
This warning is now mandatory on each truck registered in Poland and the lack of it is punishable by a heavy fine.

Other urls found in this thread:


> £115,790 of £191.2k goal
Some anglo fellow trucker started raising money for his family

Wanted to post link to it if someone interested but system treat it as spam

Western Europe saved Eastern Europe from communism. And some day soon, Eastern Europe will save Western Europe from islam and migrants.

God speed, based Poland.

fuck them

Based Poland doing the lords work

Come January 20th we will have "fuck Islam" on our trucks here.

>we president now

Finally, a slight benefit to having half of Poland take our lorry-driver jobs.

>Western Europe saved Eastern Europe from communism
>Western Europe saving anyone ever

Just shut up burger.

Pretty sure eastern europe saved itself, the only thing the west ever did was try and fuck over EE or use it for its gain.

>Wanted to post link to it if someone interested but system treat it as spam
Just botch the link with a (dot) so it won't register in the spam system

The West kinda sold everything east to Germany to the communism.

Still didn't work

It's on "gofundme" just type "Urban", it's raised by Dave Duncan

gofundme com/van9vwuk


underrated post

Kek bless Polsha

Guy gets killed trying to fight for his live

>What a hero, died trying to save us

I bet you're fun.






If he were a Briton, he would have let the immigrant inside with the keys.

well fuck me

>Cucked burgers unironically believe this
kek. Your country didn't even vote for him in a majority, and those that did mainly only did it because he promised to bring back jobs and nothing else.

if he was mexican he would've driven the truck in to a wall


This is something Sup Forums should help spread. Lots of trucks parked up here in UK till Tuesday morning.

To Twatter and Kikebook anons, lets meme this into a Europe/Worldwide op.

America please save us

It's probably already spreading through CB radio, the Internet of lorry drivers

>tfw 11 "germans" got literally flattened under a truck
>tfw NOBODY (me neither) gives a fuck about any of them and everybody only talks about the poor pole


i really wish nothing but the best for the family of that trucker


Do you guys realize that no matter what you do the Minorities will become the majority right?
How does that make you feel?

i dont know, how does it make you feel, josé?

>one day
You ingrate, they saved us from Islam hundreds of years ago already. We just didn't appreciate their efforts.
> but flag--

Remove Commiefornia and Jew York and Trump dominated Hillary Satan by over 3 million votes.

Post more trucks!

Nope. r/K selection = Whites will always exist and moreso than that, they will thrive/be more dominant than the low investment mud people IE you.

Shouldn't it be in Polish?

no, nobody understands polish

east kept islam at bay for 1500+ years
west sold east to the commies
east freed themself
west begs now for islam

Wow radoslit. nice history lesson right there,
full of facts, arguments, statistics and such.

>radoslitty school
>neber again

i tried to keep it at a burger lvl

So what exactly is wrong with what he is saying colgate ?

>west begs for islam
How about that one. That's pretty obviously the opposite of the real world.

They probably asked for this trash to be brought into their country. Reap what you sow you know



Um did you fucking miss the point where dumb faggots from the west literally held up signs

reffoges welcome here
embrace le diversity

in 2015 2016

couple days ago faggots from Germany sang for refooges

>kept Islam at bay for 1500+ years
>Muhammad was born 1300 years ago

M8, nobody would have spread into eastern Europe it was literally useless. The only valuable parts of Europe are Spain, Italy, Greece and France. Muslims took over Iberia and Greece and held half of France and parts of Italy for a long time. Eastern Europe fell the second Muslims came to their borders.

Based Poland

that 5 was suposed to be a 2 sorry

I love Poland so goddamn much. All of you based eastern lads. Please send based qt.

how will you be able to shout #1 economy and main exporter of pop culture then?


how fucking idiotic are you ?

Hussars literally freed Vienna from these savages

8/10 bait made me reply

Heres your (leaf).

btw need i tell you that eastern europe , byzantium more so, was more developed than western europe at that time?

>thinking msm = majority of populace

Straight nigger tier thinking there

if he drives that into Germanistan, he will probably get arrested for it.

>Eastern European
>held more of North Africa than of Eastern Europe

So are niggers really imperial emperor's and shit?

Annd what if he was running "Fuck Christ, Muhammad rulez!!!111"?

cops would prolly suck his dick and massage his prostate with their MP5 magazines, they dont need them in their guns anyways.

and all that while begging him to not run his truck into a crowd of people, but if he chooses to, thats alright as well

>claiming the monopoly over freedom again

t. burger

>Western Europe saved Eastern Europe from communism
kek, wat??

>implying there's nothing that could ever possibly make muds go back to their mud land


Wait until I put my money on Adidas

Unless we're bred into small minority and killed off

ah so that's why you got anti-immigration politicians as your leaders?

oh wait...


Who would of thought that, out of all the shit holes in the world, that Poland would become a paradigm of western Christians values. Well done Poles, you are leading by example.

Thank you based Poland.

You have my respect.