Why Hollywood so left-leaning liberal?

Why Hollywood so left-leaning liberal?

Protip: without mentioning Jews.

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>Obsessed with profit
>left leaning
You are dumbfuck of the day.

You're right, Hollywood is in no way shape or form left-wing or liberal.

Because thinking that everyone is equal and marxism is god-tier ideology makes you feel real intellectual.

Its because they all live in an Ivory tower. Things are easy and the world seems like rainbow sparkles and pixie dust once you're rich and famous.
Throw these motherfuckers into the ghetto for a month without money and fame and lets see how liberal they come out to be.
All in all, I would say, its not really their fault, but just a by product of their conditioning.

>mfw thinking about all those celebs that shilled for Hillary in that embarrassing video

Still makes me smile. Don Cheadle specifically was BTFO.

They're all sheltered and have never had to actually live in the real world

>only truly altruistic people are real leftists
Holy fuck, the delusion.

Liberals are idealists and the few people who succeed in Hollywood are the people who never have their dreams shattered. They just keep living in their idealistic dreamworld, thinking everything can work out perfectly, that there isn't a single uncomfortable truth they'll need to swallow.

"We need to get millionaires and billionaires out of politics"-Mark Ruffalo, millionaire, campaigning on behalf of Hillary Clinton, millionaire, while being paid by George Soros, billionaire

If I can't mention the jews I'd say it's because actors are in a permanent state of arrested development and exist entirely within these carefully managed fantasy bubbles created by their agents and handlers.

Actors aren't real people.

Joseph McCarthy was right.


You pretty much need to have empathy to be an actor, which conservatives seem to lack.

Hollywood is full of people who are happy and well adjusted (they all have their dream jobs and are incredibly rich because of their dream jobs) those two things alone are usually enough to make someone left leaning

But then why do poor people all vote liberal shouldn't it be the opposite if what your saying is true

>Why Hollywood so left-leaning liberal?

Insulated from the consequences of policies they can claim to love for PC points. Essentially having their cake (good PR, such a nice person so progressive) and eating it too (private security, walled compounds, private schools, private jets, tutors, gardeners, cooks, trainers, etc).

>why is fire so hot?

>without mentioning temperature


There's an even more embarrassing one with Martin Sheen begging electors to vote for Hillary instead of regular voters that came out a week or so ago.

The kinds of people who go into the arts are almost always left leaning and the general culture is supportive of this by necessity of things like public grants and appealing to patrons.

Of course it could just be the case that its mostly left leaning Hollywood stars who run their mouths off about politics.

This may surprise you but very few actors jump into the A-list without years of hardwork in a career that only provides a liveable income at the higher levels.

Simple really. They thrive off of people admiring them. It's easy to get people to admire you if you're seen as selfless. Liberalism generally promotes selflessness. They don't need to know economics or policy to say
>Giving money to people is good because they don't have any money

That's everything. It's all popularity. People like you if you give them things.

>years of hardwork in a career that only provides a liveable income at the higher levels.

Fuck outta here with that shit. That describes most jobs. Except most jobs have actual hardwork involved, Lets see these actors do hard labor construction for 12 hours a day for a month and then see how hard they think acting is.

In ghettos they do because welfare. Billy McFortyhouraweek might think differently.

Because they don't have to deal with the repercussions of being liberal.

>Thousands of violent immigrants streaming into the country
They're not going to live in the Hollywood hills. They only burden the poor people. (There's a reason Patrice O'Neal said blacks hate Arabs)

>Affirmative action ruins the nation's meritocracy
They don't have to work. If they have kids they can just pay their way into any school the want.

>Support terrorist groups like BLM
Only poor neighborhoods are being destroyed. Celebrities live happily in their mansions and yachts.

>Ruin the entire country
They have the money to travel abroad and live in Italy.

When you remove any consequence from your actions, it's easy to be so moral and righteous.

Why do we assume that there are opposite sides here?

Perhaps they are just correct. And the right-leaning conservatives are incorrect. There are no sides; rather, it's right and wrong. You're not "left-wing", you are just correct in your thinking of how to treat people -- that is, don't be a dick. You're not "right-leaning", you're just incorrect in the way you go about thinking about society.

