Opinions on Down Syndrome?

I got into a debate today with a good friend over what should be done (or if anything should be done) with people afflicted with Down Syndrome.

>Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21.
>It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate intellectual disability.
>The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of an 8- or 9-year-old child.

I didn't necessarily take a side one way or the other, but my friend was adamant in insisting that these people could be the most kind/nice/empathetic people one could ever meet. I myself am very uncomfortable around these people, though I can't really say why specifically. They just feel... wrong?

I could never admit this, but I can't see the bad in aborting these people. They seem like they cause their parents a lot of stress and they never "grow up." Most of them die relatively young, either naturally or due to accidents. It's just all around horrible but I could never find anyone willing to state that these people should not be allowed to live.

What's your opinion? Do you have any experiences with people afflicted with down syndrome or any other sort of mental development issue? I understand this can be a very personal and touchy subject but I hope I can stimulate a balanced discussion. I appreciate all viewpoints!

Look at him, so damn smug. Has one more chromosome and thinks he's king shit. You're not better than me downie.

Best wrestling fans

I personally believe that everyone should be treated with basic respect.

That said, I have no problem with people who have down syndrome. It just bothers the fuck out of me when liberals try to put them on equal playing field and pretending they're just as capable, attractive, etc.

Based on my experiences with downies, they're pretty good people when they were raised in a good environment. They're still people so they learn when taught, in a way. But I totally see that raising these types of people is very hard so I personally wouldn't wish anyone to have downy children.

>It just bothers the fuck out of me when liberals try to put them on equal playing field and pretending they're just as capable, attractive, etc.
This also bothers me.

Did anyone else have a special needs classroom and the school would do special events and stuff to, I don't even know, make them feel like regular kids? Those were always so awkward.

That's fair.

Treat everyone with respect until they prove that you shouldn't. That being said I thinking knowingly having a retarded child is the dumbest thing you can do. If you have normal children they will grow to resent the retarded one and you. You will never know true freedom again as your retarded child will require constant attention. And the medically expenses you will incur because of your retarded child will make you less financially stable. My cousin has downs and all of the above are true in regard to him.

I'm sorry to hear that. I don't have any relatives with down syndrome kids so I would appreciate any stories that you or anyone else has to tell.

Also my aunt is one of those retarded "heh" people who thinks all lives matter. Spoiler alert- they don't.

i had a downie once, we had to put him down because he kept running round in circles

I don't really have any hur durr retard stories, it's sad. My other cousins resent him and my aunt and uncles marriage is a mess because of all the shit they have to go through because of him. If you have a retarded child, ABORT AT ALL COSTS.

That really sucks, thank you for posting.

nah man, it's worth keeping them around, some are genuinely amazing generous, loving peeps, you're uncomfy because you don't understand,

remember that personality is not equivalent to iq, honestly many of them have better souls than normies

It's retarded.

Personal tard sex slave when?

I will admit that I have very limited experience with them, but I still find them unsettling.

fuck off, i know you're a troll but that's genuinely not funny, i have downsyndrom and you are far more stupid than i could ever be.

I think there's a pretty good case to be made for abortion of people with fucked up chromosomes. It can result in a tough life. I mean slowed mental function and motor skills, sometimes to extremes can result in not only their life being debilitating but another person who has to be their constant caretaker.

Sure some of them are happy but so what? They don't have any role in society and never can. Some of the more capable ones by all means can serve meaningful purposes especially in communities of downs people. However when it comes down to making a decision between having a retarded kid and aborting the retard and going for a normal kid, the comparative relevance of that life has a high ceiling.

Fuck off tard. Don't you have a booger to eat?

there should be like a big...retard farm

where they can tend the fields and such

do you even understand how limited mentally even the 46 chromed person is, WE'RE JUST AS RETARDED cosmically, this is a 'relative' comparison, on the objective the difference is negligible

you still won't get it because we are ALLLLLLL RETARDED, not just the downies

Exterminate them all, the planet is overpopulated and tards contribute literally nothing, drain resources to no end. No such thing as a self-sufficient downie. You ever see the sad eyes of someone who didnt abort in public with their tard? The older the tard the deeper the sadness. They are burdens and must be removed. Not one nameable reason for their existence beyond our amusement.

Potatos harvesting potatos

I can't tell if you're larping or not.


