D-don't vote Hillary guys!

>d-don't vote Hillary guys!
>she will start a nuclear war for sure!!!

top kek

Other urls found in this thread:


>Not understanding Mutually Assured Destruction


Nuclear Deterrence ring a bell Slav?

Get into your thinking squat and use those two brain cells you have left, I believe in you!


so you want to tell me MAD would be a non existent thing with Hillary?

this goes better and better

>Hillary would start a nuclear war!
>d-d-don't worry guys with trump it is just a nuclear deterrence for sure!


Why are you laughing Slovakia? You're the one getting nuked.

Strong nuclear arsenal = peace


This has been a known thing for decades.

>no arguments left
>b-but you are the one getting nuked

kek. after the election trumptards are dumber than ever


Had Hillary come out abd said exactly what Trump did these niggers would be going apeshit

With Hillary, it would just be Assured Destruction.

nuclear deterrence
play Metal Gear

This, Russian isn't secretly improving their nuclear capability.

OP is a full retard guys, go about your day.

You realize that Hillary starting nuclear war was one of the reasons a lot of people on Sup Forums didn't care if she won, right?

Fuck right off, these cucks were crying about how shes gonna statt ww3 and will get us all killed by russians cause of her no fly zone plan

just fucking die

>not having the same capabilities as other countries
>being cucked

Why is this not common sense

Modernizing US's nuclear arsenal is probably a good idea considering many launch sites still operate using computers using paper punch cards.

Nukes are chump cash sinks. Personally I wouldn't bother and spend the money else where but M.I.C. is always fine in returns.

The U.S. doesn't subscribe to MAD anymore. We've used NUTS since the days of Carter. If anything, having an up-to-date nuclear arsenal is even more important for NUTS than MAD.

Told you fuckers they were the same.

>being prepared for conflict is the same as causing one


Wtf I hate white people now!

After Trump, only America will have nukes.

God bless Him. He's a god amoung men.

my city is on this map
this isn't a joke anymore
I want off the Trump ride

Explain your loyal support to me Trump supporters

Promises to drain the swamp
>He admits in a thank you tour that it was just a term he didn't think would catch on and he didn't really mean it
Promises to lock her up
>He admits that it was fun during the campaign but he doesn't care anymore
Claims the system is rigged and millions are voting illegally
>Claims he doesn't care anymore because he won

He literally took every one of his supporters for a ride.

Both candidates were shit. I have to mention that because the typical Trump supporter response (the only) is "YOU LOST SHILL" "CTR IS ON Sup Forums!"

Trump supporters cannot logically process an argument, so their only go to is to call people shills or assume they were Hillary supporters.

Putin stooge!

Tribalism is a dangerous thing, and these trumpfags are the latest to fall victim to it


China's Nuclear arsenal has grown and is growing by leaps and bounds. They have 3K miles of underground tunnels if not more. They've stolen the F-22 Design and the F-35.

Don't be a fucking idiot.

Of course, studies have shown that lefties are innately less capable of sensing danger, which is why they always exhibit a DANGEROUS amount of naivite in international affairs.

The Iranians released the hostages on the Day 1 of President Reagan's administration for a fucking reason. Obama will go down as even worse than Carter! Hahahaha.

My county is on that map for a 500 warhead and a 2,000 warhead scenario. Pretty great.

>Not wanting to die for the God Emperor
Leave heathen

Upgrading the capabilities of your nuclear weapons is not an act of aggression. Shooting down aircraft is. If you and your neighbour have guns, and you buy more ammunition, they won't consider it an act of aggression, but if you shoot their dog because it pisses somewhere you don't like, then they're going to be upset with you.

For real. I don't get the rabid support where people can act like he can do no wrong. The point was that we need to hold him to his promises and keep him accountable
The election is over, the only person left to criticize is him, all political leaders are deserving of criticism ESPECIALLY if you voted for them.

People are giving him a pass for doing the exact same shit any gov't stooge would do, and white knighting to his defense, it's retarded. What was the point in supporting Trump if he's going to do a bunch of the same shit any other Republican would.
He's not draining the fucking swamp at all

He can't do wrong

He is a walking God among men.

God bless President Trump.

How many nuclear warheads does China currently have?
How many more nukes does the United States need to effectively deter the Chinese?

Wanting to modernizing our nuclear capability is obvious- you need the weapon system to work if you want it to be an effective deterrent- but increasing our number of nukes isn't going to scare the Chinese into submission. The thing it will do though is increase the likelihood that China will increase its own nuclear stockpile. Why would anyone want that?

Increasing your nuclear stockpile is an act of aggression though.