Are you a Mexican intellectual?

pretty much this

they can alleviate their consciousness and feeling of guild for being rich by defending ideas that supposedly make them "good persons", don't have to deal with any of the consequences of their stupid ideas, and don't have to do anything themselves (donations? fuck that just raise taxes on the 'corporations')
Conservatives donate more money and time to charity than liberals btw

What exactly is correct about their beliefs? I'm not disagreeing with leftism in general here, but any time a celebrity espouses their political views it's almost always a moralistic plea that panders to the lowest common denominator of 'progressives'.

*feeling of guilt

Most people in Hollywood really don't care about politics. They'll never talk about Socioeconomic problems and shit, it's always the same old indentity politics garbage. The word "progressive"" is basically synonymous with liberal. Whoever started calling themselves that is a genius because anytime sines makes a counter argument they can always say "well our goal is always moving forward, you just want to go backward and halt progress".

It sounds like the core of your political ideology is "stop shitting in my back yard."


Acting isn't a proper job until you can get steady work. Between that you have long stints of unemployment or working shit-tier jobs that yes may include manual labour or porn. Its a soul crushing profession in reality.

What you see on TV are the top of the pyramid, the extras sitting in the background have had a lucky break that might be the high-point of their career (ltjae.com), most will just act at evenings and weekends in theatre around their day jobs or move into teaching.

I want Sup Forums to leave.

Why is reality so left-leaning?

You sound like a jealous, butthurt, leftist, failed actor. Congrats, it doesn't get much more pathetic than that.

not him but lol dude, where is all the hostility coming from? Don't you have something better to be worked up about on Christmas Eve of all days?

Nothing annoys me more when redditors say 'all poor people are voting against their own interests when they vote Republican' maybe they don't want nigger welfare or shit skins raping their children or not being able to stop a tyrannical government or 3 corporations to rule the world you white ivory tower fuck

It's easy to praise leftist ideology when you're not struggling to make ends meet.

Actors and directors have to emote and show empathy in order to properly do their job. This carries over into their political thinking and thus they tend to be more liberal.

>or 3 corporations to rule the world

and how on earth do republicans stop this exactly?

the live in la la land

this is some pretty subtle satire lol


he's probably banned from his favorite board and he thinks if he shits up other ones enough they'll let him back in

Its hilarious that people don't see the inherent contradiction in this.

I'll never know what its like to be stupid enough to believe that menial labor is difficult to do or somehow more valuable comparative to other work.

Anyone can do that kind of labor hence why employers will look for cheaper labor anytime they can. People value scarcity and no one is going to pay to see some guy doing road construction, stocking shelves, cleaning toilets, etc, nor respect what they do.

Only spiteful narcissist believe others need to experience their hardships and the only pain that exists is theirs. But hey, keep deluding yourself that mindless repetition has and has value to anyone but you.

lol dude kill yourself

Acting is about feelings and emotions rather than actually using your brain.

While some dumbfuck college student would look at poverty and be outraged at its existance in the world, and then go on about how we have to overthrow the system, a person who actually uses his brain understand that what is surprising isn't the existence of poverty, it's rather the existence of wealth. Humanity has been poor and miserable for about one hundred thousands years and somehow we reached a point where a big sector of the population has access to elaborate electronic portable devices that are more powerful than supercomputers from a few decades ago, that's what needs explaining, the amazing fact that we aren't all poor.

The spineless end-around tactics of the leftist collectivist. I'm glad you people are miserable in the current year.

Hollywood liberals aka the multimillionaire actors, producers, directors (not the general union crew), can afford to have higher taxes on them or the sake of their belief that government needs to run the lives of the people

can you imagine a guy like John Wayne in modern Hollywood

He'd be doing shitty TV shows, the big dumb lump.

>Throw these motherfuckers into the ghetto for a month without money and fame and lets see how liberal they come out to be.
All that needs to happen to change them is policies/laws, rising costs or similar changes that force them to start having to live with the consequences of their politics.
Nothing changes a middle-to-upper class politicals actions quicker than their own kid being forced to go to a "diverse" school. Of course they still don't admit that's why they move to segregated communities or pay for a private school but it's obvious to everyone.

Imagine if every shitlib actually had to live with the LGBT communities degeneracy in their daily life, not just the upper-crust when they party, with their gutter-tier mental trannies, STD epidemics and 50-year old disgusting men trying to lead their underage/teen kids into "trying it once".
Imagine if they couldn't buy themselves free from multiculturalism and actually had to live with the kind of foreigners who don't already have several million to spend on housing in a major city and would be a 20x the national average risk of raping their family members regardless of age or sex because of "sexual emergencies" and having other liberals call them islamophobes when they worry about the people who send neighbourhood letters calling for jizya bribes or their deaths.