I mean he isn't wrong

you misspelled burger

They make pretty good bag boys.

Seems like some serious bait but.. whatever.

Okay sure you can make that comparison, however it's a strawman argument. The whole point of it being a relative argument is that the objective differences are minuscule "cosmically" as you say.

It would be the same as making the comparison of chimps to humans. It's like saying the

Actually I misspelled shit.

cant believe it but I agree with the leaf. I worked with the developmental disabled for a few years to pay for college. generally they eat three times more than the average person, watch cartoons, have minor behaviors, play with legos, then go to sleep. they do nothing and cost society a metric fuckton.

t. nasty podesta

Send them to Syria and Mexico to see how they like it

t. lowest common denominator

>It just bothers the fuck out of me when liberals try to put them on equal playing field and pretending they're just as capable, attractive, etc.
But this is just needless cruelty.
They seem capable enough.
Help them where they fall and cultivate their strengths.

>Down Syndrome

Since it is a genetic fluke disease, the women should used for captive baby breeders , artificially inseminated with the most athletic and intelligent people the white race has.

If they can't be productive members of society than can we at least get some boipussy? Ps.. ignore the fact that it's a kid. I just googled tard.

Down's syndrome women pass the defect on. Therefore you're theory is invalid.

I've known of several downies who manage to have a job and work (albeit ineffectively) which is a lot more than a large portion of Sup Forums. So I'm pretty alright with them. However obviously we should try and limit their numbers.

Bang- right on point user.
My middle school coddled the fuck out of the potato-squad. Always gave them special treats and what not. It made so mad that they were wasting school recourse on something that wouldn't even pay taxes because they cant even count.

You feel uncomfortable around them because of pathogen avoidance which is natural and healthy. Your friend is virtue signaling when he says he loves potatoes and they're good people. In my view, there is nothing wrong with parents aborting a sick child that can't live a full life, just add there is nothing wrong with a bitch eating a sick puppy. The observable mechanisms of the universe don't seem to care what you do with your life, but it does seem taboo to kill healthy fetus' for the sake of convenience.

P.S. Not one of these middle of the road fags sympathizing with the burdens would ever trust a meal prepared by one. Tell me would you eat it? YOUR A FUCKING LIAR IF YOU SAY YES. IM NOT TALKING SUPERVISED I MEAN STRAIGHT UP TRUSTED TO MAKE IT FOR YOU. IF YOU SAY YES YOUR A LIAR! Fuck these tard sympathisers seriously I expected more but holy fuck now I get why the leaf meme exists. EXTERMINATE!

absolutely not bait

we must not fall prey to understanding the absolute positivism definition of understanding

it's not the number, it's not the digit dare i say that makes the true value and meaning in life possible, it's the conscious mind and the fruits of love and truth and experience that gives humanity the true dignity of our existence.

would you kill all chimps because they are lesser to humans, no they are fucking based in their own way, this kind of thinking is actually what detracts from the philosophical understanding of the value of life

>life however the fuck it comes

My wife's brother is a downie. High functioning but dude is still slow and needs to be cared for. So I'll say if a parent isn't ready to take in that responsibility they should abort and try again in a year or 2.

Gas them. Gas them and anyone who has autism.
While yes that would wipe us all out I think it'd be better for people afflicted to not suffer such a fate.

>t. Tard handler of 4 years.

My aunt was down's, but I don't really have any stories save what my mom told me about her because she died when i was like 10.

The best I can give you is that my aunt had a down's boyfriend who would ride a glorified scooter onto the highway.

I can confirm that down's people never really do grow up, and require a lot of parenting even by their younger siblings, but I can't really justify aborting even down's kids because they do still have the right to life.

Chimps live in the zoo. Are you saying we need to have a downie zoo?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

All life should be respected and suffering should be avoided. You can save a being a life of suffering by preventing them from living a painful life. Trisomy 21 carries many health issues. There is nothing wrong with wanting only healthy children with full capabilities.

Im sure they pay rent and taxes and are self-sufficient, no way a burden on government resources than the average employed citizen.
>inb4 hur dur non-downs on, my downie friend is better than most people who can.. etc.

chimps also exist in the natural world

we are the ones who live in a zoo, wake the fuck up

Deep down this is kinda what I'm feeling, but everyone around me disagrees vehemently. Is it a virtue-signal thing or is there an actual reason that I'm just missing out on?

