Why don't Americans condemn the atrocities committed in its past like the genocide of Native Americans and the...

Why don't Americans condemn the atrocities committed in its past like the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans?

Why aren't these cohorts given reparations? Germany gave Jews reparation money after WW2 and payed for the damage their military committed abroad.

Saying, "Oh, that was my ancestors," isn't an excuse.

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that pic is gay

lol sorry for party rocking

why are you leaving out the Irish indentured servants, they suffered too you know

I don't get it. Was he a big guy?

Because the Germans paid money to the (((survivors))) of the "crimes" they committed.
So sure, if there are any surviving slaves from the Civil War era, yeah, I'd be down for giving them a few thousand bucks.

But there aren't. So fuck them.

Yes it is.

Why do I have to take responsibility for things I had no say or hand in?

My dad was a serial rapist. That's my fault.
My grandad used dynamite to collapse mining tunnels, trapping thousands of workers, so that they would suffocate and die, so he could laugh about it. I did that.
My great grandfather took a shit on the face of every single person on the planet. That's on me.
My great great grandfather killed every human. All me.

Why the fuck do liberals think that time goes in reverse?

Why do you care you stupid fucking leaf, god I hate canadians

0/10 bait. I hope you get hung first.

i fuckin lol'd at that pic

This made my peepee go big

american indian here.

fuck niggers,
fuck beaners
fuck white people too
they can all just leave their women here.

>Saying, "Oh, that was my ancestors," is an absolutely valid reason.

Why don't you give reparations yourself?

because we're not sorry about it. fuck them. why SHOULD we feel bad about it?

Why are only Americans the ones forced to ask this question? How come the Egyptians haven't given the pyramids to the Jews, considering the Jews are the ones who built them?

It hurts.....

They only thing those people "need", is to fucking get over it already.

Indians woulddnt stop raiding. We were unr no obligation to let out people get massacred, like at Ft Mims, by people who should have known they were beat.
For a modern day corollary look at the Arabs: a backwards primitive people led by corrupt leaders tradi g resources for "trinkets" (Beads for the indians 5k a night hotel for the Saudis) and Shamanistic leaders pushing rleigion as a way to get their people to fight ( magic amulets that will stop bullets for the Indians 72 virgins for the Arabs)
Eventually the Arabs inability to protect a needed resource will lead to their culture being wiped out.

We already gave reparations in the form of welfare
a lump sum would have been impossible
now fuck off

It wasn't my ancestors, they got here after slavery was abolished by white people. None of my ancestors were ever rich enough to own slaves, they spent their days working in factories and small businesses dragging themselves up out of poverty until now we all live relatively well in comfortable houses with stable employment.

Everything my ancestors and family have done we earned through hard work and persistence, not one of us owes blacks or native Americans shit.

Jews already own the Pyramids. They make a lot of money off of tourism in Egypt.

>Saying, "Oh, that was my ancestors," isn't an excuse.
Yes it is. Sage.

Shit I forgot to actually sage lmao

So do they fuck?



Sauce, OP?

Someone post the edit

Why are they naked?

Except Indians and niggers used to hate each other when there were actually Indians around. Do you know some Indians used to own nigger slaves?

why should the strong give a shit what the weak think?

It's part of the sexual suffering they went through.

Did you not know that white slave masters would rape blacks slaves?

So you're basically going to judge this on the basis of race then?

I know im not from the US but my family came here in the 20s long after slavery was over and long after what happened to the natives. Should I pay because of my skin colour? Also what about the natives and blacks who actually collaborated? Should their descendants get any money?

What about blacks who came to the US long after slavery and long after blacks were legally equals?

This only becomes anywhere near fair if we take a look at everyone's ancestry and decide who actually had a role in the atrocities on either the giving or receiving end

what did they mean by this?

See this

Are their penises touching? Nigga that's gay

Hes trying to make a point dumbass

Fuckng burgerfats. I hate how you don't understand sarcasm and how you have insecure knee jerk reactions about absolutely everything

You cannot condemn that which is morally right. Rule of the conquer dipshit.

Fake and gay.

Pfft, they can't even draw their own propaganda.

They have to plagiarize a white man's art.

What do you call it when an indian docks with a nigger?


The Sins of the father do not pass to the son.

So, I know this is bait, but for people around the world who are reading this and think it's an honest question:

-first of all, we do condemn the atrocities, every fucking day. From basically grade 1 to grade 12 we discuss this shit every year. We talk about how terrible white people were and how bad we should feel about it.

-second: we do pay reparations. In Canada, we give native people 9 billion dollars/year of "white guilt money". As for blacks, well, blacks make up 8% of the population of Toronto and commit 85% of the crime, so our 1billion/yr police budget is mostly to pay for them, as is our prison budget, and the same goes for America. Also, in the US, black people make up 13% of the population and take 68% of the welfare money. So, yeah, we're fucking paying for this shit already.