This, thread.
I mean they are rich, they dont give a fuck . If tomorrow start a civil war in us, leonardo dicaprio will fly with his private jet to a fucking a private island in the Pacific.

goddamn you're stupid if you haven't figure out that all political claims are ultimately subjective moral claims.

There is no "correct" or "incorrect" outside of math and science. Whether whole peoples should be genocided or small businesses should be taxed are subjective questions with no "right" or "wrong" answer.

You are a child.

To be fair, that's a rather myopic view. Since nothing exists in a vacuum, then genocide and taxes need to be carefully evaluated to determine their overall effect upon the rest of society.

Taxing small businesses into ruin just hands the entire economy to the largest institutions. Exterminating an ethnic group means shifting their burdens to other groups.

>anyone who isn't perfectly fine having bad things happen to their children is a leftist crybaby


>The kinds of people who go into the arts are almost always left leaning

you've been fooled

>Whether whole peoples should be genocided is subjective

Oh my...

Despite how "advanced" you think you are and above other cultures, it's toxic to think like that.

cultural revolution did wonders for china. Its kinda late to think otherwise.

not even a lefty man

Are there some personal issues in your life right now that are giving you a hard time? We can talk about movies if that makes you feel better. :3

more intelligent and educated you are, the more likely you are to lean liberal

Think about any 'artist' you've ever met: they're all pompous self righteous idiots.

They all aspire to be seen as activists and good people and rally behind the cookie cutter issues of the world for Justice. Look at the Wikipedia page of any actor, there's always a section about philanthropy and their charitable endeavours.

Hollywood is so liberal because of the way they perceive themselves and it snowballs.

Anyone who supports "diversity" and bussing "diverse" kids into schools, i.e. 99% of the Left if you go by their rethoric and policies rather than their actions in their personal lives, and then the second it happens to their kids school they switch them to a private one or move away to a "better" one is very transparently a two-faced hypocrite, yes.
It's also a very obvious thing to everyone, even non-politicals, that it's why they did it.

its consumerist splurge on your friends/family season and hes right wing. Thus poor.

But it's literally because of jews

I'm right-wing, don't make a lot of money, and still found the cash to buy some nice things for my family. And I am not spending the day being angry at "libshits" on the internet (only sick ;-; )

the general idea of liberalism is equality which appeals to the plebeian masses because it gives them hope they can rise from their lowly boring lives. celebrities have become obsessed with seeming relatable in order to promote their brand. by promoting neo-liberalism they're effectively creating a facade of compassion. the truth is they couldn't care less about the actual well-being of others and so they ignore the consequences that come along with neoliberal policy because it doesn't affect them directly.

bussing, ideally, is transferring kids from shitty, overloaded and underfunded school systems into stabler ones.

Transfering kids from good school systems into shitty ones is not how that shit should work at all.

Then calling people [whatever you're calling them] with the means and inclination to not just let their kid get bussed to a shitty school system just smacks of pure personal jealousy/envy, rather than any sort of political ideology.

>they're all pompous self righteous idiots.

So if they disagree with you and they want to help people they're idiots?


When do you ever see any of these Hollywood celebrities caring about socioeconomic problems? Never, it's all the same identity politics spewed garbage.

You're stupid.

These are people who have given away, to charity, more money than you'll ever make in your entire life.

Are you completely unaware how it actually works?
No, their kids aren't being bussed into "diverse" schools.
What actually happens is that a lot of ghetto kids from "diverse" schools are bussed into the white ones, ruining them, and the brave & virtuous Leftist immediately finds a reason to place their kid in a private school or move "closer to home" without actually mentioning the diversification and bussing that actually spurred it on.
It's incredibly obvious to everyone what the deal is.

Of course I would consider that good parenting if it didn't come from the same kind of people who want to prevent other people from doing the same i.e. not sacrificing their kids schooling and potentially their kids lives in the name of a "better, more diverse, multicultural future".

Read some nietzsche you uncultured moral majority believing normie fuck. Beyond good and evil, beyond 'truth'.

Those who are allowed to be creative and/or have higher cognition promoted naturally lean liberal while those who suppress thought skew conservative.


You can't prove this wrong.