Imagine how many fewer liberals with chips on their shoulders we'd have if we aborted all the retards?

>these people could be the most kind/nice/empathetic people one could ever meet
They can also be the most childish, agressive, sexually agressive and pathetic people one could ever meet

You answered it yourself when you said they have the mental capacity of a 9 year old.

They aren't a threat for the most (except in some cases on big downy guy vs tiny woman/girl) part because they are too dumb and weak to really dominate. Do not confuse weakness for a virtue

For every family that sees their down syndrome child as a burden there is a family that love theirs. Human attachment and emotion and attachment is far too complicated for generalizations as must be judged on a case to case basis. Ive worked with the incredibly disabled, they are people and can feel the whole range of bullshit we go through. It feels pretty good to make a small difference for the better in the life of someone who is shunned through no fault of their own.

Tldr; case by case nigger.

If your arguing for the banishment of tards to the jungle so they can survive on their own I have no argument

Honestly anybody with such a serious genetic disorder should be left to die.
If it can be detected at any stage of pregnancy, it should be aborted.

Eugenics is a beneficial practice.

>A doctor once walked along a beach with a patient of his who had downs syndrome. The patient loved the beach and was extremely happy. The asked his patient to draw a picture of joy in the sand. The patient said he couldn't because the beach wasn't big enough.

If it was a life or death situation,
I would rather a person with downs syndrome live than all the psychopaths.

>Autist vs Downie

This should really be a thing already.

I was cashiering one day and 2 women and a person with down syndrome came in to buy stuff. The married women bought the guy a twix bar and he got on one knee and kissed her hand that had the ring on it.

Another story I have when cashiering is I checked out a young adult women with down syndrome and after finishing she told me I was handsome and she would come back to see me. I thanked her. This was infront of a line of people

They are nice people too nice maybe too pure.

Wait, 9 year olds have an average IQ of 50? Is this true?

Maybe I'm biased. I went to primary school with a downs kid that threw his own shit at people in the hallway on multiple occasions, as well as walk around with full blown obvious errections... so forgive me for not thinking that's normal.

It's purely virtue signaling. Your are ensuring a human being that can never reach its full potential will live long enough to be a burden on its elderly parents then die early of the many issues and complications that come with trisomy 21. Parents should not bury their children. We should not be cruel to them, but it can be a kindness to prevent a lifetime of suffering.


Psychopaths in this tread

A future nephew of mine has it (my fiance's nephew). Provided they are surrounded by a great family structure, they can actually grow well and be productive members of society.

I guess my opinion is that they are generally very happy people, and I'd way rather interact with someone with downs than someone with severe autism. That said, I do spend a lot of time on Sup Forums so who knows.

the Gdog strikes again

Is this Mr Down Syndrome?
What city does he live in?

Read the tardwrangler greentext stories. They're essentially a drain on society and waste resources without reproducing.

Pic related. It's him.

>truck stop flyer trash
You must be one of those people that believe Einstein failed math.

i have a very unique cousin and i swear that lil nigga is more intelligent than his shithead brother
like this dude is so goofy it's a literal handicap, but get to talking to the kid about his brother and you'll end up dying on the floor laughing at his dumb ass.

And I'm saying this as someone with plenty of personal experience with Down syndrome people

The thing to remember with abortion is a lot of people say no to it because they imagine killing a baby or child, but that's not what abortion is, it's preventing that from existing.

Whether killing human cells is murder is a deep and heated discussion, but the fact remains that ultimately if I was about to fuck a chick and found out she would get pregnant with a downy, I wouldn't have sex with her. I don't think that's any better or worse than abortion but it doesn't matter as I'd make the same choice 100% of the time, and on that note I'd abort without hesitation

>Implying infanticide of the severely impaired shouldn't be mandatory


>tard to lazy to draw
>Instead makes up some corny excuse and other less obvious tards think it's deep and spread it in email chains


>IQ of 50

That's 2 or 3 times the demonstrated IQ of your average libtard. Downies are safe as long as there are still libtards to gas.


