I am 26 KHV never had a gf or friends

I am 26 KHV never had a gf or friends.

I have a min wage job and read books and play my MMORPG of choice and other vidya I stay up all night sometimes just playing games even though I gotta work the next day.

Why does society deem me a 'problem', everywhere I'm always hassled by people with shit like "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" It pisses me off so much.

I pay taxes so leave me the fuck alone.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because they know you are red pilled asf and they want to demoralize you

you don't want a gf?

fine, just do nothing and be proud of yourself

I'm in your position except younger. Can't be bothered to do much aside from work shitpost and vidya/other hobbies.

Should I? seems more risk than reward and it's not getting any better.

I'm content, I just hate being hassled non-stop by what society perceieves as an outdated religious union which is marriage.

>being hassled non-stop by what society perceieves as an outdated religious union which is marriage
jsut become a sperm donor

You are a part of the problem, but you can find the solution.

There's zero risk to a relationship if you don't get married unless you believe the meme that women will scream rape at anything.

If your girl does this, you fucked up long before you gave her an excuse to do so

>meme that women will scream rape at anything.
check his flag

He's British. You have no idea.

I'm too white.

If there is still a risk then why would I take it when I could potentially lose everything?

Because you are capable of more. Because you will get more satisfaction out of really living your life/socializing as opposed to online.

That being said, if you're happy with your life as is, and not interested in anything else, knock yourself out

if you are white, then act like one

Besides, what is the whitest way you can imagine to have kids? Be a virgin and let doctors impregnate women with your sperm. Literally all other males would just go out to rape.

Because it is a negligible risk, despite MSM sensationalist cultural destruction pieces

Do you not go to work because you are afraid of getting in a car accident every day?

Virgin? If so you're almost to wizard level. You can do it.

I'd love to have a gf, except I haven't met any woman that has come close to my low standards. On top of that I exist in a society where it is impossible to meet and speak with women outside of a loud bar/club in which she is looking for a Chad for a one night stand... Even if I am a Chad, I don't want a one night stand with a trash woman.

youre not a "problem" since you work


The state of our young men, just ship me off to war already
when empire again?
when imperium?
when Anglicization?

everything else seems so... tiresome

Because your a fucking loser and a total biological failure. Kill yourself, you're probably a net drain on society and you're taking a teenagers job because you refuse to move on or grow up. Total embarassment to your parents and your people

you are prob in the same situation and are venting out here

Donn't worry about it OP, you'll never make them happy, trying to please people is pointless.

Hey user why don't you have a job?
>get a job
Hey user why don't you move out?
>get an apartment
Hey user why don't you have a GF?
>get a GF
Hey user why don't you have a car?
>get a car
Hey user why don't you have a better job?
Hey user why don't you have a house?
Why don't you have a better car?
Why aren't you married, when are you having kids, why is your TV so small, why are't you making six figures, why haven't you been to Europe etc etc etc.

They have a never ending list of achievements that you'll never meet.

What MMO do you play?
I wanna find a game good enough to make me give up on life

I rate this post a 4 out of 5

Have my own house with my girlfriend at 25. I study law and give to my community when and how I can. Not all of us are failures. I'd wager quite a few on here are married and have kids.

Dont project your failure onto those around you

Video games only serve as a false sense of accomplishment. Hooray, you defeated the same scripted monster that thousands of other people beat before you. Bravo, nerd.

then again there is no way of knowing this and it can all just be a lie to make you feel comfortable

>needing to feel comfortable on an anonymous mongolian underwater basket weaving website

asking real questions.

i cant find anything good lately

27 perma-virgin here.
Friends suck. I ditched all of mine last year and haven't been happier. It's better to have no friends than fake friends.

this guy blocked on twitter lol

its a community like any other, you would have to have something seriously wrong with the way your brain is wired to not want to feel comfortable here

You're delusional. Clubs are only open for so long. Women have jobs, friends, and hobbies. These things keep them in the public for interaction. You really sound like some self-defeating loser. Which is fine, not every guy will procreate and the fact that you're defeated by a mental block is telling. We don't need those genes spread.

^ the trips of truth right here

Focus on your wants, not society's wants

Want and need are two different things, plumber.

Says the guy posting on 4chins. What blatant fuckery.

>b-but everyone in my clubhouse is as big of a loser as i am!!!!

lol, but you arent posting here out of necessity thus your lies are a want not a need, your previous sentence was just for arguments sake

>your lies



You're normalizing degeneracy. That's why you can't be left alone.

Dregs create more dregs because teenagers see people like you who aren't getting punished for their anti-social behavior and think they can live the easy life too.

>I study law

You are the biggest part of what is wrong with society today.