There may well be conservative actors in Hollywood, but if they open their mouth about it then they won't be an actor in Hollywood much longer. That means most Hollywood actors live in an echo-chamber and are thus more likely to reflect that bubble. Also, the politically outspoken actors are more likely to be liberal because the outspoken conservatives are out on their ass. There is also the fact that liberals in general tend to be more vocal about their political beliefs, since much of people's motivation for being liberal is based on projecting an image of kindness or tolerance (though leftists rarely have those qualities in practice). You don't get "virtue signalling" from conservatives, because they are busy BEING conservative, rather than preaching that everyone else should be so.

And remember, when you see an actor preaching their political views on TV, then that has to have been approved by a studio, all of which are made left-leaning by the same exclusionary dynamic desribed above. Suppose the actor wanted to go on TV or a talk show or award show and make supportive remarks about conservatism. They would be risking their career for the slim chance that the liberal studio somehow agrees to air what they said.

tl;dr: For all their talk of tolerance, Hollywood will not tolerate conservatism, so you won't see conservatives in Hollywood, whether they're there or not.

creativity requires a liberal mindset
not to have fascist thought police telling writers what they're doing is immoral

I love how angry that made you. It struck something deep within you. Something you can't ignore. Don't be afraid of the light.

>believing Nietzsche

I love it when an user actually outs themselves as underage without realizing it.

But it's ok; I was an edgy teenager once too.

A fair deal of Hollywood TV and movie producers got caught on tape by Ben Shapiro admitting they wouldn't hire conservatives and some were even proud of blackballing them.

They only told him as much because he was a Jew and therefore automatically assumed to be a good liberal mensch.


Republicans give a greater percentage of their income to charity than Democrats, so we can assume that if these celebrities giving to charities are so generous, then it's not related to their political affiliation.

It's more likely that their charitable giving is tax deductible, extracted from them at fundraisers where they have to go to network, or just "virtue signalling." If it's done for honest, charitable reasons then great, but don't be suckered in by the off screen acting some of these people practice.

Does that include tithes?

>28% of American Jews say they don't believe in God

I thought Judaism was a monotheistic religion, mutually exclusive with atheism. If you don't believe in God how can you call yourself Jewish?


you've been memed on

Ethnic Jews != religious Jews.

That starts getting into Judaism as a religion, as a culture, or as a race.

Maryland is only that charitable because all the D.C. political elite live there, and they all donate to charity not because they actually care about anyone, but because it looks good for their political CVs.

Jews are an ethnic group first and foremost. Their religion comes second, and their religion really only serves the purpose of making sure Jews know how special they are compared to the Goyim, and to stress the importance of putting the Tribe before the Goyim. It's just reinforcement of their ethnic status as a separate entity.

Hell, you can be totally atheist and you'd still be considered just as much of a Jew as if you kept kosher and went to the synagogue every saturday.

I mentioned fundraisers earlier, and politicians love those. Every unofficial gathering in politics is a fundraiser of one kind or another. You give a grand to your buddy's alma mater and you get to shake hands with the mayor. At least that's how it is in the movies :-) I assume this would be declared as charitable giving (and thus be tax deductible).

They aren't really liberal though, they just pretend to be because virtue signalling.

It is 100% logically true though. You can't prove anything is right or wrong outside math and science, and you're an intellectual teenager for not figuring that out yet.

And it includes the most trivial moral and political claims as well as the most monumental. The idea that either leftism or rightism is "correct" is nothing more than teenage stupidity.

Yes, but at the bottom of any of your lines or reasoning is still the claim that "this effect is better than its counterparts", which you can never really prove is "right" or "wrong." that is, the "overall effects" you mention will also have to be deemed desirable or not, which is subjective.

And although I'm 100% correct, this isn't a practical way to flesh out policy. You can't prove that murder is wrong, only that most people object to it, but a society that legalizes murder would obviously have a terrible quality of life. Just to inb4 society would fall apart. That's not the point of what I'm saying.

>Nothing is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so

>Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus
>Everything is an opinion

They have 400-500 more IQ points than you do, so you are flatly wrong.

>you can't prove this wrong
So you're a conservative?

Not an argument, thanks for proving me right.

>missing the obvious morality throughout Shakespeare for one cherrypicked line by one mad character

Man, we have a real educated intellectual here.


>But then why do poor people all vote liberal
They don't. When you think of poor white trailer trash, who do you picture them voting for? It ain't a Hillary sticker next to the number of their favorite nascar driver.