> anti-anxiety meds


You take medicaton .. for feeling a little anxious? How did the american companies manage to convince you fucking morons that this is a legitimate disease that needs medication?
Lol what the fuck i cant even wrap my head around this.

> wake up
> feel a little queesy
> take some drugs

this is every day for an ameriCUNT apparently.

holy fuck you people, i cant even process the cuckery of this magnitude.
What's next, medication for love? For feeling homesick? For fear of heights?

Lol. just wow. Honestly, the USA is such a broken country. Nuke & start over, imo.

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my happy docteur told me that ssri which he prescribes me are like vitamins. i shouldn't discontinue it since it is only good for my brain. so, i take it.

Have a pill goyim.

people who live in densely populated areas tend to have anxiety issues. its because we are over-stimulated by media and proximity to other people, for many hours of the day.

In other words modern urban life is conducive to various neuroses

thought this was well-known by now.

Some people aren't emotionally dead sociopaths

>medication for love?
Called Viagra.


Benzos sind die geilsten tabletten die es gibt

Sogar die doppelts bestätigen es

well he lied to you, one day you will understand that people lie to you all day every day as a matter of habit and because they dont care. at all.

makes sense

>a little
people who take these meds are usually experiencing difficulty doing normal life stuff

>it is only good for my brain
SSRIs are actually good for your brain in the sense that they prevent neurons from dying and increase neurogenesis, leading to a thicker granule cell layer in your hippocampus, which is probably a good thing.

I wouldn't say they're "like vitamins" though. They're pretty strong and can even make you kill yourself or others.


anxiety is a meme term, a blanket diagnosis which uses a general non specific condition that everyone daily experiences as an answer to matters which they don't have answers. Seeing as how this is a huge market to be filled, depressant drugs that remove your humanity were invented to make (((them))) big buckets of money.

Haven't you noticed that for everything they can't answer, anxiety is the answer? even if you tell them you don't feel anxiety or stress they will tell you

>it's still there, you don't need to feel it :)

with a passive aggressive tone like they are talking to a half madman.

Next time some schmuck blames it all on anxiety etc, present him this argument:

>user, you have annxiety
>I don't feel anxious but my problems persist
>It is anxiety
>OK, how do you diagnose that
>You told me your problems, i can't find anything phyiscally wrong, anxiety
>But since anxiety involves the brain and nervous system, we are still talking about an organ dysfunction. Are there any legitimate tests to conclude there is anything wrong with my brain?
>I assume we are talking about the brain here doc, not some non existant psych or soul, right? This is medicine, right?


I've been prescribed anti-anxiety meds ever since kindergarten and I've been on them for nearly 20 years now. Stopped taking them two years ago and I feel like such a better man.

Taking pills that impact how you think or behave is degenerate.
Whatever you do, do not let you, or your children take any sort of mind-altering, behavior correcting pill. It creates degenerates, weak-minded people, or easily agitated asshats.

>people who take these meds are usually experiencing difficulty doing normal life stuff

if you're feeling more than the normal level of "anxiety" then you're mentally ill and should just die. I dont say that as a joke, i mean that from an evolutionary perspective.
I seriously doubt 99.99% of the people who take these drugs suffer from such a stark mental illness

refer to my post man

those drugs are a huge scam and dangerous too. Im glad you quit, did you get withdrawals? careful with that shit.

thank you, user

Thanks retard, very insightful.

Truly all one needs to know of life can be learnt in your parents' basement.


Pill heads get anxious when they don't have their pills

Fuck off Fritzl go rape your family somewhere else

Die you say? I have known a lot of people who had some kind of neurological dysfunction (or mental illness as you wanna call it) which on their better days allowed them to shine and showed how much potential they really have. Would you want a handicapped person that could potentially be fixed to die? How do you measure his real worth once his condition is removed? Humans can't waste other humans like that because of a meme "medical" field.

Never had any withdrawals, but the anti-anxiety pills I've been on (I was on like 4 or 5), made me angrier and more prone to throwing autistic REEEEEEEEEE tantrums

Ever since I stopped taking these pills I actually started to do something with my life, started to become less liberal and more right-wing and never threw retarded rages again.

The meds that the government hops people on is meant to stupefy the population, the meds are the root of the SJW disease.

I wish more people would wake up on the deleterious effects of those meds.



16 year old detected

I've been coming here too long - that doesn't ilicit any response now.

Nearly every radical liberal/far lefty I've met is prescribed on "behavioral correcting" meds. I kept on trying to talk them out of doing meds and trying to tell them to try not taking them for at least a week, but they always melt down and cry "B-BUT I NEED THEM".

Ever since I stopped doing meds I somehow inexplicably became redpilled in a really fast timeframe, I imagine this could be the case if nearly every nu-male stopped taking meds too.

they need them because they've been addicted to them since young, their bodies would collapse were they to quit cold turkey. Their mommies and daddies didn't know any better than to listen to dr. schlomo either. Kinda makes me wonder if it's in their genes partially to be total cucks.

I have clinical depression and I refuse to take meds for it, I'll either cope or kill myself.

Felt pretty good. Spent 10 years addicted to Ambien. AMA

I have social anxiety and chronic depression
Except I handle it like a man, act accordingly when I'm going to places I don't feel secure in, don't wallow in misery and certainly don't take fucking pills
The true mental illness is to take drugs to treat a psychological issue
It's like you want to become a robot so you can become a human. Fuck that.

