Lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood

>lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood

>lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood

>lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood


What does this mean pol?

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It explains why so many niggers are so much more incredibly racist than white people


This why niggers kill each other being light skin or dark skin?

It's true, I guess the more mental capacity you have, you can generate conclusions much deeper than simple generalisation of race.

But then, something's require race to be the forefront of discussions, because it's the most important aspect, I'd hope Sup Forums would prefer the latter above blind racism.

I can just picture the machinations that must be going on in your head

>This why stormniggers kill each other being light skin or dark skin?

I'm talking about the Rwanda genocide of 1994, one of the most brutal and destructive genocides that ever happened for literally no real reason




Are these the same psychologists who said homosexuality was a mental illness for 75+ years and then suddenly decided it was perfectly normal behavior for no reason at all?

Nothing. They actually believe Trannies aren't mentally ill even though their suicide rates never go down from 40% even after suicide.

Lmao OP if you think this isn't true then you truly don't know niggers.

Tutsi rebels btfo!


If you go from "they are stupid" to "hence they are racist" and think this is the whole story, then eat shit and die.

>low IQ white person gets low IQ job
>Niggers and spics even lower IQ on average
>they compete for your jobs, especially if they are importet from fucking africa
>start hating foreigners because they literally take your jobs and your government is basically replacing you

Also fpbp

>even after suicide.

that's what i call deditaction.

>Implying Albanians aren't racist.

Reminder: The ''refugees'' were scared to pass trought Albania

Reminder: The days of invasion, a nigger was shoot in the border with Greece

Had nothing to do with how Kingdom of Belgium literally created a caste society based on those distinctions, putting one of the caste in power over the others. And how once the Dutch left, those who collaborated with the Dutch were seen as traitors and usurers...

Ahh no, its got nothing to do with that...


> psychological science

Funny thing is the original nazis looked kind of weird too, you ever seen Rudolph Hess's eyebrows? It's not anything to do with being social outcasts who take refuge in obscure political ideologies it's something to with the actual ideology itself.

pic related

One of the (((researchers)))



higher intelligence people pretend not to be racist to avoid the hassle, stupid people dont foresee the issues as much

it does not mean being racist is a low intelligence thing

every white genius of the past was very racist

Damn. Nice.

i was in the gifted program and i recognize the genetic difference in IQs and violent tendencies between races

The other fag

The nose knows

Yeah I'm not going to deny that there's a bunch of retards among us right wing people.

However, to assume that all of us are dumb retarded red necks is even more stupid.

or is it that smarter people are generally better at concealing their racism, e.g. by not answering faggot scientists surveys in a racist manner?

I was too...ours was insane...my parents pulled me out in 6th grade...since elementary school all of my work was timed. I did very well but it turned me in to an anxious wreck. It did teach me a lot of useful things but I guess I just couldn't handle it as a child.

>liberals making another ((((study)) how they are superior to "bigots"
Try again faggot.
Just look at their research themes
>Pro gay
>Anti semitism
Yea fuckoff, I we didn't have Unis completely subverted by cultural Marxists we would the same studies saying the opposite

It means Japan, Korea, Mongolia and Australia shouldn't exist.

Sounds like the study has some big holes in it that need some explaining.

>It's true

Then why doesn't the data reflect it?

Why are highly racist countries like Japan, South Korea or Australia so over represented in the I.Q. stakes, while highly diverse countries like Brazil or Guatemala so poorly represented?

lower intelligence results in worse-paying careers and a propensity to live around niggers, thereby creating racists

mind = blown

How can you even measure racism?

According to liberals, if you disagree with them you are dumb. And if you are dumb you are racist.

Niggers are inherently racist. Whites just learn to hate.

That's convenient.

>literally no real reason
More like liberal Belgians didn't understand that they had created the divisions between the two tribes, and on their way out told the more oppressed tribe "we feel sorry for you so feel free to take your revenge on that evil other tribe that oppressed you."

>uk data set
>in-group preference
>anti homosexual
Looks like they found a lot of Muslims

Do they make semi-auto mp40 clones now? I seriously doubt that man could afford a machine gun.


When you put it that way these findings aren't really that shocking at all.

It means poor people are the ones that have to deal with niggers.

Low IQ liberals are among the most racist people I have met. It is the soft-racism of low expectations.

Niggers also hold some of the most racist beliefs you can imagine, and they are much more likely to judge someone based on race alone than a white person.

Go figure, OP.

This is like when liberals post (((studies))) showing that if you hold "extremely socially 'conservative' views", you're likely to be poor and stupid.

Guess which racial group in the US is the most religious and socially conservative?

The majority of IQ experts agree that the black-white gap in IQ scores is at leadt partly, if not fully, genetic. Only a tiny minority thinks the cause is entirely environmental.