If only the black people know how we truly felt about them.

Well, the "Native" Americans we slaughtered were actually from Serbia and they slaughtered the majority of the original civilizations that existed here so I don't really feel bad about genociding "natives" when they killed the real natives.

>Why don't Americans condemn the atrocities committed in its past like the genocide of Native Americans
Because Native Americans tried to genocide us, too. IIRC, a mass grave of white children and women was recently uncovered within the last few years, all showing evidence of having been scalped before death, clear evidence Indians did it.

>the enslavement of Africans
I'll condemn it when Africa, the Middle East, and China all condemn it. White people didn't invent slavery, and we were the first to stop doing it. One thing I will condemn is John Wilkes Booth for killing Lincoln and making sure niggers stayed here on American soil. Easily the worst thing to ever happen to this country.

>Why aren't these cohorts given reparations?
They weren't alive to live through it and even if they were, like I said, other countries still do it. Hell, Europeans were enslaved by sand niggers all the time. When I get my check in the mail from them, I'll send you yours Jamal.

>Germany gave Jews reparation money after WW2 and payed for the damage their military committed abroad
I wonder why.

>Saying, "Oh, that was my ancestors," isn't an excuse.
Yes it is. Give a valid reason why it isn't other than "It just isn't". But hell, lets just say it isn't a valid excuse even though it is. What about all the shit I listed above? That valid enough for you?

Because I don't care. At all.

The natives are a defeated people.

>genocide of Native Americans
You fucking pussies show a lot of disrespect to the Natives by framing it as if they just rolled over and died. We fought them for centuries. They were a worthy foe. Most of them died from disease, and many of them even helped us kill them, and yet still it took centuries. So stop portraying it as if we just rounded them all up and gassed them. This is what happens to civilizations, the Natives were just very unlucky to be one of the last for it to happen to. Now the white man has put a stop to it, you should be grateful.

>enslavement of Africans
Most of this was Muslims and Jews, we only kept them. But again, this is what happened in civilization up to this point. Trust me, most of us wish it didn't happen either. But sorry, not sorry, we put an end to slavery.

You're welcome.

make one with pepe and wojak plses

>Why don't Americans condemn the atrocities committed in its past

I do, I roundly condemn the fact that your mother didn't have an abortion, and instead chose to have OP, and to then raise OP to be a complete fool.

America historically has been a nation of immigrants from Europe, most of the people in the U.S. now, ancestors came over long after slavery ended, and even longer after the so called Native Americans, died off of disease. So, it is NOT our ancestors fault either.

P.S. most of the people involved in the slave trade bringing blacks over, were either Black (selling them to the traders in Africa), or Jews (owners of the slave ships, and of the slave markets/auctions)

user. is not Black, or Jewish, so clearly no blame attaches to this user.

Because we're trying to fix the present

Because Germany lost and we didn't.

Get fucked red man.

they called them buffalo soldiers because their hair reminded them of the hair of the buffalo. That's where the song comes from.

It's actually kind of sad, desu.

>Saying, "Oh, that was my ancestors," isn't an excuse.
That wasn't even my ancestors. My ancestors are German, Quebecois, Czech, and Swedish.

Oh but I guess I'm white so that automatically makes me the bad guy. You liberals make me sick and I hope you get raped by a pack of innocent refugees.

Shhhhh... Liberals don't like that fact

The real answer should be "I'm not sorry for it and I'm not ashamed of it."

It wasn't a genocide it was a war faggot

Why bother, your birth rates are the human equivalent of Pandas.


I have both White and native american ancestors so i'll just pay myself reparations and call it all good for the rest of the nation.

But genocide makes it sound worse and makes the white people feel more guilty

Shut up pajeet

All jokes aside, the other day I was thinking about how much I respect Native Americans.

I have always been fascinated by them.

And now that I can relate with what they went through (with their race dying out and all) I respect them even more.

Hopefully the white race won't die out like them, and if we are doomed to, I hope we put up a fight, just like they did.

We're talking about feather, not red dot, pajeet

The best part is, Native Americans really have no fucking clue the value of land even 200 years later, seeing as they keep selling their casinos to chinks.


Also, why do atrocities only count when it's towards another race? No one gives a shit the blacks were captured, tortured and sold by other blacks, the natives were warlike and would sometimes kill and eat one another, yet everyone forgot.

The problem here is they never finished what they started, Hitler or Columbus. If they had, this wouldn't be an issue.