>Increasing your nuclear stockpile is an act of aggression though
No, it isn't.

fuck off rand
your dad will always be better than you

I understand why there's so many black dots around Cheyenne, but what's going on in Montana and North Dakota that warrants that kind of an assault?

If your life is given in the service, your death will not be in vain.

Why not? We've already secured an effective nuclear deterrent with the amount of nuclear weapons we currently have. Increasing our nukes is meant to be a provocative act.

>Trump is working with Putin he's allied with the enemy!
>Trump wants to show our strength against Putin he's going to start WWIII!

Face it, you kikes will never be happy with him. His semen could cure cancer and AIDS and you'd still whine about muh racism

>LARPing a nuclear strike
there will be no retaliation we'll all be dead.

>implying Hillary drones even thought about their decision and just voted for what their friends and media told em to


Not exactly. He's trying to goad the Chinese, not the Russians.
Its fair to criticise him on both accounts.
Why be friends with an autocrat?
Why do something which will not increase the likelihood of nuclear disarmament?

It's good your city is a priority target. One less cowardly mouth to feed and asshole to wipe if it comes to a war for survival.

You really don't know how your nuclear deterrent works do you you fucking nigger?

Who would have guessed that Sup Forums is full of retards?

>guaranteed intensifying of conflicts with another nuclear armed country
>the same as bolstering our own nuclear capabilities peacefully
nigga what
When will Hillshills learn to logic?

See my other post.

I hate shitheads like you. Criticize, but you don't offer any solutions. What would YOU propose would be the better solution? Hmmm, faggot OP? Should he trot over there and just ask real nicely? Does effective law enforcement bring a fucking knife to a situation where there is an active shooter? Would they get very far in negotiations if at all, if the shooter knows they aren't as well armed as they are?
These questions should reveal all to you. If not, you are retarded.
If there wasn't so much at stake, I'd just let you sit there and waft in the aroma of your own failure, but alas...

capabilities =/= arsenal

If Hilary tweeted this, Sup Forums would go out of their minds

top kek

We just said that to get normies to not vote for her. Nothing is more alluring to Sup Forums than complete and utter destruction of the modern world. Too many redpills will lead anyone to hope for AT LEAST world war. Bonus is Yellowstone.

>being this new

I can understand that you're a slovak so I don't expect much in the way of sense but do notice he said "nuclear capability" and not "nuclear weapons"

I am so giddy right now.
I really hope Trump actually nukes someone.
SO BORED and this world needs a real wake up call.

Who are we negotiating with?
I assume you mean Russia?
How many more additional nukes do we need to effectively impress Putin into limiting his own nuclear stockpile?

Is building a fence around your yard an act of agression? You're already safe enough with the walls around you to protect you from the outside, why on earth would you need a fence?

>Wishing to see millions of people die just to rouse you from the drudgery of your everyday existence.
Is there truly a more degenerate group of people than Sup Forums?

To me he's just shaking the system. I don't like that he tweets stupid shit but I do like that maybe the chinese are starting to understand that we're not playing games.
Is Trump the perfect choice? No. He's a loudmouth who says stupid shit. This is not new. Do I think he'll do a good job? Yeah I actually do. Wait until he sits down with Putin and China. I know that's not what you want to hear, but give him a chance.

Get a load of this guy, trying to redefine the word aggression.

Bro, your aggressing on me with your stockpile of redefining words, step off

>studies show leftist can't sense danger
>9/11 happened under a leftist
>being a retard

I don't see what's wrong with this.

>Promises to drain the swamp
>>He admits in a thank you tour that it was just a term he didn't think would catch on and he didn't really mean it
He says they'll continue to DTS. I think he doesn't want autists chanting that at him all the time.
>Promises to lock her up
>>He admits that it was fun during the campaign but he doesn't care anymore
He said he'd make sure she didn't get away with anything when it's being investigated.
Claims the system is rigged and millions are voting illegally
>>Claims he doesn't care anymore because he won
Do you expect him to... what?

Again, naivite.

Remember what Carter's Secretary of Defense said?

"We increase our arsenal, they increase theirs. We decrease our arsenal, they increase theirs."

I agree with modernization, absolutely. And we have plenty of fissile material to do that. But a great deal of our missiles and delivery systems are old, too. It's going to take ALL OF THE ABOVE to do it right.

It's funny how you become aware of things only after some guy/msm bot tells you about them on twitter. New 'nuclear arms race' is ongoing for several years now.

I apologize for not being clearer in that post.
Let me try and be clear.
The amount of warheads you need to present an effective deterrent is X.
Any increase beyond X is a provocative act.

