Iberian Christmas Thread

Merry Christmas to my fellow countrymen and the lovable bastards we share the peninsula with.

We all love to make fun of one another but let's be honest, there are no other peoples I'd rather share this peninsula with.

Here's to our cozy corner of the world.

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Merry christmas peninsular brother.


Merry christmas f4ggots

fuck you spain give portugal galicia and ceuta

Merry Christmas from a Navarrese Spaniard vacationing here.

fuck that. Give Galicia independence and reclaim celtic glory. Fuck huehue

Merry Christmas

Thanks Portugal. You guys are all right. I'd offer to share a federation with you but there's too many dicks in my country and you'd end up hating us. Peace, bro.

Ceuta chose to leave, they wanna be Spaniards, let 'em be.

Galicia I think I read somewhere that they're teaching Portuguese nowadays and the EU lets me visit Vigo frequently. They're great.

Stay Cozy and Merry Christmas.

> burger fails geography and history

Feliz navidad gachupines.

Now please pay reparations to all of Latin America for all the damage you did.

Galicia was Portuguese for 3 years, from 1369 to 1371, but the Castilian king ordered that all Galician noblemen were to be killed and replaced by anti-Portuguese, Castilian nobles.

It's a shame, because we're so much alike, not even bringing petty wars into account.

Iberia should've been 4 vertical countries (Portugal/Galicia, Leon, Castile, Navarra) sharing a space, and having a gradient of language and culture, without anyone trying to conquer anyone else. Or at least without having the languages imposed upon. I think it's a real shame that Galician was Castilianised, and Catalan probably was as well.

Merry Christmas to you too my fellow portugués. Stay cozy and obrigado.

Lie, was 3 month and only backed by 1 noble, Nuño Freire, Portugal move all the court there and then when Castilla come he has to run from Galicia

You might be right, I was going from memory.

Fucking Fernando I. Why the fuck did we stop naming our kings and administrators Henrique/Afonso/Pedro/João. Almost none of them is worth a shit.

I fucking hate you all and I hope to never meet any of you.
Merry christmas and happy holidays though.

Iberia belongs to the Andalusian Muslims.

This guy?

Castilia and Portugal should be friends, fuck Catalonia and the rest. Galicia is ok. Merry Christmas.

we r lad

Feliz Navidad!

Why do we end up doing the same things around the same time? Exploring, colonizing, having big empires, getting destroyed by France, ending up in dictatorships.

We seem to be fated to do things together.

Feliz Natal. I sure hope you all went/are going to go to midnight Mass like proper lads.

You mean, why do they always do what we do about 10-50 years later.

Wonder why.

Um santo Natal lads.


Just ara torno de la misa del gall.
Bon nadal a tothom




Uncalled for.

Christmas is time to be with family, not matter how much you dislike them.

To be fair, they got destroyed by France before we did.

I did not check the image beforehand.


Merry Christmas!

Iberia will still have a role to play in saving cucked central and northern Europe from the grasp of Islam.

We never really got destroyed by them, we just took a punch and took a bit (6 months) to punch back, but we never went down.

We did kick them off before, though. By making use of English help in the centre of the country and guerilha warfare in the north, which they later copied and coined, the cheeky gypos.



TFW I share a border with snow nigger cucks and spic rapists living off cocaine from Colombia.

North America will never be as comfy as Iberia.




Merry Christmas.


Feliz Navidad
Feliz Natal

Deus vult and please get rid of all your commies.

i know


Merry Christmas, Feliz Natal




All the best. I hope you guys are still catholics and will help get rid of marxism and freemasons


Thanks man. Merry Christmas.



aveiro detectado


Eu sou de Aveiro e não estou a ver onde aquilo é.



shieeet voces sao de Aveiro?
Estao prontos para a missa amanha? Ainda vem um cona da gafanha com ligaçoes a ISIS lixar a missa toda


Molt ben fet! Jo també.

Visca Espanya i Portugal.



>Not going to church.
>A good thing.


Bons ventos, pepe!


Aviz caralho!!!


Derp. É ao lado da Sé.

Ó caralho, não fales mal da minha terra que eu ainda conheço uns ciganos.

What film is this from?

oh shit bem me pareceu!

Reconquista was one of the best kebab removals in human history.

Setúbal, 1938

Atenção! Venda de volfrâmio em tempo de guerra. Também conta.

>war profiteering

cambada de ciganos na sua merda de bairros de lata




Feliz navidad!!!

T: sudaca

Pah isso é verdade, há muitos desses cabrões. Ainda há uns quantos que são decentes mas suponho que já não sejam ciganos.

>Ah yes

Cheers! Lets us toast to a refugee free land unlike those smug burguers (whose leader will not deliver and whose waifus go for the BBC) and central europe snowniggers (same shit, twice as bad)!



Amanhã vou à Igreja Ortodoxa de Lisboa.


>Manoel de Oliveira


feliz natal caralho

>refugee free land
Nao vai durar muito tempo e todos nos sabemos disso. E quando os politicos finalmente admitirem isso sera tarde de mais.
durante os meus 26 anos de vida nunca conheci um cigano honesto. Basta ir aos comboios amarelos ou entrar nas gafanhas

it's not boring really

and it looks pretty good

Sim. Eles estão desejosos de vir para um país que não lhes dá nada de graça em que engenheiros trabalham por 600 euros (ou menos) por mês. lol

>nunca conheci um cigano honesto

Ò danone, nem vale a pena justificação. Toda a gente sabe disso.

Pá o problema é que os poucos que são honestos e arranjam a própria vida deixam de ser ciganos mesmo que tenham nascido lá.



Anyone from the Azores? Does that count as Portugal?



what language is this? Galician? Catalan?

Of course it counts as Portugal bro.