Yet you will never find this fact on the media because the majority of magazine editors are liberals that believe in racial equality with no scientific basis. Thus they publish articles like the OP and not this.

Also this KYS nigger lover OP.

Back to you in the studio, Tom

Explains why niggers are always racist.

Liberals love IQ tests when they give results like this, but as soon as you bring up the black-white IQ gap they claim IQ is meaningless. So which is it libtards?

Also, who administered this study? Psychologists? Neuropsychologists? Psychiatrists? Because I don't see any credentials behind the names of the men that performed the study.

I had a Jew neuropsychologist tell me some bullshit after I had one visit with him. Never went back. Don't trust those money grubbing fucks

You know what I thought of what could be a potentially different vector in all of this? That none of you have ever even considered?

Gut bacteria


You see, I think that there may be a thing where bacteria influences your brain and behavior.

Now imagine that in pic related, bacteria may be partly responsible for many of the different behaviors. Now this is just pure speculation. But think of the minnesota transracial adoption study. The black kids had 5 IQ points higher on average. What if they got that not because of education and lower stress, but because they shared some of the bacteria with the better bacteria of the whites?

Since people are nearly 50% made out of bacteria, what if you were to change this bacteria from "middle eastern" type, to "european type", you could induce a more civil mindset?

That's 100% true

Koreans and Japs are fucking super racist

>The majority of IQ experts agree that the black-white gap in IQ scores is at leadt partly, if not fully, genetic. Only a tiny minority thinks the cause is entirely environmental.
>the very same graph posted shows that the experts heavily agree that its probably both and not enough data.
>entirely environment is higher by a huge margin over the thin 1-2% for entirely genetics

Are you retarded?


Even niggers with money are still racist. I remember the other night, Wendy Williams put a photo on Instagram, and EVERYONE (including myself) roasted the shit out of her.

Fuck niggers with money. If you're racist when you're poor, you'll be racist if you're not.

This. Importing low IQ migrants leads to lower birth rates among low IQ natives and will create a de facto apartheid state if it is not regulated way beyond what is reasonable. This can be seen all over the place already. It doesn't take a genius to see that it becomes inevitable.

>Every lefty saying shit about whites
>Every lefty assuming that minorities are truly minorities in order to virtue signal for them and be their voice
>Every coddled white person shilling for black lives matter while saying "fuck white people"

Yep sounds about right

People with low IQ's are more intuitive and follow their emotions, because they're less inclined and less able to stop and consider the consequences.

People with middling IQ's (110-120) are smart enough to reject their intuitions and see that they are not necessarily correct.

People with very high IQ's can reason to a very high level and discover why, rationally speaking, black people are as an average crazier than a motherfucker and refuse to interact with them for the most part on the basis of evidence.

What part of "partly genetic" (aka "Both" on the chart) don't you understand?

Obviously it's not entirely genetic.
Childhood diet, education, income has a huge impact. But just to acknowledge that "both" means there is a strong genetic component to the white-black IQ gap, meaning niggers are inferior and the gap won't be closed even on equal environmental conditions.

You may have a reading comprehension problem by the way, my post was easy to understand.

You have to be borderline mentaly retarded to think this "academic" is not biased. Look at his biography, they are lobbyists and not serious scientists by any resonable standards.

The poorest whites still outscore the richest blacks on their SAT scores.

/thread x2

>Greater Prejudice Through ... Low Intergroup Contact
What propagandist wrote this? One of the most consistent findings about racism is that the more contact they have with other races, the more racist people are.

There are low IQ dumbfucks in every variety on the political scale.

how did they even quantify """"Racism""""

>oy vey you dont want sand niggers in your house raping your women and children? RAYCIS

It means dumb people are less susceptible to brainwashing. Like a zen master said: when I knew nothing I saw the mountains as mountains; then I started studying and saw them as not mountains; then I became enlightened as saw them as mountqins again. In the same manner, the truly intelligent can see through the charade and their thinking is closer to that of the dumb. A blind man cannot be fooled by visual trickery and neither can someone with really good sight. Only those with mediocre eyes can be easily fooled.

If you are talking about bigotry I agree but if you are talking about the belief that people differ biologically and its a lot more complex than is politic to admit, I disagree.

What the FUCK is wrong with that dudes bellybutton? It's got some shit hanging out of it.

>be dumb
>end up as a poor adult
>forced to live near blacks and spics and thus become racist

>be smart
>become successful later in life
>get to live next to whites (and Wayne Brady Blacks)
>hey blacks aren't so bad!!

Now stop posting this crap

stupid people are probably going to be more likely to make large categorical judgements, and trust their experiences over analytical thinking. a person whos less intelligent might not doubt themselves as much for holding a belief about black people or something based on their negative experiences, whereas someone more self-critical might rationalise it and choose to place more stock in abstract values over their own experiences.

the pic in OP said the study "controlled for socioeoconomic" factors, allegedly

I don't have a reading comprehension you just have retard tendencies.