Russia is who the MSM dangle in front of your face. This is more about China than Russia.
The tech in use is currently past it's prime. Rockets need to be updated. Defense systems.

Being a pussy also leads to war.

No disagreement in regards to modernization and this being about China. Obviously you need the thing to work for it to be a deterrent.
Again though, there isn't a need to INCREASE the number of nuclear arms that we have. Doing so only encourages other countries like China to do so in tandem with us.

Basically what Styxxhammer said , if US doesn't compete in it's nuclear capability then China will be the strongest nation in the world

Cool, glad we can find some common ground!
However, can you explain to me the reasoning behind wanting to increase the overall number of nuclear warheads?

Sure, we have more than enough nuclear capability to defend ourselves. The problem is though we aren't just responsible for defending ourselves. The America world police meme exists for a reason, our military might is responsible for not only defending our interests but those of our weaker allies. We have our nukes stationed all over the world in just about every single NATO nation and most UN nations. Why would the nations that rely on us for their defenses continue to do so if we can not adequately do so?

Keep in mind a huge portion of our current nuclear stockpile was built during the cold war with laughably dated technology compared to today's standards. And is due for an upgrade anyways.

You didn't really refute my statement.
You obviously need enough nukes to defend ourselves and our allies. I'm not arguing that we should limit our arms past the point that they're no longer an effective deterrent- thus hurting our global position.
What I am saying is after you have determined what that number of nukes is, the number you need to effectively deter another nuclear state, any increase beyond that is going to be seen as provocative.

This is one of the cold harsh facts of life that will never be pretty and that's all there is to it, unfortunately. Because we are both simultaneously hated and needed we have to be the biggest guy on the block. Were spit on 9 times out of ten, by the world, but when something bad happens and they can't blame us for it, they suddenly cry for our help and then spit on us if we don't. It's a damned if you do; damned if you don't situation.

With Hillary it would just be billions more pointlessly wasted on proxy wars, at best. It wouldn't surprise me if things escalated beyond that with all of her fucking stupid antagonism. At least with Trump there's a chance of a good relationship with 2 nuclear superpowers

Yep literally every event is:

>Fuck off, imperialists! Stop being the world police!


>How could you allow that atrocity/outrage de jure to happen?! America is the worst!

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The part I found funny was the CIA complaining about Russia supposedly leaking Hillary emails when the CIA has stuck their fingers into just about every countries business, on a much more direct and active level.

Why are there so many shills coming from the Balkans? VPN or is life there that shit?

> Increasing your nuclear stockpile is an act of aggression though.

there is a huge difference between going from 0 nukes to 100, and going from 1,000 nukes to 10,000 nukes
with the latter being much less concerning, unles you're planning to blow everyone up

why so many black dots in the middle of nowhere
and how will any deployment platform reach the very heart of the continent without getting shot down?

Dude just fuck off already you obviously cant grasp simple concepts

Most of them are old as shit.


imagine the fun you can have with that toy

Don't worry guys. When Pauline Hanson is PM we'll start the Aussie Reich and invade the island nations to the north, taking Indonesia, PNG, and annexing NZ. We will ramp up our military production and territory so we can look after ourselves. Then maybe you guys can afford to fund something other than your military bases that dot the globe like a rash.

my thoughts exactly.
Me and my brother once used a construction beton pipe, a small one, as a catapult. We loaded it with very compressed paper balls and threw in some illegal huge firecrackers we got from bulgaria. I swear these balls flew 50 meters away.

>we've used NUTS
that's gay

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>he thinks countries have nuclear weapons to use them not just as a deterrent
>he doesn't get this even though Trump is screaming from the rooftops about nukes which is precisely the point of having nukes

>taking Indonesia
Aren't there more Muslim Indonesians then there are Australians?

Either way, don't let your dreams be dreams ozzie, even they kill you or make you a minority

They're third world monkeys. The fuck are they gonna do when we have them under our boot? Cleansing/deporting any that step out of line couldn't be too hard.

>hillary: "let's set up a no fly zone in syria, provoking russia directly"
>trump: "lets make more nukes, like we have had for the past 70 years with no nuclear wars"

You probably havent researched this but our nuclear capability lies in near ruin. Its due for an overhaul

>i prefer the candidate that wants to shoot down russian jets while doing nothing to improve our heavily depreciated arsenal to the candidate that wants to maintain peaceful relations with russia while bolstering our deterrent ability, he said without an ounce of irony

>It's an OP can't distinguish between what Sup Forums knows and believes and what we tell normies to further our agenda episode

I'm getting bored with these.