Personality Test

What's your personality type? Include in your answer what you label your political beliefs to be.

>Liberal-leaning Independent

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't post this


nationalist mid/left leaning

Right-Wing Authoritarian ENTJ

I'm better than you so listen to what I say.


>integral nationalism

INFJ and fairly left leaning.

INTJ-T autist reportin for doody


At a funeral. Doesn't work on my phone

I would have thought Sup Forums would align more with my personality.

Chart is surprisingly accurate, at least for INTJ

All canadians' personality:

Intp here pls be my ai gf

same as this.

extremely anti-government, I believe in volunteerism and leaving others alone.

How is your profiling tool coming along?

Î am not a faggot You autistic non-country

far-right liberal/nationalist



I'm a moderate conservative.

INTP, Libertarian Nationalist

I have no friends, and I hate most people



The Georgia Guidestones are a pretty good synopsis of my political beliefs.

OP is a faggot

decisions being driven by feelings

so beta

Pic related is the single best explanation of the MBTI.

a fellow intp, wanna jerk each other off?

Old-school social democrat (support restoring the lost power of organized labor, nationalization of health care/pharmaceuticals/energy/rail/defense manufacturing, replacing most targeted welfare programs with a guaranteed minimum income, and vastly scaling back overseas commitments and the surveilance/incarceration state), usually stick to Sup Forums and /his/ but come here to shitpost and display my superior knowledge and awareness.

I got called a mansplaining Bernie Bro in the primaries in other places and a self-loathing cuck here; I take both as badges of honor. See you in 2021 for the first state meeting between President Sanders and Prime Minister Corbyn.

>liberal-leaning independent
OP deserves rope

Right Wing Traditionalist

This is /r9k/ garbage get it the fuck off MY board

As an ENTP this chart freaks me out every single time i see it.

It seem more like the guidelines for personality subsets and less like a representation of actual political ideas.

>being in touch with the inner feelings of yourself and your fellow humans what a fag xddd

Nigga you gay

INTP here. Threesome?

Basically me. I did vote for Bernie AND Trump, though.


nice try schlomo

ENTP but I definitely feel like an ENTJ a lot more

Libertarian nationalist


Yes,You are a faggot

>minarchist, ethno-nationalist, isolationist

If you know how to let go of negative emotions/thoughts and focus on positive ones, you'll have a much better chance of being successful, happy, and fulfilled.

Often get told of how much of an obtuse dick I can come off as.
Yep Carl Jung.

how the fuck do i save you?

Got room for one more?


If you're going to be an autistic introvert, at least be one of the good ones.

>in b4 the INTJs try to claim superiority despite that they can't apply their "severe intellect" beyond trying to destroy each other until there's only one left

Congratulations, you have Hitler's personality.

ENTP masterrace reporting as accurate as fuck

Pretty spoopy.

ISFP a best.

The problem with INTPs is that they're just as much inside their own heads all the time as INFPs, but they have a harder time making deep connections with other people. I'm happy with being INFP.

When You are T you don't give a shit about emotions. You care about LOGIC

into the trash it goes

How do you get internet connection from under the dirt?

We're inside our own heads to reach conclusions based on logic and reasoning; not inside our own heads having fits about what people think of us.

Im INFJ too, so was Hitler.

>implying INFPs make deep connections with others.

Maybe in dreams and shit. INFPs are the biggest hermits on Earth, they don't meet anyone.


So I crush your irrational Kraut

> ENtP master race checking in


ENTP master race
> 3%


Nope. Emotions are such an important part of being alive. Doesn't mean you can't have logic and critical thinking skills.

Even though there's some truth in it, I'm mostly going back and forth with INTPs in a joking manner. A lot of these things like worrying about what others think of you, valuing emotions and feelings, and valuing logic and reason are universal throughout the different personality types. It's up to each of us to take responsibility for our weaknesses and develop ourselves.

>Emotions are such an important part of being alive. Doesn't mean you can't have logic and critical thinking skills.
But if your feelings can't accept something what will You do except Crying like a faggot

tfw istp



>ISFJ male

why live?

>tfw 70% of my friends would call me a fucking capitalist/edgelord

>But if your feelings can't accept something what will You do except Crying like a faggot

True, that used to be me on the inside whenever my values were threatened. I don't know if it makes a difference, but at that same time I was turbulent (T), and now I'm assertive (A). I think that transition came when I began to understand myself better and work on my weaknesses. Instead of letting things I can't control make me depressed, I just let it go.

Why does this show Nazi bottom middle left but the Dot thing shows Hitler's top moddle right


I don't understand the scoring on the personality test. I answered almost exactly the same as last time and got INTP instead of INFP.

ESTP master race

Close but you have ENTJs and INTJs reversed.

ENTJs are the leaders, and INTJs are their loyal officers



Glad I can relate to the greatest military commander and rightful king of Westeros

Fascism, Nice

Not sure whether to be glad or worried.


Friendly reminder that INTJ male INFP female is comfy af.

Your hormone replacement therapy is beginning to work

Just use your print screen button mate.

For what it's worth.

ENFP here.
Am I gay now?


>Nationalist Libertarian

>that moment when you're too aspie to get a proper screenshot


I've never understood why INFP is associated with commies. I am INFP and I despise those kind of people and always have. What is it about my personality listing that associates it Marxism and Liberal ideas?


We are nearly identical on both tests.

Got this also.


Oh wait you don't have one because that graph is total bullshit, and doing a study on this is nearly impossible.

My nigga