Political books

Just bought these books. Are they in good taste? Do you recommend any others?

>inb4 Communist Manifesto
Bought it because I'm curious about the ideology and why people even support it. I'm obviously not a fucking communist, Christ.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. Nobody knows any good political books..?


Mediations is great and every man should read it.

The Leviathan

The Gulag Archipelago

The republic by Plato. Read Greek classics , it's the foundation.

Check out GLR's books

"Notes on the Third Reich"
"A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism"
"Fascism Viewed from the Right"


i liked al franken's book about lying liars
one of his his chapters is titled "i really hate ann coulter", it's about how much he hates ann coulter.
completely out of date at this point but enjoyable as a satiric work.

George Lincoln Rockwell


No problem... Check out this video for a little teaser, if you're not familiar with him


The Foundation for Exploration

Brings together conservatives and liberals.

^It doesn't have any buzz because it was just released, but it will cause a great stir.

>mein kampf

they know

Cool, thanks Sean

Holy shit I didn't even realize that kek
Will look into it, thanks.

Remember to pick up leftist literature among other strands of political literature when you get your copy of mein Kampf. Plausible deniability when the thought police raid your house. "it was merely a curiosity that adds to the variety of my collection, look I also have a torah"

I'm not the author. He contacted me o goodreads if I was interested because I had liked a bunch of nazi and nietzsche books.

Also Basic Economics and Applied Economics. The first deals with theory, the second deals with practical application.

You know what's funny? I was thinking about this exact thing on the way in to work this morning... I was thinking about ordering some books, but thought that it may send a red flag or two... Thought that I should balance it out by picking up some lefty stuff... Was thinking about picking up Rules for Radicals... Learn your enemy.

Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell

Anybody know if any of these are good read?
>An Honorable Defeat: The Last days of the Confederate Government, by William C. Davis
>Inside Hitler's High Command, by Geoffrey P. Megargee
>Hitler and His Generals: Military Conferences 1942-1945, by Helmut Heiber & David M. Glantz, eds.
I found these books some time ago but never really sat down to read them yet.

Is Mein Kampf the Ford edition? Also, look up For My Legionaries

It isn't. Why, should I cancel & order that translation? Is it better?
is the link.

>buying a bunch of meme books you can just download the PDFs of online

Turner Diaries is legitimately not a well-written book. Coulter, Friedman and Marx are probably the most interesting choices, though I would say for Marx you might be better off getting Oxford Press's VSI book on Marxism before the Communist Manifesto.

Eh maybe not. I'm in mobile and can't load your link for some reason but go for the Manheim or Murphy version. SF seems to say those are the best and I'd trust them

The Wealth of Nations
God and Man at Yale
Doctrine of Fascism
Capital in the 21st century (lefty)

Out of all the books you ordered if you are going to read one go with Meditations

All good. It is important to read more than one point of view.

To beat the commie, you kust know the commie