>t. ID dV0ur

sometime i wish i could get away with that kind of shit too

man, i grew up with some genuinely terrible downies, rude, mad, aggressive, not normal you're right

but you know what user, some bring so much joy and happiness, despite the sacrifice, to their famalams, in the zoo of society, yeah things get fuccd but, the family should decide if they are up to the huawei, mongoloids and all

Well obviously one person suffering from Trisomy 21 would be preferable to every single psychopath living, but one patient doesn't represent the whole population.

Those sound pretty nice, I was hoping we'd get a mix of stories both positive and negative. Thank you.

I had a boss that has a down syndrome nephew. They named him "Sailor." It's bad enough the kids retarded but then you give him that fucking name, wtf? She had a picture of him in a sailor suit on his desk, I almost stole it.

nice joke you got there, downie


That was an excellent way of putting it, might borrow some of your words should I have to discuss this again. I hope you don't mind!

Quit being guitarted

Anyone who believes a tard has a right to live or should exist should agree to pay 10% more tax and sign up on Jan 1st. If the CRS or IRS issue you a refund refuse to cash it. Fuck you if you love them so much YOU should pay for them.

That graph is falsely portrayed. Look at the numbers

Down syndrome is the next step in human evolution of course. I am a Darwinian scientist.

our potential is our compassion, suffering is not the prime determinate, it is love, that's the true power of our existence

As opposed to you know exploring space

i would abort a child if it had down syndrom or any other situatoin that would seriously affect the quality of my life or theirs, honestly. i want children, 3-5, but the burden of a child with special needs is not what i want to bear nor do i want to bring that into the world honestly.
additionally, they eat up a lot of government funding. my mom told me that in her fsu country, they would take children that were retarded, if relinquished by the mothers, and experiment on them. idk if this is true, though.

My brother has downs, he's 4 years younger than me and he's turning 21 in a few days.
I grew up with a very mormon nuclear family being the oldest. Mom and dad are great with him because their religion tells them he's a gift from god to test them to become better people. Growing up I had to learn that he will never have the same level of understanding that I have. Even though he's 20 he still can't tie his own shoes or how to do basic math. They are mentally regressed not because they can't learn but because learning is a much longer process for them. When I was 15 I dated a neighbor girl who had an aunt with a downs son. He had a car, a job, a wife and a life because she didn't treat him any different than her 2 other kids. My parents however coddle my brother and don't try to teach him anything new. This is where most people fail in raising downs kids because even the state encourages holding them back in terms of what they are willing to teach them.
My brother is the nicest person, has a lot of empathy and literally doesn't have the capability to be a bad person. He has never done anything in his life that was intended to hurt or upset someone. His life is based around making people smile. He works out everyday and can bench press double his body weight. Though he's never been in a fight. I was always getting into fights growing up defending him because people would pick on him and he won't hit them because it's not right.
He's innocent in every way but can for the most part function like a young adult.
>They feel wrong
It's because you're different. He's vastly different and you don't want to accept it. He has 1 more chromosome than you and as a result it makes him tarded. You feel like you need to treat him different and that's wrong. He's just like you or me he's just a tard. At least he doesn't judge you on sight or treat you poorly. Everyone is his friend and that includes you regardless of what you say.
>aborting them
Go for it. If you don't want it do it.

Are you sure about that?

EDDDDDDGEEEEE xDeggD should we put you down when you act autistic? No because you were born that way and I'm sure there's some menial task out there you can do. It is wrong to kill the retard just as much as it is to kill you and your Sup Forums man mentality.

Go back to /rk9/

dust, it's all dust, we are the value of the universe

yeah, man, a based downy told me

>a wife
Tfw an actual retard has gotten more pussy than you.


We should put them in specific schools to teach them how to do basic/menial jobs. Let them be happy with contributing in their own little way.

My biggest issue was particularly in school. They would force normal classes to put up with retarded kids. It was so fucking obnoxious. It brought down the speed of the material exponentially. The teacher had to call on them occasionally, and we had all pretend like whatever babble they say is even mildly intelligible. We also had to pretend like random sperg outbursts didn't happen. It's so bizzare when you think about it objectively. A bunch of normal class and one severely disabled subhuman, literally not acknowledging the DURR spergouts

Would I be against purging? Not really. But at the very least don't slow down my classes or the classes of my future children so you can feel good about trying to make sub humans feel normal

Respect should be earned you limp wristed faggot