My 2 years old daughter draw this

>my 2 years old daughter draw this

i'm sorry your daughter is retarded

Your daughter seems pretty red pilled on how violent niggers are

I like how your daughter nailed just how aggressive blacks are! You're training her well!

Donald Trump cameo in Tails gets trolled when?

I'm sorry I gave your wife that daughter.

Your daughter is skilled at what she do,

You should apologize for showing that retarded "comic" to us.

You forgot to post the last few panels,
>Dindu's body crumples to the ground, gunshot wound right between his eyes
>A bewildered Donald looks around, confused, searching for his apparent savoir
>Far off in the distance, Ted Cruz lowers his rifle
>"You owe me one now, Dahnald..." he whispers as he quietly slips away from the scene

>2 year old daughter drew this
Now that's a lie from a nigger OP. She must be 5 or 10 or something to have that kind of skill

>2 year old daughter
holy fuck this is some shitty bait

Someone make another page revealing that Ted Cruz took the bullet.

Wow, she can write and draw like someone in high school.


I'd like to meet that daughter

So progressive.

Your daughter has to go back.

Where's the edit, with slow and steady Jeb! saving the day?

I remember someone made a version where in the last few panels the nigger is suddenly shot in the head and then Jeb! shows up with a rifle and says "Slow and stady, Donald. Slow and steady."

fuck, now I have to look through my trumps for the jeb version

>"All you blacks are racist and violent"
>Only black person in the comic is racist and violent

>nigger with gun
>charging a group
>stop him
So they where defending themselves?

>Blacks arent violent
>draws comic where black shoots and kills everyone


>>my 2 years old daughter draw this

Your daughter is profoundly autistic and will never live independently but require institutional care for all her life.

Time you realized OP.

Since when have two year olds grown such phenomenal artistic skills? I never got the memo that it's just natural for them.

niggers never have that kind of skill

So who is REALLY the artist to this autistic NIGGER drawing? Probably some fat weibu anime watching nignerd

Just as bad as their violent counterparts

my wife's son draw this
what do Sup Forums ?

That art gives me a serious Chris Chan vibe. any body else seeing this?

Hahahahah well I mean the black dude did charge that group with a gun, so the KKK guys were in the right to shoot at him

I really don't understand this "Trump is KKK" narrative. When did he ever say anything against blacks?

He doesn't like Argentinians.

All Argentinians are black.

There you go.

the art is too good for it to be Chris Chan

He said Uncle Tom once




Your daughter will burn lots of coal when she grows up

10/10 leaf

700 images later and here it is. Phone posting is suffering.



nice. I wont say anything about rakes.


Yo anons my 1 year old drew this I'm literally shaking rn



>implying you didn't draw it yourself

*Your son