Stop bulldozing and building on Palestinian Land that you didnt buy

Stop bulldozing and building on Palestinian Land that you didnt buy

You can buy land with money, but you can also buy it with blood.

Finders keepers

palestinians took it from jews before

When did the Palestinians buy the land? Pretty sure the mudslimes stole that land from the Christians.

Strange, I never seen this on any lease agreement when i was looking for an apartment

what is greater Israel

And jews stole it from Egyptians before that

colonialism was legal back then it's not anymore. We have this hip new invention called a court of law


Sounds like you need to learn how to negotiate

>palestine's population is evenly mixed between jews, christians, and muslims living in peace
>british show up
>divide and conquer
>promise each group power
the eternal anglo

fuck israels slow-genocide bullshit desu. Probably the only good thing Obama has ever done was letting the UN finally enforce treaties israel agreed to and then shat all over

>Sup Forums now literally shilling on behalf of jews because what the GOD EMPEROR says must be true

>jew tricks and taticts.

Go bow to your giant Jewish statue on the hill and believe it stands for zionism

>it's not invasion when groups I like do it

if you can kill all the cops its yours

The people with the power over you make the laws, and Israel holds power over the Palestinians for now..


>tfw paleshits are using american proxies

And who holds power over Israel? Have they gone Rogue or _____?????_____

Thats alot of oil and pissed off Arabs inside that country

they did with god's blessing desu

also, they wuz egyptian kangz, jews were white

That's a very good question. No one is truly at the top, everyone is vulnerable to someone. The people with power over Israel are based on your own perceptions. I believe either Lucifer or YHWH holds power over Israel, but if you aren't religious then the next best guess would be the inner struggles within the political game. Think SPQR and Roman Politics.

I dont think Jesus would tell Israel to go against the entire world with their apartheid state. if you are a Christian I hope you know that Jesus is more important than any other Jew following God's commands.

So dont be mean. By the way, bible talk doesnt hold up in any court from international to city court

Yahweh and Lucifer are pretty cool guys but I don't think they have a direct phone number to the Israeli government

I agree, the Gaza shit is justifiable and Egypt even destroyed several buildings to get to a tunnel that lead to Egypt.

The west bank shit is just hard to support. Palestenians just want to farm olives. There's tons of empty desert everywhere, make a new city there

You don't need to give orders when you're that powerful. You just gotta move the right pieces in the right places. "Make the wind blow in North Africa to start a hurricane which pummels New Orleans."

OP image is displayed in my lodge, but it asks "wut do".

Tldr, Blu lodge based

I can t believe some people defend fucking kikes building on clay that is not theirs . Fucking kike shillso

Please send the Romans again