Something can't be both and entirely something.

>lead partly if not fully
>two completely different meanings
>both section being large means entirely genetics is nearly 100% the cause.

Thats not what the graph is portraying and you should learn to understand it.
1-2% of the experts think genetics is nearly the entire reason. 50% think its both equally. 20% think environment is entirely the reason and 27% think there isn't enough data to say.

50% saying both doesn't mean all experts think genetics is the entire reason.

Graphs aren't hard.

reading comprehension problem*


You sank my battleship??!!

lower g predicts greater likelihood of being black

The poor are just more honest about their racism, m8.

Is no one going to point out that the first source in this study is Adorno - the leader of the Frankfurt School?

Weird - I was in gifted and talented as a child. Literally, iq or 130 in elementary school. I'm about as racist as they come.

It also predicts radical tolerance. Extreme views are all a sign of being a fucking moron.

For someone that is 130 IQ as a kid you must have lost a lot of it up to now.
Having a greater chance of racism growing up from being a dumb kid doesn't mean no one else can be racist.

Wow you are really retarded.

"The majority says it's partly genetic if not fully".
~52% percent says both
~3% says entirely genetic
~55% says it's either partly or fully genetic

Neck yourself.

what counts as an "extreme view"? it is literally dictated by the values of your own society. also many philosophers tended to have rather, uh, eccentric ideas out of step with their society.

perhaps its better redefined as being too taken by particular ideological narratives.

Thats not what you meant retard otherwise you wouldn't have said a tiny minority think its environment.

Taking your back pedaling logic

52% say its both
20% say its entirely environment
72% say its either partly or fully environment.

So looks like its not a tiny minority.

Stay retarded

Just because it takes low intelligence to believe something, it doesn't mean that belief is wrong. For instance, for people to believe that race is a social construct, that requires some level of intelligence, because the mental gymnastics you have to perform is extraordinary.

Also, take into account that virtually ALL high IQ intellectuals before 1930 were racist as fuck. What does this tell you? It tells you that anti-racism is a modern phenomenon that is pushed by the media and schools, especially by hiding information like crime statistics and racial differences.

That niggers are racist

Also the irony of this study is amazing, they will use IQ for their liberal points like this, but what about the fact that races have different IQ? I guess they'll conveniently ignore that one.

>psychological "science"

As a certified genius, I just want to say right now that IQ is bullshit; it doesn't actually say that much about what a person, let alone an entire demographic is capable of. I scored an IQ if 164 last time I was tested, and I'm half-black; and I have a gay, Native American classmate with an IQ if 167, and he believes in magic.
IQ testing should only be used for it's intended purpose: to test if an individual is severely retarded.

Liberals want to pretend it's entirely environmental, meanwhile only a minority of 20% of experts believe it's entirely environmental.

What part are you not understanding your retarded nigger?

You've got most of mainstream media brainwashing people to accept a position that is endorsed by only 20% of experts, that's what matters here, not your retarded semantic games.

Calling bullshit.

What test?

i don't give a shit about your agenda, im just calling out your bullshit.

if 20% is a minority that 2% for genetics is non existent.
Be consistent and stop pushing back against liberals with their same retarded shit.

This is because the lower your intelligence, the less accurate picture of the world you hold in your head. And since niggers (and generally outsiders) are very likely to be detrimental to your survival in the long run, you only remember one thing you can which is that you must hate them. For the same reason blacks are super-racist, they don't have the mental faculties to aggregate all individual situations and adopt middle-ground strategies, but since outsiders are very likely to not cooperate or hurt them they can't afford the "not being racist option" because their brain doesn't contain enough cells to distinguish between when whites are hurting or helping them.
Which is exactly why civic nationalism will never work. You can't expect GTA 5 to continue running while you're slowly replacing circuits and turning your Geforce1080 into Geforce210.

It's almost like people with shittier lives and less to lose are less likely to be concerned about social posturing.

My me had my IQ professionally tested when i was five. I probably scored so high because I'm autistic. It's not uncommon for autistic children to score extremely high or low on IQ tests due to their abnormal rate of brain development, which is another flaw when it comes to testing children.

No, you probably scored sub 100 you dumb kinky haired mulatto chimp.

This is EXACTLY what I've been saying all along! Blacks are way more racist than whites!!

it means that the child was distracted from his education by spics, starting all the way back to when he was a child.

I said "partly if not fully", not my problem you can't read you fucktard.

If I had an "agenda" I wouldn't have posted the chart and the link to the study at all. Christ you are fucking retarded.

What do they mean with low intelligence? How does one measure intelligence?