The burger gets it

They don't deem "you" a problem. They deem your life style a problem.
This is a regular pattern I notice with the MGTOW and MRA groups. You can't cry, "society doesn't show enough concern about men," and then turn around and complain about people becoming curious about what you're doing, why you're "dropping out," and what they can do to help you (or, at least, help men like you).

Humans are socialites by nature. You and I are just oddities, glitches caused either by nature or nurture. They don't regard you as a problem. They regard you as "having" a problem.
You do, whether you like it or not. I don't for a second believe that the video games or media make people like us. They're an escape mechanism for a hopeless situation.

Nobody cares what you think cunt

Just don't get married and instead get a thicc assed house bitch to cook for you and let you smack her ass whenever you want.


way to nitpick while ignoring the point, truly lawyer-like.

>games are escapism!

This retarded meme needs to stop. Enjoying things is not escapism by default, it's possible to make anything escapism but it doesn't make that thing necessarily only that to everyone.

I try

Who exactly is hassling you?

Is it just about being a virgin, or are you getting admonished for being an all-around loser?

If you're making minimum at 26 people are going to assume you are really dumb, have a drug problem, or just completely unambitious.

Either way you sound like a pretty lame guy, if you were my brother I'd tell everyone you were adopted and have autism, to save my family from some shame.

I wasn't saying that they're ALWAYS escapism.

But hiding in your room all day playing mmorpg's, games which are designed to reward you with a sense of significance and power in exchange for grueling hours of mindless grinding, when you don't have a fucking life in the real world, is.

you need jesus

You sound like an SJW cunt. You know whats wrong and right with such certitude that it gives you the right to harass others despite them doing harm to others. Fuck man you even have little meme buzzwords like an SJW. "Normalizing Degeneracy."

Look at the cis scum minding his own business and "normalizing his cisgeneracy."

I miss 1337 X-Play.

I know that feel bro

maybe you need some more BJ ice cream.

>muh white babies
The guy has found happiness, leave him the fuck alone. When he's dead nothing will matter to him anyway.

>[triggering intensifies]

All video games can ultimately be boiled down to glorified Skinner boxes. They are not designed to be enjoyed for the sake of personal enlightenment (i.e. art), but are designed to be as pleasurable as possible. The fact that not even the best video game compares to the shittest prose is evidence of this. Video games are drugs, with all the nasty side effects that come along with chemical drugs.

>h-how dare y-you hold serious moral convictions!
>c-can't you see y-you're just like them!

Nostalrius 2.0

Going to roll on the fresh server, but trying out a few classes on the pvp server right now.

Just lie and say because you are a player. I say this all the time partly because it's true though.

In my area, having a gf is literally like openly admitting you're cucked. Or something is massively massively wrong with you. That's why no one says this anymore to anyone at least where I live. It's totally cucked.com and I mean that completely seriously. The people that have em don't realize they're being cucked or the girls are as bad as 2/10s

If you want a story to make you laugh OP, some mexican guy started staring at me and laughing at me for like 5 minutes outside of a Victoria Secret (lingerie store). At first I was like "ok, ok he's gonna have a super hot latina gf with a huge ass, etc and he probably didn't even graduate high school..." after him making face at me, pointing, laughing at me, for what seemed like forever to this what I assumed was intense build-up, his gf comes out.

I'm not even kidding you, one of the ugliest girls I have ever seen in my life. We're talking 1/10.

As soon as he realized I wasn't impressed he immediately walked away. I almost wanted to chase him and be like, "no wait a second what was that about?? She's fucking fat as fuck dude and short what the hell???"


for some reason wow was the only mmo i didnt even max level

You're not fooling anyone. Everybody knows, OP. People in real life may smirk and pretend to believe you, but you don't have to lie to us, and yourself, when you're anonymous.

>I'm always hassled by people with shit like "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

A married guy I work with once asked me this question. I went full redpill on him, telling him how American women are lazy fatass bitches who eventually divorce their husbands for cash and prizes.

He became very irritable and quiet after hearing what I had to say. It was then that I realized that he was married to the kind of woman I had just described.

My point is, "having a gf" is has become like having some type of object just for the sake of having it. Even if the girl is super ugly. They just want to say they have one.

It literally means nothing or at best it means mental illness or merriam-websters cucked.

The most normal people I have ever met just do the one night stand thing. Really good people. I don't mean the tinder people though.

People at work, family etc.

no one minds their own business.

it's not about being a virgin because I have not told anyone.

it's just the "why don't you have a gf" all the time, I have told people to mind their own business but they don't.

>There's zero risk to a relationship
That depends on what you want out of a relationship. If you just want to hang out with some chick, sure, there's not much risk. If you actually want it to be a long-term partnership, then there is risk because you're investing your life (the moments you live) into it, and you could get burned bigly if you misread her character and/or ignore the warning signs.