And this is exactly why people make these threads. The medicine can be a life saver for people with actual mental problems (Xanax is for actual panic attacks not anxiety, but it's overprescribed as fuck). You got it in fucking kindergarten. You should be blaming your parents and doctor and not the meds. I have some pretty crippling schizophrenia tier anxiety where I thought people were constantly spying on me or watching, not the government which would be true but everyday people

Medicine has absolutely saved my life, the difference is I was prescribed at 18, not fucking kindergarten, and I had actual mental issues. You got hit by the pharma market jew in the same way 5 year olds are now changing gender, your childish curiosity or development was seen as needing to be stifled by medicine, which is horrible

redpilled as fuck

meant to respond to

Feelings... Nothing more than FEELINGS... Lalalalalalalala.. Feelings.

Check their outcomes, they are not helping anyone.

Probiotics are better for anxiety than anything else.

Feeling sad goy? Take these pills, it will get rid of all your worries. What's that? You can't get it up anymore? Well buy some Viagra?

The cycle of jewry at work

I was the same untill I really was ready to kill myself. Then my therapist convinced me that if I don't see an other option that I should try medication before offing myself. Changed my life. It's not a constant struggle anymore.

Are mental illnesses hereditary? Im taking an extremely small dosage from schlomo. Recently requested to get off the heavy dosage as like other anons said, made me feel like a robot. If they are hereditary, I feel slightly bad, but hopefully eugenics can fix that.

>The true mental illness is to take drugs to treat a psychological issue

Why? You treat a shitload of other issues with drugs.

>It's like you want to become a robot so you can become a human. Fuck that.

But it doesnt make you a robot at all. I just don't feel like shit from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to sleep.

So you're just basically getting "high" all the time to up your spirits, that's what cocaine does.

They increase your chances by an insane amount having a parent with it

they're not actually for that. they're meant to treat people who have actual anxiety attacks, but the pharma jew figured out he could make more money cutting down the serving size and selling them to everyone.

Good point, retard. You should also not work out or achieve great things in your life. They just give you a 'high' like cocaine does.

>tfw suffered from anxiety and depression
>tfw didn't fall for the pill jew
>tfw working my way out of it and not reliant on pills with (((side effects)))
I think Sup Forums may have saved my life

feeling like shit is part of being human
learning to deal with that is called living your life

people who can't get over it without drugs or external help were just raised thinking the world revolves around them and there's nothing more precious than their own special well being.

If it helps, who am I to judge but honestly, growing balls is worth all the anti-depressant drugs in the world

You proved my point, without realizing. fucking reeeeeee

Not really a high. I dont know what degeneracy like weed and cocaine feels like, but since prozac is an inhibitory drug, it just calms me down, but doesnt make me "feel good". I can make decisions and I can definitely go cold turkey for a week if I forget. But the ones on heavy dosage from Dr. Rabbi are fucked up honestly.

it's because (((they))) tricked the dumb goyim of the American public into this.
kill (((them))) and this shit disappears.

>equating getting the natural hormone production with taking pills
nigga are you retarded or smth

I never knew what real anxiety was until I started drinking a lot.

I'd go through about 4 liters of vodka week for a few years and wake up the next day in a constant state of panic and fear

I see what you mean, but the ones who feel like shit, granted theyre not making it up, feel like shit all the time. Your lowest of lows makes you appreciate and recognize the small luxuries in life. Honestly a lot of people around you have paychological problems, except today's society treats non-healthy displacement activities, such as drinking and vidya, as "normal" and "un-healthy" if done too much. Honestly if youre taking pills, youre accepting something is wrong with you unlike the degenerates of today's society with arguably more expensive and TIME-consuming activities who waste their life away.

People like this get no respect , and no jobs . They are not tolerated , at least where i am .

I'm in the same both as toothpaste here. I don't care if the meds are a placebo effect or not. I'm still red pilled and if all it takes to not kill myself is around $2.00/month to the pharmaceutical industry, I'm fine with that.

Dont want to sound like s fag, but I've had actual anxiety
It's not fun
But I didn't need a pill to deal with it
People are just fragile and crave attention and recognition, so they act like they have all these disorders, and feel somehow special or recognized every time they down a pill, because of all the empathetic cuck they call friends.

muh holier than thou and appeal to nature fallacy.

>Benzo's are fucking stupid, anxiety is natural and you should man up.
>"Hey lads lets go hit up the pub and get so shitfaced we hit on every qt in the room!"


why don't you just feel normal instead of anxious or depressed?

fucking retards, feels good to be superior

clonazepam used in schizophrenia

Silly goy, that required a monthly subscription! It's sad that you dirty goyim dont know that the fluoride-waters serve as a passive gene alterer that makes you dependent on the Jew Pill!

I have costochondritis which is inflammation of the chest. Symptoms mimick that of a heart attack. It's a constant feeling in my chest.

It naturally makes me anxious due to the heart attack feeling.

>was recommended a low dose anti-anxiety pill

What do?

Two-thirds of Americans are on prescription drugs.

Damn ur so cool n edgy

I was put on Ritilin when I was 6. I took that or adderall until I was around 20. I haven't felt "right" since. Now I'm 30 and just drink to turn the volume down. Tried Anti-depressants for 12 years but only ever made me sink deeper.

Tldr. Just drink.

a few drops of CBD Oil under the tongue every morning = anxiety cured without the use of pills

why is American medicine so far behind?

>how did the companies manage to convince
Drugs with recreational value sell themselves fucktard

dude weed lmao

I don't think CBD even gets you high.

>tfw started using cbd oil
>anxiety just disappears
>feeling good and sociable, productive too
>don't get retarded high
I still blaze it at night tho

The Fear is real

because i look at my reflection and see and alien and shut myself in a room somewhere to have a panic attack

i take a pill and im set for the day, talking to people and etc.
no matter how big my deadlift numbers got or how well i dressed and groomed and tended to hobbies my anxiety did not go away. it's here to stay unfortunately

fuck off faggot

you "see an alien"? Is this some kind of hollywood speak you got from movies?



t. guy with no problems
