To all ungreatful Europeans;
If the United States didnt save your ass you would have been under autocratic dictatorship in 1918

If the United States didnt save your ass you would have been under Nazi occupation in 1945

If the United States didnt save your ass you would have been under communist dictatorship in 1950s

I dont even see any reason to add all the American inventions like cars, airplanes, computers, internet, cinema, all the modern medicine that made your miserable life better.

Marshal Plan and the United States investments to your war-torn shitholes and the United States military protection make it possible to have the social programs (ie. free medicare, free university, free shits) you have.

While you are letting muslim hordes to rape your women like a cuck, while you are electing muslim prime ministers, muslim mayors, the United States elected a based man who is fucking serious about destroying islamist terrorism. This time the United States save your dicks to be chopped off according to Sharia.

Then the United States will focus on China and make them like the dogs they are torturing. The United States will SAVE YOUR ASS AGAIN. But it wont stop to you ungrateful fucks to speak badly against the United States.

You owe your life, your liberty and your happiness to the United States.

I must stress it again because it is very important; YOU OWE YOUR LIFE, YOUR LIBERTY AND YOUR HAPPINESS TO THE UNITED STATES.

Dear Krauts;
Where is your Imperial flag? Where is your Nazi flag? Where is your Commie flag?

Dear Russkies;
Where is your Soviet flag?

Dear Serbs;
Where is your Memeslavia flag?


Other urls found in this thread:

please give my green card i dont wanna die by a muhammad cosplayer suicide bomber.

I swear i will always vote for republicans, i will invite you to bbq, watch baseball pleaseee.


Feels good

Given your education level, you will fit perfectly in the US.

Sprichst du Deutsch? Nein? Warum?

>American, perhaps Turk education
Germany was offering peace in 1917 despite winning, the US entering the war was literally the worst thing to happen to western civilization.
>If the United States didnt save your ass you would have been under Nazi occupation in 1945
No they wouldn't, Germany had no intent of permanent occupation against other (western) european nations with the exception of Alsaice Lorraine in France
>If the United States didnt save your ass you would have been under communist dictatorship in 1950s
The United States is the sole reason communism survived beyond the 1940s, after which they sat and hid in West Germany while fighting off malnourished peasants in asia instead of actually having the balls to go after their real enemy like Germany did.
Then, for over 80 years and counting they pretend like they saved the world.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your delusions PS it was a nazi that got you to the moon and you didn't save shit

Not me. Fuck off roach.

The US caused all of the shit of today by destabilizing the middle-east with their idiotic military interventions.

>Saddam Hussein was once a "good boy" of the US, and got financial + military aid
>No Weapons of Mass destruction
>Had nothing to do with 9/11
>No connections to Al Qaeda whatsoever
>Made sure the islamist Subhumans kept their mouth shut.

Still believing that the US can do no wrong?
Their shit is starting to bite Turkey in the ass, btw.


The Marshall plan was mainly for the allies of the US. Germany for example got way less than the UK, and still came out on top.

I dont care Turkey.

We should have more probably spoke Russian.
But also the US did nothing inWW1, none of the enventions you give are American, and that's because the USA worked hard to make us lose our colonies that we are now infested by muslims.

>Germany got less than UK
Thanks for proving how ungreatful fucks your are.

>We should have more probably spoke Russian.
Oh i understand why you are hating the United States. Because they are the reason why French is being spoken in France.

Based leaf?

>hahahahaha "USA helping in ww1".

Thank you Turkey you are our greatest ally.

But the main point is that 90% of your post is complete bullshit, you know nothing about recent history, which makes your statement false: we owe nothing to the USA.

Thank you based Turk, you will be spared the Raid.
All you other chucks what will be triggered by this truth bomb, kys

I know a few things about recent history bro.

Fucking moors arent european.

>implying the Kaiserreich would be bad for europe
>implying the nazis were ebil
You anglo saxons ruined the 2 chances Germany gave europe,and you expect people to thank you?Fuck off

Was I ever ungrateful? I'm a total Ameriboo, would definitely move over and be American, find my dream job, pay taxes and vote Republican.

Why do you like German cock so much? Does 7-1 make you addictive to German cock? Dude, even German women dont want it.

Turks aren't either, you damn cockroach.

Fuck off copper stealer Eflak Vilayeti. Neither your life nor your opinion matter.

and now you have created a germany flooding europe with your kind instead of a european utopia

So much better. Fucking useless roach. America, UK, France...could have been our ally.

That thing you are typing on, the network you are using, the energy, your car, your medicine...all either mostly, fully or partly German inventions.

What did you guys do to better the world? Fuck you. Even our weaked state would beat yours in no time. You are unable to plan, unable to create process chains, you suck at anything that requires calm and efficient thinking.

10% of the German population hold this country together, disregard the manipulated birth ratio, censorship peace institutions and lying media.

And I shouldn't even care. You never beat us. This century has just begun.

Dont be mad white boi. America will save your ass.

don't you talk shit to my aryan brothers you smelly cockroach

We owe at least that much to the Soviets. The US did not win the war alone.

That is all.