Why is there such a strong correlation between having blonde hair and being first world?

Why is there such a strong correlation between having blonde hair and being first world?

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Maybe in Europe. I mean Japan and South Korea are some of the best countries in the world.




Oh hi again, swedebro

>tfw the rest of the world craves our superior cock

The fact that parts of Eastern Europe are more blond than France proves the exact opposite.

you don't want to be in any chart that is topped by sweden





he looks like a slav

do all swedes look like slavs?

your women are much better, swedish men are with few exceptions almost always ugly af

Unless you're a Jap or a Korean. Their lives are completely awful. While they don't average the same amount of hours as an American, they have to work far more than most Euros, in a non-upwardly mobile, stagnant economy, with significant pressure to start a family and give away what little free time you have so you can raise your children.

Nice to visit, not nice to live in.

Ugly Mongrel, know your place.

Well said

By first world you mean cucks?

Had to stop watching when the metalfag music came on.

well hey at least your women are top tier.

they don't want swedish "men" though, but dream about meds instead

I know it's hard to accept but it's the truth

That's completely backwards. Swedish men look far better than Swedish women. Swedes have the worst women, in terms of looks AND personality, in the world. I would sooner spend time with a fat baboon "woman" Aboriginal huffing petrol in the middle of the Outback than in all the comforts of a Swedish home with one of their women.

I'd probably get less diseases (and puke less) by fucking that semi-human than a sub-human Swede woman.

Oops meant to reply to

Classical > Metal > dad rock > Jazz > grunge rock > everything else

Why is every blonde a fucking retard with 80 IQ?

Name one smart blonde.

Behold, the most beautiful woman in Sweden in her natural habitat.

well thats just like your opinion

light complexion and hair with less pronounced traits are more feminine than dark complexion with dark hair and more pronounced traits

the first just doesn't fit males. they're also more submissive, passive and less manly in general, hence more cucked and beta

>>Sweden first world

(((Swedish Women)))

You're thinking of literally every other Scandinavian women. Swedish Women are more into the destruction of Swedish society than the globalist kikes are. They have light hair and skin, but literally everything else about them is shit tier.

Subject not the Swedish men to live in that hell hole.

The only good metal music are select songs from classic bands ( iron maiden, Metallica, black Sabbath, judas priest, Motorhead, Megadeth etc) any other metal makes ears bleed

>Subject not the Swedish men to live in that hell hole.

They are responsible for all the shit. They were too submissive and passive so therefore more women got into position of power.

Introverted swedebois with pink boiholes and submissive/cautious/empathetic attitude aren't just as appealing to women. Women love powerful and dominant men, the exact opposite to what swedes are in general.

Why are pepole talking about music this isabout how sweden is a cuck.

Pantera is pretty good.

There should three Union Jacks on this chart, fucking Canadians

Because they're is a direct correlation between cuckness and taste in metal music


>colonies are better than the father
>father country is a cuck

there's your answer

There's also a correlation between metal bands and civilization.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't call Poland, Czechia, and Hungary cucked.

more like there's a correlation between metal and autism

THIS. Off by one but maybe I can assist burgerbro

>France is less promiscuous than the USA

Praise allah

absolutely annihilated


good one m8

Actually, Sweden and Finland is technically third world (not on the side of either axis or allies).


I mean, the pinoy is correct (even though the past 2 years have been rough here)

Spain, Italy and France should be lighter on that map

>first world


cuck reputation?

good that u are so big lol

>Baltic States
>First World

does anyone believe the validity of this 'data'?

Georgia's more than 10%, Spain and Portugal are way darker people (they do have more 'western' facial features tho)

>Foreign men are in high demand in Finland
