This amount of butt-hurt over an election

>this amount of butt-hurt over an election

>of all the places in the world, they choose to open a fake embassy in Russia.

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So this is why liberals keep pushing for the war with russia!

Id support them only if they were called New California Republic

The funny thing is how lefties called Texan independence a racist movement. Now they are all about secession. Fucking hypocrites.

So Cal here. CalExit really is just a forced meme by a handful of butthurt liberals.

Would this damage america greatly?

Maybe you guys should push for it.

No iirc. California is dependent on the US for water and federal aid.

all they're left with are the illegals and degenerates. the exodus has happened

Well, they better be building vaults, buying water filters from Alex Jones and getting used to their Cuck-Boys, cause they are not going to last long without the rest of USA.

Yeah, lot of crops and tourism bucks come from the golden state. Sure the cities are hell on earth and deserve anthrax air drops but California is a big place with lots of good under a crusty liberal dirt.

>b...bu...but bit russia is the enemy
>russia made trump win
Hahahaha libcucks make me laugh

>damage the other 49 states
It's sure as fuck kill the Democratic, no, it'd actually be great for America.

It'd be a bitch for my entire family to move to Texas or North Carolina, but we'd manage.

Realistically what would happen if they seceded? Didn't the civil war set a pretty brutal precedent for this sort of thing? Christ, at least that war had a reason besides "the president might hurt our feelings later"

California reconquest when?

And Democrats never won another election, ever again.

They can't, supreme court ruled in 1867 that no state can leave the union without all states leaving.

That's what I mean. So if they actually ignored this and "secede" anyways, will it be a war? How else to enforce this rule

California is doomed.

Won't work. Texas is the only state that still legally has the right to secede, because it was an independent nation before becoming a state whereas all the rest were colonies and territories which are now specifically prohibited from seceding.
Not that even Texas could actually do it without military repurcussion. Those 13 colonies that seceded back in the 1860's had the legal right to do so, but it didn't stop the Union from taking those states back by force.

they do realize as soon as they secede and all their products get a 35% tariff tax in america every single company will leave right?


Also someone would need to nuke them to make sure it was authentic

It's certainly not desirable, but California is a clear cut case of "They need us more than we need them".
At least with Texas they have significant military powers, huge oil reserves, their own independent energy grid, etc.
Basically a bunch of shit that actually lends even a tiny amount of credence to them being independent (which is still retarded)
California has NONE of that. The second they try and secede is the second all interstate commerce is shut off and their "5th largest economy of the world" turns into one smaller than uzbekistan

>californian liberals actually fighting.


>red suit, yellow tie, trimmed beard

dude looks like a low tier conman

Treason and sedition charges.

Hopefully they push it far enough that Trump has several thousand of them executed by hanging.

Personally, I'd allow a non-anonymous ballot measure for secession and role the citizenship of everyone who votes 'yes'.

This is a good summary, and also explains why California hates Texas so much, besides having to take a backseat of course.

have fun paying nevada for your water faggots

Russia is just fucking with these chumps. They arent going to be taken seriously whatsoever.

It's only a small vocal minority that want to secede. If however, if were to come to it, I doubt the military would allow the government to do operate as an independent country. Martial Law would be declared and all those who voted to secede would be tried for treason.


It's amusing to them -- nothing more.

>being this upset about California leaving

Let them leave. Just seal off the border before they secede. There are more spics there than whites now. They're a lost cause.


>implying they shouldn't be wholeheartedly encouraged to leave as soon as possible
If California seceded, those 55 electoral votes would get redistributed amongst the other states, and the Democrats would have a tougher time winning elections. It's literally a no-brainer.

>calicucks secede
>calicucks have no water>
>commiefornia burns to the ground
>rest of US lives happily ever after
You literally don't deserve to live if you are Californian

Divide and conquer

>let them leave

I readily invite them to leave.
And renounce their citizenship.
Go literally anywhere else.

But all American soil will stay American soil.

>California secedes
>can't trade with US because Trump
>California dies

I'm ok with this.

If getting rid of the leftist faggots means sacrificing California, I have no problem with it. Just as long as they don't all run to Denver, Austin, and Portland like the cockroaches they are.

What about all of us Californians that voted for Trump?!

If california succed successfully

>they will lose federal funding and grants
>lose basic services (mail, water, electricity)
>corporations based in california will have to pay heavy tarrifs to conduct business
>US military leaves
>Cali gov elects people who want to merge with Mexico
>California democratically jlins mexico

Now California is the biggest state in shit mexico

They didnt think this throurgh

>Martial Law would be declared
It will never even approach that level. This will be openly mocked, and everyone in politics who takes it seriously will basically be committing career suicide.

Actually I can see Donald Trump making a few hilarious comments about it, though.
>California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.
That's 2.4 million illegal immigrants deported in one day. Think about it.

I want this to happen. It would be Zimbabwe throwing whites out and then begging them to come back all over again.

Encourage unilateral california secession.

Trump reconquers the state with in a week.

California is left as a territory. Californians are reclassified American National.

California is irrelevant to national politics. Californians have to go through American immigration process to gain citizenship.

Californian politicians and other elites are imprisoned for life.

Mexicans are deported.

>Republicans easily win every election forever

good luck with that /sarcasm

citizens of the united states your free to migrate to another state we welcome you with open arms

Secession actually caused the American Civil War. Please, let's do that again.

I would support it while heartedly, but only if they take NY City with them. And DC. And Detroit. Maybe Chicago too.

Please let it happen, God Emperor in 2020 will be unstoppable

Yet there are people here who will reject the fact that Russia is trying to cause destablization in America / Europe.

We don't need federal aid as we are a net contributor to the federal budget. Presumably we would need to build desalinization plants. Might be interesting to see how Republican America would be without us.

Democrats would loose 55 electoral votes, completely dependent on other states for nearly all of it's basic needs, and the country would quickly collapse since it's only exports are porn and movies.

This would also reduce the number needed to elect a president, since the total number of electors would go down. It would be a total of 483 instead of 538 so the next election would be a race to 242.

The rich liberals in silicon valley supporting cal exit don't want california to secede. They are only supporting this in hopes that it might turn into california splitting off into different states

They want Silicon Valley to become its own state.

This would only divide the wealth in california even more and so-cal would probably become detroit, except with illegal spics

tfw you realize Breitbart is controlled opposition

You're only net contributor because it's nice to live there, the moment water shortages hit, Hollywood and Silicon valley will fuck off somewhere else, and California will have nothing else going and die.

We keep a fair amount of nukes in California. So there's fucking way in hell the gubment would let that shit happen.

Don't you reckon some of the red and/or northern counties would form a Jefferson state if Cali fucked off?

Wouldn't have to change the number of stars on the flag then, current estimates that'd cost 6 billion dollars

The libs in california would all move to megacities in other states, so the US would turn permablue.

>The libs in california would all move
That makes no sense. If the libs want to secede from the Union, why would they leave California to remain under President Trump? They'd rather stay in their safe space of like-minded dems, that's why they're all huddled in California to begin with. Two million Dems from LA moving to the battleground states in the 2016 election could have swung the electorate in Hillary's favor but they don't want to mingle when they can just stay in Commiefornia with other special snowflakes who are different just like them.

>net contributor to the federal budget
lol no

Haha you are joking right?

>California seceds
>They quickly collapse due to lack of food, water, and gibs
>US offers to take them back, but now they only get 1 electoral vote
>They have no choice but to accept
>Democrats never win again
Very good, very good