Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?


>Trump is willing to listen to people who aren't American
>therefore he is a traitor
Why do cucks think like this and then claim that they are accepting and tolerant?

What kind of question is that?
They should be ashamed for asking such a terrible question. Bad!

Remember when they insisted he would be incapable of getting along with foreign representatives?

Oh how the narrative is on the other foot now!

Keith is such a faggot

Trump want in our little sekrit club.
Should we allow him in?

It's so damn funny watching the left turn into a bunch of jingoists.

I guess they always were, but in their hysterical state at the loss of queen cunt, they let the mask fall off.

Baiting them into nationalism.

Died laughing when I scrolled up and saw he posted this tweet. It's such an obvious fucking jab at people crying about "muh russia". It's like watching a cat angrily slap a laser pointer at this point.

What has Keith Olbermann done to prove his loyalty to the country?

If anything WE should be ripping on Trump for this, not them!

He's already making America great again. In one tweet has done more to further a healthy relationship with Russia that Obama did in 8 years of presidency.


Liberals BURN THE FLAG, refuse to stand up for the national anthem, talk about how they hate the military for killing muh poor brown terrorists, support shit like NAFTA and TPP that takes jobs away from Americans and gives them to spics and chinks, and they have the audacity to ask if Trump has loyalty to his country?

>tfw you realize the 7D chess meme is real

>AKA taking money and direct orders from a dictator


Dear Philippines,

Your president may be based, but he's not really relevant at all.

And that Chinese guy? China is a globalist shithole.

Hello Mr. english teacher, hows Japan?

le based meme XD

kill yourself worldstarhiphop dindu blm nigger

And, and showing BIG love to Hebrew Nation!!!


Wait... Whaaaaa.........?

In the last four days I've seen libruls support the military-industrial complex, drone strikes on Afghan weddings, a second Cold War, and harassing women in public.

Donald Trump officially has the power to bend reality to his will. If he came out tomorrow and said, "I support abortion up to the end of the second trimester", liberals would be rioting to demand that foetal-phobic hate speech be banned.

He had his photo taken wrapped in a flag sitting on the floor with a frightened schizophrenic look on his face.

Remove China and we're good

Keith Olbermann is my favorite 21st century McCarthyist.


So you WANT more abortions? Are you a jew?


Why is olberman freaking out? He has completely lost it.

>narrative on the other foot

I'm an old-fag that used to be pretty big liberal hippy douche back in the 90's so you've gotta realize what a huge shock it is to see everything that happening right now.

We NEED a new Hitler now more than ever... SIEG HAIL 14/88 GTKRWN!!!


We are allied to be close allies with Russia. Believe it or not. Not unconstitutional


>that Tweet

This kills the Olbermann

love live card scene?

There's no law that says we have to hate Russia.

>They spy on us!

And we spy on them. Everybody spies on everybody. That's how the game is played.

>people still think the codes are the only way to launch nukes

>the nuclear codes are literally SSH keys

Are your rating still dropping, Keith (((Olbermann))), and if so what proof is there of it?

When you randomly accuse someone of treason (As he did), the burden of proof is on the accuser. Not that this guy cares. He's out of his mind on the notion that Trump will supposedly destroy the World. Hopefully in the next year people like him will become like the boy who cried wolf.

Obama probably set the password to TYRONEWATERMELON so it's not like the codes were secure anyways

Besides BTFOing Hillary and co. what exactly makes Russians so much worse than the Saudis and other MIddle-Eastern countries we deal with? Hell, what makes Russia so much worse than fucking China? Why can't we be best friends with Russia?

I really don't understand.


Fuck off with that shit

Trumps election has been sick a mindfuck to the world that leftists are now larger warmongers than GOP chickenhawks, and Ron Paul wants to 69 Hitler's ghost.

Fun times we be in

Has Keith Olbermann literally lose his literal mind? He seemed so metered and logical back in the Bush years, even while being a crybaby.

Each day he is getting stronger and more Awesome.
Why didnt we get trump un earlier?

>Why can't we be best friends with Russia?

you must be new here


That'd be a pretty fucking cool shirt. Too bad it's shopped.

Oh! so now liberals are the patriots, figures.

of course.

Pointing out what a retard Bush Jr. is didn't require any deep analysis.

There is so much bullshit here, I don't even know what to say.

>Freedom of speech as long as it fits our narrative


>it's a regressive jews pretend to be patriots episode

up down up down left right left right b a start then press launch

>It's okay when Hillary does it though

wtf I thought wumao was #withher

they always were jingoists, they are led by Jews who are gearing them up for wars with white nations (again) and an eventual violent civil war against whites here.

The only ironic part is how they claim to be patriots when they are the farthest thing from it. They are literally scheming the downfall of both the white race and the USA itself. But now they are patriots...right.

Om trumps place id tweet praises to putin every other week just to make them have an aneurism from rage

kek, olberman lost his show becasue he sucks. He's just salty about losing.

>the left is now the one spouting insane, impossible conspiracy theories

This is the best timeline.

>libshits are now copying alex jones

What a time to be alive