Wtf i hate white males now

wtf i hate white males now


>implying that's a bad thing

maybe they bring in smaller file sizes

thank god.

How did he get Tom Hanks on the cabinet?

>(((white))) (((male)))

Well maybe women and blacks should try harder and earn their merit rather than expect handouts based on how they were born. Literally racist/sexist to say that they deserve a position because they're handicapped.

Will probably be the cabinet to get the most shit done since 1989 tbqh familia

Why is this news? Why does CNN push this kind of shit? What is the point? The only reason to do this is to enflame racial tensions.

Its so fucking obvious.


>1989 was 200 years ago

Link to tweet?

>since 1989
>acting like that is since 1889

1990 is when things started going to shit anyway

>Don't you know it is the current year, Donald?


it's real trust me this was from like a week ago is the thing

Okay so who of those are Jews?


I like how they put the black man (Carson), the Asian woman (Chao) and the white woman (DeVos) at the end of the list. Like they don't matter. What a bunch of racists and sexists at CNN.

New smash bros. looks dope

Really? 1989? Is that supposed to be a big deal? I was expecting it to be the most white since like the 1960s or something.

Are asians actually yellow? Kek.

was about to say exactly this

Where's Linda?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

S-Senator Amstrong?

In 1989, our demographics weren't as fucked up as they are now. This fucking country needs to head back to 1920s in demographics.


>the guys who helped foster the economic boom of the 90's

damn, hell yeah

Couple of jews and a chink too many, but otherwise off to a good start.


Don't even get me started about the childish sheep who live in town...

It's a Hanks/Kimmel lovechild

He played college ball, you know.

Wait? So you mean sinve the last president that got alot done
*slow clap*
You go me cnn i hate white guys now.

CNN needs to shut the fuck up

Trump chose the most qualified, and if they are mostly white guys then okay that's our cabinet, whats wrong with that?

And the fact that there are two women and a black guy shows he isn't biased against race or gender

here's hoping they make a good team.

Do real news outlets seriously consider the fucking white maleness of governments headline worthy? Japan pls launch 200 retaliatory nukes against America already, this meme-country has gone on long enough.

>choosing diversity over effectiveness
I expect nothing less from a bunch of racist left wingers.


He's planning on crashing the DoE with no survivors.

technically (percentage wise) there are 15.7% minorities out of the 19 *possibly more due to being hispanic or native*

so this is actually over-representing the minority population of america, they need to cut ben carson in half, and then we would have a "fair and diverse" cabinet that is also true to the demographics of America

Sounds like he wants to actually do something.

People are upset?

CNN is just doubling down on the identity politics aren't they? Good. Let their ratings plummet. By the end of Trumps first term they will be on the same level as clickbait faggotry

Holy shit it's finally happening. Thank God. #exposeleftistracism


>he leaves spics out of the equation

Lmfao you are 30% spic you idiot. And no, Drumpf won't deport anyone idiot. Know your country a little more


The only people who voted for Hillary are City retards.

Rural and Suburban people all voted for Trump.

1989 oh shit, thats almost 600 centuries, he really went too far this time.
The absolute madman, he's living in the stone age basically.
Disgusting, I'm literally shaking.

>b-but rick perry is stoopid