Buggery summons the Speed Force

Why dwell on the past? Is your life so small,so insignificant that you force yourself to be outraged 24/7 over past events like this? The natives live off of the government and slaves received the freedom to chart their own course. This notion of collective generational guilt is insanity defined. This is the same as blaming current Germans for the holocaust and demanding they pay up again. The racial component makes this issue even juicier because if whites were demanding the same thing (enter an irishman without a potato) academia and the left would scoff at the idea. why is it that the bigotry of low expectations permeates this argument? Are these peoples so inept,so incompetent that they cannot fend for themselves? Oh? They're living mostly off of government assistance? So you fucking cunts are giving these shits fish, not teaching them to fish, nor encouraging it, yet you're sitting here blaming whites for the problem You caused. Bait or not, this kind of thinking is a mainstay of the left. Just look at how often gun owners get shit on when a loony bloke goes off the deep end.

I think most girls are scared/ grossed out by injuns, for good reason too.

We do. It's called welfare

Gay picture OP


How about you accept defeat, move on, try to make a new life for yourself or go fucking die.

Because I don't care.

We're getting reparation everything someone Pimp's Welfare, Fuck a White Women, Robs some White People and Kills a White person.

Morally Black can do anything bad to White for 1,000 year and get away with it as payment for slavery.

Alright. Let's make a deal. We double the size of Indian Reservations, and we send every nigger back to Africa with $100 to boot, that way they can live like KANGz.

Otherwise, kindly fug off.

Because who enslaved the africans was other africans themselves (on tribal wars), and the native americans were casualties of a "war", same thing why US never apologized for nuking Japan.

Well, until someone provides me with a fuck to give...

>Why don't Americans condemn the atrocities committed in its past
Because it's fucking stupid.


Pandas don't have chronic substance abuse issues.

Learn from your mistakes and move on

Dont dwell on them and cry in the hopes of getting nig approval like a woman or something

Move on, faggot.

Is really gay

Okay, I want every single nigger, dune coon, and southern "European" to pay me reparations for exiling my ancestors to die in the frigid north in prehistory.

I want the English to pay me reparations for subjecting the Irish to torment for centuries, not that I'm actually descended from any Irish, I just look enough like them to count.

I want reparations from my Mexican ancestors paid to my American ancestors for the Alamo

I want reparations from my American ancestors to my Mexican ancestors for taking the Alamo in the first place

I want reparations paid by the Spanish for raping the natives which made the Mexican people and thus my line of descent, so I have to pay those to myself

I also have to pay myself reparations for what the Aztecs (close enough to my ancestors) did to smaller tribes (also close enough to my ancestors), because I'm responsible for every harm done to every people in the past, regardless of whether or not I'm actually related to any of them, just as long as I have some connection to the country as a whole.

All germans must pay reparations to Jews for what 7% of their population admitted to doing under what's largely considered one of the greatest farces of justice ever carried by a court.

All Chinese must pay reparations to all other Asian nations for their colonialism during the Qin dynasty.

All Japanses must pay reparations back to China and Korea for their war crimes, even though less than 1% of their population would have ever set foot in China or Korea at the time.

You're literally holding individual people accountable for the decisions that were made by their government and carried out by complete strangers without their knowledge because they were sort of on the same team by unwilling geographic association.

sage, and gay

>Why don't Americans condemn the atrocities committed in its past like the genocide of Native Americans?
First of all, they were not "native". They came from Siberia and genocided previous inhabitants. When peaceful Northern Germanic and Russians settled there prior to Columbus and Anglo colonists - they constantly attacked them. In terms of your native Reddit - seems like Karma is a bitch
>the enslavement of Africans?
You mean negroes sold by other negroes in slavery in exchange for gold and shiny stuff? Should be noted that 20-60%(at different times) profiteers of Atlantic slave trade were Jews. Should be noted that it was practiced by Arabs before and even practiced today. Should be noted that it was practiced by the Ottomans.

>Why aren't these cohorts given reparations?
Germany gave Jews reparation money after WW2 and payed for the damage their military committed abroad.
Shouldn't have done it. I can't see Jews paying reparations to the ethnic Russians for the crimes of Bolshevism. Germany(as BRD) is not even a real country since 1945, so it shouldn't be taken seriously.

When Ottomans going to pay reparations to Southeastern Ukrainians and Balkanites for their kidnappings and slavery? When Mongolia and China(their genetic spawn) going to compensate to Moscow and Ukraine all the money they received in tax tributary for almost three hundred centuries?

Those have been condemned repeatedly, over and over again. No black or native in North America today has had to go through slavery or genocide. Welfare, subsidized housing, race-based scholarships and affirmative action are all far more than enough "reparations" than anyone can ask for or has a right to. Get the fuck over it already.

Dont lump us with the niggers, fuck niggers.

Only thing worse than niggers are the dog eaters out west.

It's a weak bait. Probably need a group to meander reparations from Turkey and China in Europe