Relationships also take a lot of time. Just hanging out with some chick for no reason gets old quickly because what's the point? But even that requires time. Also, in tighter relationships you're going to have to make a lot of compromises and sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. So for example you will have to hang out as a couple with other couples unless you're in a relationship with a social phobic or autist. Do you enjoy it? Do you enjoy spending time with her friend and her friend's boyfriend/fiancé? Because you can't really opt out if you want to keep your relationship on track. You will have to make many concessions about what you do and how you spend your time. If you don't make concessions the relationship will definitely fail. But if you do make concessions, you are investing more and more of yourself in the relationship, and if she one day after a few years tells you she's not in love anymore and wants to split guess how you're going to feel about all those concessions and compromises and sacrifices and future plans you had for your relationship. Or guess how you're going to feel if you discover she's been cheating on you for a long time. And numerous other possibilities.

So just because you don't lose half your stuff at the end doesn't mean there is no risk. A lot of females are good companions when they're in love with you, but that doesn't last, and so you won't know what their real priorities are until much later down the line. For a lot of females the #1 priority is their feelings. Want to invest in feelings?

That's some real dumb shit you wrote right there.

act heartbroken, it always works for me

Risk vs reward my fingolian friend.

> They are not designed to be enjoyed for the sake of personal enlightenment (i.e. art), but are designed to be as pleasurable as possible.
How do you explain competitive games or games which frustrate by design like Super Meat Boy or IWBTG?
>The fact that not even the best video game compares to the shittest prose is evidence of this.
I can assure you that Dark Souls is leaps and bounds more fascinating, detailed, and story rich than anything the most popular YA authors put out. Actually look at some lets plays for that first/third game, take in the solemness of it, and appreciate the craft that went into everything from mechanics to character design.
It's downright arrogant to snub such a fantastic collaborative work because of its medium.

I think you and I both know that you're the one who thinks it's a problem.

Your family members probably want you to be happy, because a healthy relationship does a lot to enrich your life, and can motivate you to succeed. They're hoping that a girlfriend can help you get your shit together and motivate you to move up in life.

Your coworkers are probably asking because they suspect you of being queer.

what is the context behind this picture
jesus christ

Drunk girl shit herself. Other drunk girl captured the moment.

if I tell my coworkers to fuck off or knock it off I suspect they will probably try to get me fired because they are "those" type of women.

You will die alone

I think I can see where the shit split from her underwear

totally degenerate

Oh, it's women asking?
Easy, ask 'em out. You'll either get the pleasure of watching them squirm or be pleasantly surprised.

This. Tell them you were in a relationship once, but she got hit by a car.

>Do you not go to work because you are afraid of getting in a car accident every day?

Don't get upset, that's the lamest shit you could do and will make you look like a loser. If you want them to leave you alone, just tell them you're talking to someone, and that you're not looking for anything serious. It will make you seem desirable, and saying you're not looking for a relationship despite the potential for one being there, makes you not seem desperate and that you have options and choices.

Or they laugh at him. Either way, don't date co-workers. It's not worth it.

Agreed. It's one of those situations where even if you do everything your "supposed" to do, there's always something else. The goal in life should be your own happiness, not anyone else's.


Contentment is the disease of fools and losers.

>Leave me the fuck alone.
>Makes thread.
Are you asking me to sage this?

good webm, would be much better if trump and barron moved a bit though

Being with a woman that loves you as much as you do her is the most pure form of happiness one can experience. I miss my ex so much God dammit whoever started the "you need to party and fuck in your teens and twenties and get married at thirty!" LIE took away my love from me, FUCK the jews who started feminism and all of this other pro slut and degenerate BULLSHIT FUCK THEM ALLLLLL!

They are complete uggos.

I don't care about being desirable, but the whole "I have to know everything about your personal life" vibe I get from these cunts at work seriously makes me want to do them some harm.

Why the fuck do they act like it's their right to know?

I have no solution to this.

>Or they laugh at him.
Laughter is a form of squirming. There are only three reasons they'd ask him.
>They're cunts who think he's a loser and just want to make him feel bad without looking like cunts.
>They think he's gay.
>One of them or a friend of theirs fancies him.
If it's the first, they can laugh it off if they like, but it only makes them look worse and embarrasses the holy hell out of them.
If it's the second, well...at least you're kinda dispelling those rumors.
If it's the third, then there's nothing wrong with a bit of fun/life experience now and then.

>woman that loves you as much as you do her
but user, thats impossible.
women dont love the way a man does, women can truly love only their children.

Because you'll live your life as a pathetic drone if you don't take the initiative to reproduce.

tell them to mind their business

>Giving your kids to dykes.
Yeah no.

Well you're one step up from Varg.

He doesn't even pay taxes.

I really doubt they "want to know everything about your life."

I think they're just trying to make conversation with a coworker and you're so socially retarded that you mistake it for them interrogating you. That's the way this whole thing reads to me, at least.

Varg has kids tho