet they are the fools?

Come back when you have done your research, kid.

They have invisibility camouflage dummy, they're about 25 years ahead of us

>implying the government doesn't manipulate the media

information is still getting through though

All that shit on scopolamine is fake, its a deliriant and does not work like that. You trip would be awful you will end up seeing spiders and crouched in the fetal position in fear.

There is no effective way to "mind control" people. That was the whole purpose of MKULTRA, to discover if it was possible. The best you can do is introduce a negative state with the drugs that can be removed when the person gives in to your demands.


Updated pizzagate/child abuse history chart (Version 6).

> Added in The CIAs "Finders cult" of the 1980s. Which got suppressed.

> Added in: New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of her patients before the President's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995 in Washington, DC. The astonishing testimony made by these two brave women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs, electroshock, hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an undetermined amount of radiation. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this abuse, without regression or hypnosis techniques.

> Wolf and her patients stated that they had been part of an “extensive CIA brainwashing program as young children (in one case, starting at age seven). Their brainwashing included torture, rape, electroshock, powerful drugs, hypnosis and death threats.” According to their testimony, the CIA then induced amnesia to prevent their recalling anything that really happened.

The President's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995 in Washington, DC.:

Regarding chart:
.dia file:

Yes Goyim. That's it. Don't address the content just go back to sucking off that dog.


then add in some induced MPD and things ... terrifying.

CNN? Coincidence?

someone draw Colbert fucking a pizza.

If this is real it pretty much confirms the code word meanings



yeah, read the links


Could still be drugs

tfw i unironically believe that this happens

Includes maybe a few prescriptions. I branched out into the research chemical scene trying a few that were deemed to have a safe side to my knowledge.

Sorry my brain works differently and i think it's cool to try things that many people would never get their hands on. I've never tried Heroin,meth,crack,krookodil or pcp.

The most badass drug everyone agrees from the rc scene was "MXE", too bad China banned it in 2014. Mxe was the bomb, and if enough people tried it im sure it'd be very widely popular.

I have no interest in deliriants due to me being a dumbass in 9th grade and eating wild "moonberries" which contained dautra and i was taken to the hospital.

I honestly havent looked into deliriants much, however im very interested in this drug and the effects it has claimed. Ill see if i can pull some strings and film the effects.

The only documented effects are from mainstream organizations such as national geographic and Vice.

The closest thing to scopolamine would be xanax due to it's ability to wipe memory and having the other person not fearing any repercussions that could happen from certain actions.

Just deliriants arent really something i've looked into much, because they are not fun by any means and it's eternal hell.

Just remember there's many different people in this world and sometimes there's the odd fella in the bunch.

Favorite rare chemicals include:
Lsz*Odd one*

Im missing a few other rare ones ive tried, however it's cool in my mind trying some of these that most people are too chicken shit to try and most people would never see in their life.

Anyways sorry for being honest i guess

nice, I ended up drawing one myself.

How the fuck did Laura Silsby land a job doing "Amber alert" when she was FUCKING CONVICTED OF CHILD TRAFFICKING IN HAITI???

Man that is so so so fucked up

Bump a lump. Fuck these slimy bastards. Napalm the whole lot.

Yours is Magnificent...
But if he would fuck small "pizza"
His dick would be very small...

Since Cowards who abused other have genitalia complex...

I thought the elites got high on fresh DMT of scared children ? It's brought up by Hunter "Snuff film director" Thompson in Fear and Loathing IIRC

Stevie pizza boy

So, there is a guy, in Russia. He's called Kirill Galperov, name changed for obvious reasons. Thing is, that he is pretty "involved" and intrested with this pizza gate thing. So, he started his own research, but in Russia. Turns out, it's even worse here. Child trafficing is growing, really fast. So, after all of his discoveries, he sent it to the local FBI. Then, he went dark for three weeks. After that, he appeared online, he said to me, that he is closing the "investigation". "No meaning, and no proofs", he said. Furthermore, his wife said that when he returned home, his whole body, well, wasn't in the best condition. Some shady shit in here.
(My english is tomato, sry)

True, I didn't think about that. I was trying to rush it in case thread 404d.

>implying child rape and murder is simply ordinary.

The fuck is wrong w you swede cuck? GTFO

Goddamn, the evidence is fucking EVERYWHERE... Where the fuck have you been the last month leaf?? Too busy fapping to anime??

Yeah I know right? It's like, if I wanted to do that then I'd just go to Reddit

You seem to have little understanding of what the concept of proof is.


This. The link between Brock and alefantis is too strong to ignore. Also, the pizzagate discussion was started in the same places ctr was focusing its efforts. As soon as you point that out though, you get called a shill or a pedo.

thats why they push fake news and internet-censor campaign lately, they want to shut down pizzagate investigations.

if there was concrete, undeniable proof then there would be riots and politicians would be hanging from streetlights. we're getting close to that part though

Something big unveiled on a finnish Sup Forums on a totally random board. They apparently really found something but I'm too heatenings.jpg to check for myself

You don't need him to actually fuck the child prostitute in order to take an incriminating picture. The scopolamine makes sure he forgets everything so when you whip out pic and say "You fucked a child prostitute last night" he can't contest it.

Yeah but that's not a surprise to anyone