I have information that could lead to Hillary Clintons arrest

I have information that could lead to Hillary Clintons arrest.



So let's hear it then.

I have info that could get god arrested

course you do sonny

Can you tell me how exactly you plan to shoot yourself in the back of the head with a shotgun?

I have information that could lead to pictures of breasts.

I have information that could lead to Canada's arrest.


I'm currently backtracing the photo you just posted. I will have your IP soon. Your best best is to just leave and never come back.

You are in the Pacific northwest?

Checked it let us inspect it

Is that a burial ground for their enemies?

>1 post by this id
RIP in peace, op

Hillary Clinton finger popped my butthole then called me fake news

Cough it up

Check the image for steganography

Fuck off Kim Dot Com. You fuck off straight to hell you obese mother fucker.

let me guess your not gonna release it right away

your gonna make a website with a countdown timer and when it runs down its going to be fucking nothing

Kill yourself with a .308 through the back of the head from 2 km away

Nice knowing ya. Enjoy your suicide.