Father is drunk..again. And he fights with mother....again

Father is drunk..again. And he fights with mother....again.

Both yell. I play HOI4.

How's your holydays Sup Forums?

>>Sup Forums

Checks out

Too bad faggot get rekt

At least you're not Canadian

rip out all the copper wiring to buy hot gypsy waifu.

Good so far. I stopped taking pain killers 4 days ago, which I've been addicted to for about 2 years. Hoping beer and vodka will get me through the next couple of days before the withdrawal effects go away. Then it's just a couple of months of cravings to battle and I'll be on the home stretch.

it's 6:45am in seattle right now

any minute my son will bust in the door of the bedroom to tell me he's up and ready for presents

the fighting comes later when the rest of the family shows up for dinner

sorry to hear this, wish I could help.

bellinghamfag here.
get off work at 7:30
probably going to spend the day with the family getting day drunk, what'd you get him?

Opiates are the devil m8. Seen guys full on hallucinating while getting clean

Good luck

My immediate family is dead and I've been invited to my extended family's Christmas dinner out of pity.

It could always be worse, gypsy boy.
Pour yourself a glass and go downstairs.

I am alone, no money left, nothing in the fridge, I will stay hungry till tuesday, I wish I would get some govenment money like the niggers from africa, being self-employed sucks, at least I have paid my insurance for this month, kill me

Sucks to be you fag.

no downstairs here. I live in a 4 room apartment.

Also my room is right in the middle, can't close doors and get away.

Going to family dinner
Watch christmas movies
Alredy bought presents in Black Friday so no presents for tomorrow to open.
Hail Trump in Sup Forums tomorrow as usual.

why not engange with your family and start some yelling as well instead of fleeing into virtual worlds? attack them verbally but in a funny way, that always helped when my parents went at each other.

I think women just like to be bitches around holidays. I woke up this morning and my wife wont even talk to me. Im sick as well and feel like shit.

Last night, She cooked a few strips of beef and some stupid ass cheese dip as a side... A SIDE! I told her this is why she isnt losing weight because of these dumb ass nutritional decisions and then told her thanks for the world class dinner.

What a bitch.

>I woke up this morning

you got yourself a gun?


If true give me your bank acount nmr.
We nice people user.

Grow up, find a job, move out, find girl, create a healthy family, help your parents.

never works. there will be more yelling.

The best solution is just to power trough the day. Morning tomorrow will be nice until evening until father gets drunk again.

Right there with you, buddy. Get out there as soon as possible

I've been sleep deprived and overworked all week and when I got invited to a christmas eve party way out innawoods I wasn't able to make up a plausible excuse. I'll have to make an appearance tonight.

But at least I live alone and my family is a thousand miles away and I don't have to be around them. I can spend my time with my friends in the hivemind.

No family or friends so pretty shit haha

18 inch bmx bike(hes 9 so it fits him)

bunch of Nintendo 3DS games

big power rangers megazord toy

and some books and art stuff

going to university next year in september. I can't wait to get out.


My holiday sucked.
I talked to my ex shes doing alright i guess.
Talked to a girl and we might go out for drinks.
Xmas is going to be lonely but I can get drunk or smoke by my self.
Need to get some reading done I have miss that and drawing.