Well, it's that time again, boys...

Who do you think really did it?
Also, was he the last "good" president?

Other urls found in this thread:


A fellow human being.

>Who do you think really did it?

Don't care. Was a demo-fag.

>Also, was he the last "good" president?

Nope. That would have been Nixon.

>Inspect dimona and neuter the federal reserve
boom headshot

you know, he named (((them))) and was kiled shortly after



Compared to trump he had no bantz
I'm confident trump would have best him in an election
Question is what label would trump have given him?
Pervy kennedy? He's a nasty guy
He holds the thighs up high

The assassination was ordered by the CIA because he was about to blow the lid on the shady shit they were doing

CIA in collab with the banking cartel because he threatened the power of the federal reserve. There's a reason the government won't let anybody know, and why there was no official autopsy.

cia killed him for fucking up cuba
the mob killed him and bobby for messing with them
lbj killed him to be president

You're one of those conspiracy theory cunts who has never heard the full speech. In that, he was clearly referencing the Soviet Union and communism.

This assumes that his assassination, the attempt on Reagan and the successful killing of past presidents is all unconnected. The key reason for all of them is ultimately threatening the federal reserve ponzi scheme. Follow the money,


"I like people who didn't serve gallantly in the Pacific theater against the Japanese while i bitched out and got daddy to get me a forged medical deferment for 'heel spurs.' kek"


You can't seriously be that blind

was last great president until
Mr Donald J Trump

Pew pew. Look at me digs

Insider / Informer here,
This will be my only post, here is a leaked document from the National Archives.
This is all I can say

trevor woke af tb honest

Obviously it was Ted Cruz's father

Wow, you dumbcunt. Don't call me blind when you haven't listen to the whole thing in your life, mate.

>We will never give up we will fight to the end!
>Here's a pic of ted's father with JFK's assassin
>I concede I concede!


Splatter from his head? Or was he shot from a helicopter?

this was great. WKUK ended too soon

>his father was literally in the irish mob
>became billionaire in todays money from running liquor in prohibition with mob protection
>JFK won first election in mass. because his irish mob dad had tons of dirt on the incumbent dem, forced him not to run
>RFK decides that senate hearings on mob to investigate the people that got him and his brother elected would be smart
>after both brothers get BTFO look for ripples
>if cuba, russia, or cia there would be obvious ripples
>oh look, in the 1970s FBI systematically attacks and dismantles mob akin to a foreign war campaign.

nixon was a 50/50 mix of good and bad. if it weren't for Watergate, he would have probably been remembered as a pretty decent president

That was unexpectedly fucking outstanding


Hear what, you little hobbit? Do you really think he'd be dumb enough to name them?

Ted Cruz is LBJs illegitimate son.

Also, in the same speech, he says "Even today, there is little value in insuring the future of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it,"

JFK was based af

Lee Harvey Oswald was a antifa of his era
And his Jew masters had him killed.
Jack (((Rubenstein))) Ruby kill Oswald to protect the Jews.
Jack Ruby was supposed to only have 6 months to live with cancer when he silenced commie lee harvey

Haven't bothered to delve into everything about this. What was the "official" reason they gave for why Oswald did it?

Not saying that happened just what was the motive officials claimed

Jack (((Rubenstein))) didn't want the commie to tell the authorities who assisted him in the hit.

JFK was a Catholic so the Jews were training commie antifa types to pull off the hit.
If Lee Harvey Oswald survived alot of Jews that funded communist movements would of been found out

Lee Harvey Oswald was the communist antifa type of the 60's

It would be no different then a antifa person doing a hit on Trump then a Jewish mobster kills the commie to hide the secrets

I'm sure Ted Cruz dad and Lee Harvey Oswald knew each other
Your talking about 1960's version commies that were prototypes for the modern day antifa

ted cruzs dad

wow. such depth perception.
That could be comming stright down or at any angle from across the field

oh i wonder who it could've been?
Not like jfk jr dedicated his life to a magazine called george

He was a horrible president. Reckless and arrogant. Only good thing he did was cut the top tax rates.

The bush crime family
from prescott and the nazis
down to george h w bush and jfk
to 9/11

Oswald was a commie that was funded by Jews
He was no different then a modern day antifa member.

Since Jack Ruby was diagnosed with it 6 months to live he had to kill the commie so the government would not find out how many Jews were funding communist movements.

The Soviet Union only got the knowledge to build a nuclear bomb because of Jewish commies living in the u.s.

The British Queen in collaboration with the CIA

digits confirm

Jacob Rubenstein killed the antifa commie to hide the he fact Jews were training hobo's,wino's and drug addicts to be communist soldiers

He was a gommie

"Back, and to the left"

>I didn't want to I needed the money

>people really believe a literal who killed JFK


Let's look at the facts:

>Wanted to disband the CIA and "splinter it into a thousand pieces"
>Wanted to abolish the Fed Reserve
>Pissed off the entire military industrial complex by pulling out of cuba, put into motion the withdrawal from vietnam, and wanted to end the cold war.
>and yes, he pissed off the mob, but the mob would never have the balls to assassinate a president

So, who knows, he fucked with a lot of very powerful and wealthy people. My bet is CIA, they would be able to actually pull something that grand off.

Also, in regards to Oswald, there's some weird shit going on:

He was in military intelligence, and had spent time in the Soviet Union, had a russian wife. But the most damning piece of evidence is his military records say he was a shitty marksman, how do pull off those shots with a crappy hunting rifle when you can't even shoot for shit?